Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 196: Death of Don

Chapter 196: Death of Don

The crowd cheered and clapped for her when she stepped out of the light gateway. Audrey smiled and nodded at the crowd and then she noticed some people were still looking at the projection.

She was quite surprised to see that there was someone who reached the sixth wave with her. According to her teachers and family, she was the only one who had the skills to reach the sixth wave but now they had proven wrong by the archer.

"Your royal highness"

The girls who came with her waved their hands like a throne made of light energy appeared behind Audrey as she smiled and sat on the throne to watch him.

Although she didn't think the battle would go too long by looking at him struggling, she needed a rest after a long battle so she decided to sit there and watch the show with the others.

Inside the arena, the pain got worse by the minute as Don was barely able to dodge the centipedes.

"Philea, who is he?"

Princess Audrey asked the girl behind her with her gentle sweet voice

"No one seems to know him, your royal highness, do you think he will survive this wave, your royal highness?"

Philea grew up with Princess Audrey and served the princess since she was young so the princess treated her as her friend rather than her maid.

But no one would believe that Philea was a maid because she was a low-level grandmaster and looked like a princess with her fancy robes.

"I'm quite surprised that he survived until this wave, he's using bow but his movements are of a swordsman, and looking at his movements, I'd say he's either injured or not trained very well"

Most of the youths agreed with the princess and Arrora was surprised to see her knowledge as she correctly guessed Don as a swordsman although he was fighting as an archer.

However what she had just said, irritated, and angered Knight. He knew if Don didn't have an episode earlier, he would have ripped the centipedes to pieces with his bare hand. Nonetheless, Knight still had faith in him to overcome his pain and show this princess how wrong she was.

He would have used his sword if it didn't require his sword technique require utmost concentration and strength which currently he was lacking.


Don wasn't able to evade the centipede's tail attack as he was thrown into the wall.

Wiping off the blood from his mouth, he pulled himself up and breathed heavily.

"Why isn't he getting out?"

"Yeah, he's just looking to die"

Some youths snickered.

"At least he had the skills to reach this level"

Princess Audrey calmly said without looking at anyone as the youths who snickered quickly shut their mouths.

After this attack, the centipedes grew more confident and started to get close to him to finish him off. Looking at the centipedes moving towards him, Don sighed and gritted his teeth as he decided to use his full power to fire the arrows.

"What's he doing?"

Arrora saw him sighing and nocking two arrows as she asked Knight.

Knight knew what he was planning to do and how much pain it's going to cause him after this attack. 

"Is he going to use a powerful spell or anything?"

Philea asked Audrey

"Its seems like it"

Audrey nodded as she felt confused because if he killed the centipedes, he would become like an equal to her and she never had an equal in terms of talent or skills. 

Until now she only considered her siblings as her competition and if he could defeat these centipedes, she has to think of him as a competition among the younger generation besides her siblings.

His hands were shivering as he aimed the two arrows at the centipedes and waited for the right moment to release the arrows. And just when the centipedes entered his crossfire, he put his full power into the bow and released the arrows.

On the projection, they saw a sudden spike in his magical fluctuations and heard a loud boom as the arrows soared through the air and hit the two centipedes at the same time. When the arrow hit them, it didnt pierce through but exploded.

"He did it"

"He killed them"

Arrora clapped her hands and laughed looking at the exploded bodies of the centipedes.

The moment he slew the centipedes, he coughed up more blood and looked pale. His anger overcame his senses as he decided to stay in the arena. As he was coughing up blood, a chunk of metal appeared before him.

"What is that?"

One youth asked looking at the chunk of metal before Don and many of them looked at Audrey or Rosaline to answer but they didn't identify the metal as the metal looked nothing like anything they had seen before.

"Philea, I want to know who he is, where he from, what level is he and everything about him"

"Forget about Don, I want to fight this guy"

Prince Rodrigo was awestruck looking at him and wanted to battle him.

"I hope he's single"

"Nykee, how do I look?"

