Rise Of The Demon God

Chapter 1338 - 1338: Hiding

Chapter 1338 - 1338: Hiding

"You're running from your family?" Snake Monarch asked, stunned. "May I ask why?"

"I don't have to answer you anything," Zhu Chang answered.

"Did your cousins bully you? That can certainly make people run from home." Snake Monarch nodded.

"I don't have cousins."

"Then did your father beat you?"

"He never raised his hand on me."

"Then he used legs?" Snake Monarch asked.

Zhu Chang glared at Snake Monarch. "Do you always talk that much nonsense?"

"He does."

"Me? Never."

Blood Dragon Emperor said at the same time as the Snake Monarch.

Zhu Chang rubbed his forehead in frustration. Could this day get any messier? He had been traveling with two headaches. He was controlling himself too much since he didn't want to kill these two accidentally.

They belonged to Long Chen, and he didn't want to kill them, at least when Long Chen wasn't there, but it was proving to be hard. Throughout the way, these two kept talking nonsense, and they weren't stopping even now.

Zhu Chang landed inside the town. As for the Blood Dragon Emperor, he flew inside the city on the streets that were wide enough for him.

Zhu Chang didn't attract as much attention as the Blood Dragon Emperor. It was a beast that people hadn't seen in the town before.

Zhu Chang walked to the person closest to him, who appeared to be a young lady in her mid-twenties. The woman was walking with a bag in her head that contained items from her shopping.

Seeing strangers approach her, she moved her hand and the bag behind her, suspicious of the man, thinking that he was a thief.

"I need a few minutes of your time. Where is the best restaurant in this town?" Zhu Chang asked.

"Hmm? Restaurant?" the woman asked, surprised. Were these two travelers who were looking for something to eat?

"May I ask where you're from?" she asked Zhu Chang.

"We're from the Heavenly City," Zhu Chang answered.

"From the Heavenly City? The city where Heavenly Emperor lives? Isn't that too far? It's the first time I'm seeing a person from there!" The lady exclaimed. "May I ask what brought you here?'

"We were going to a different city. Your town happened to be on the way, and my friend and I started feeling hungry.? We decided to stop by here," Zhu Chang answered. "Can I get an answer now?"

"Ah, right. Actually, my mother owns the closest restaurant from here. And it serves great food. If you want, you can eat there. It would be our pleasure to serve guests from the Heavenly City!"

Zhu Chang nodded. He followed the lady with the Blood Dragon Emperor and Snake Monarch.

The tree of them soon reached what appeared to be a restaurant. It wasn't a very big place like the other buildings here, but it was still bigger than ordinary.

Just the length of the front side of the restaurant was twenty meters.

"Please come in," the woman invited Zhu Chang. "Unfortunately, your Dragon Friend would have to stay outside since he's too big. We'll arrange something for him here."

Zhu Chang glanced at the Blood Dragon Emperor. "You stay here. I'll send something for you to eat outside."

"I'll come inside too! Wait!"

Blood Dragon Emperor started getting smaller, and soon, he became as small as the Snake Monarch.

Seeing him become smaller, Zhu Chang's face started twitching.

"You can become smaller?" he asked, frowning.

"Of course I can. I'm the Blood Dragon Emperor!" The Blood Dragon Emperor answered. "I can also control my size."

Hearing his words, Zhu Chang glared angrily.? He clenched his fist to control his answer and took a deep breath.

"Then why didn't you become smaller before? If you had become smaller like the Snake and wrapped around my other arm, I wouldn't have had to fly slower! We would have traveled much faster!"

"I regained my body after a long time. I wanted to experience its full glory in my full size," Blood Dragon Emperor replied. "In any case, it's not like we flew slow. I am sure I was able to fly almost as fast as you."

"Almost as fast? I was flying at half my speed not to leave you behind!" Zhu Chang roared. "If you hadn't been told stupid, we could've reached here in half the time!"

"Half your speed?" Blood Dragon Emperor asked. "That..."

"Sigh, you told the Snake that he's lucky to be related to Long Chen? I'll tell you the same thing. Because I really want to kill you right now! It's because of him that I don't!"

"Ah..." The Blood Dragon Emperor didn't know how to respond. He thought he was flying as fast as Zhu Chang. It was only now that he understood that Zhu Chang was flying slow instead.

He also didn't want to offend Zhu Chang and get killed in return.

"I am really sorry. I won't make the same mistake again." He simply lowered his head and apologized.

The lady noticed the anger of Zhu Chang and didn't chime in the middle. It was their internal matter. But she was certainly intimidated. In his anger, Zhu Chang had failed to control his aura properly.

Some of that aura managed to leak. Sensing that aura, the woman felt her body shiver. It was a powerful aura that was unlike anything she had ever felt before. It was certainly stronger than the aura of Town Elder.

After sensing this aura, she was even more sure that these people were from cities.

Snake Monarch also remained in the back, not chiming in.

"This mistake better not repeat again!" Zhu Chang firmly stated before he entered the restaurant. Blood Dragon Emperor and Snake Monarch also entered the restaurant.

Even though the restaurant looked big from the outside, it was even bigger from the inside.

There appeared to be over a hundred tables at least. And most of them were full.

"Follow me," the lady said as she escorted Zhu Chang and the two snakes to a private chamber.

The chambers were different rooms inside the restaurant which were reserved for high profile guests.

Inside the special chamber, there was complete isolation. The noise from outside didn't get in even a little.

As for the table, it was even bigger as well.

"This is our best wine. Please enjoy it while I inform my mother of your arrival and get some food."

The woman left the chamber.

"Mother, I brought special guests!" She approached her mother.

"Ji Lin, who was that man you brought inside?" Her mother asked, who looked only a few years older than her.

"They are from the Heavenly City!" The lady informed her mother, smiling.

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