"I bet he's from Lansor"

Arrora saw many girls adjusting their dresses and looking at him with sparkling eyes.

"Sister Amara, what do you think of him?"

The girl beside Amara asked with a devilish grin but snickered

"Hmph, if he didnt get out of now, he's good as dead because no one can survive the seventh wave"

Some of the youths heard this had no idea of what she had just said as they started to discuss among them. 

"Miss Rosaline, is that true?"

Many of them didn't have the guts to approach Audrey as they chose Rosaline Since she seemed more approachable at this moment.

"Yes, the creature that would appear in the seventh wave will be invulnerable to both magical and physical attacks"

"Then how can someone kill it?"

"You can't, no one had survived the seventh wave after it started, so if he didnt get out now, he will die"

Rosaline said without any emotions as the youths stood shocked.

Putting the chunk of metal into his space ring, Don slowly walked around and collected his arrows back.

"He's not exiting"

Prince Audrey saw him sitting on the ogre's body and taking deep breaths.

Suddenly a thunderous roar that made many of them close their ears echoed through the arena and outside.

"What...what is...that?"

The crowd stuttered as a humongous three-headed hydra appeared before Don.


Even though Audrey heard about this monster from her teacher and stories, looking in real life, sent a chill through her spine.

Don looked puny before the Hydra as the Hydra roared again.when the hydra roared, black clouds formed above Don's arena, and bolts of lightning showered the hydra. 

The six red blue eyes resembled blue diamonds as its body was covered with silver shiny scales. Each head looked like a mix between a snake's head and a dragon's head.

Unlike the crowd outside, Don had no idea about its invulnerability to magical and physical attacks. And before he could raise his bow, a lightning bolt struck him and sent him flying.

"Do something"

Arrora shook Knight's shoulder but Knight stood there without saying any words.

"He can't do anything, your friend chose this"

The tigress whispered to Arrora

"Look, he's still alive"

The crowd saw him standing up with difficulty.

Realizing that he had no chance of beating this creature without using his full strength, he nocked three arrows while quickly evading the lightning bolts with his last bit of strength.

"He's using the spell again"

The magical fluctuations around Don spiked again as the arrows soared through aiming at each head with a loud booming sound.

However, when the arrows hit the heads, it didn't even make a tiny cut on the heads as cold sweat appeared on Don's forehead. The pain and the blood loss caused his visions to blur as he started to feel the dizziness.

"Go inside its mouth"

The voice appeared again in his mind and soothed his pain. He couldn't understand why but he somehow trusted the voice.

"Who are you?"

He asked and wiped away the blood flowing out of his nose.

"Regain your strength first"

The voice sounded in his mind again as he regained the strength to run.

Even though Don didn't know who or what's inside his mind, he decided to take a gamble as he started to run towards the hydra.

"What the heck is he doing?"

"Shut up"

A youth shouted at the other one and watched the projection without making any noises. Everyone's gaze was on Don and they were expecting his death.

The hydra shot at him with bolts of lightning but Don now had the strength and a clear mind to evade all of them. While running Don raised his bow and fired the arrows into the wall and used them as steps to get higher.

No one had any idea what he was planning to do except Knight but he was extremely worried about Don and hoped that his plan would work.

When he got closer to the hydra's heads, Don retrieved the shield and blocked the bolts of lightning. After he got higher enough, Don saw the hydra opening one of its mouths as Don quickly threw the shield into its mouth to prevent it from shutting it.

His shield threw perfectly landed into the hydra's mouth and stuck under its mouth to give Don the space to fall into its mouth. 


One of the girls looking at the projection screamed when she saw Don falling into its mouth.

"It can't be"

Arrora felt like she's going to faint as she prayed for a miracle. But nothing happened as in a few minutes, everyone sighed and waited for the hydra or the projection to disappear.


Princess Audrey shook her head and wanted to stand up from her throne expecting a light gateway to the next layer.

"I'm sorry, you two"

The cubs rubbed their heads against Arrora's legs as tears started to flow out of her eyes.

"Hey, look at the hydra"

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