Rise of The Demon General

155 Chapter 155

The students who came with Xin Wuming were all wearing face masks. This was Amon's instruction.

Even though Xin Wuming was a natural leader, as had been proven during the battle royale in White Cloud Tournament, Amon wasn't convinced that Wuming would be able to persuade the remaining members to attack one of the top factions in this academy, like what he did with the forty underlings that came with him. Hence, Amon had told him to offer those members several things instead of trying to deliver a motivational speech.

Firstly, each member participating in the attack would be granted three hundred aer stones. Secondly, everyone was allowed to cover their faces so that the Nobles members won't recognize them in case they were worried about retaliation. But of course, if they stayed with the Vicious faction, they would still be a target of retaliation. This brought them to the third offer, which was that they were allowed to leave the Vicious faction after this fight, if they chose to. There would be no hard feelings.

After getting these offers, all the rest of the members agreed to go join. They saw this as an opportunity to make quick money, channel their frustration on those big clans' bullies, and remove themselves from the confrontation before things escalated further with the five factions.

Amon's planning had allowed the Nobles members to get pinned in between his two forces. Being caught unaware, the Nobles members were late in their reactions. Many had received hits before they could channel their aether to execute a proper art.

With this advantage, the Nobles members were unable to retaliate.

Xin Wuming led the ambushers and barreled into the opponents without a care for himself. His skin was dark and rough. After getting his affinity known, He had been provided with a basic metal-element arcane art from the Practice class. This art was called iron skin. The art made his skin as hard as metal and difficult to be pierced.

Xin Wuming already had an undying body due to the special constitution after consuming the Thousand Year Mandrake, so this defensive art was seemingly pointless. But Amon had advised him to keep this special constitution a secret for the time being. When Wuming informed Amon of the free arcane art the Practice class gave him, Amon was supportive of him learning it. This art could mask his special constitution so that it was unlikely for anyone to find out about his special constitution.

On the other side, Tuang Yin was no less ferocious. Her hands were coated with flame. Those that were touched by her were burnt. This flaming hand arcane art was also one that was provided by the practice class. She used it to supplement her original martial art even further, Eagle Claw.

The three fingers on both her hands were shaped into a claw. She moved dexterously as her fiery claws struck her opponents. Those that were caught by her claws were both burned and also had their bones cracked as her three fingers tightened with an iron grip.

Many who at first looked down on her simply because she was a woman were now regretting it. Especially those that were caught by her eagle claws.

Not far away from her was Wu Di, who similarly charged into the enemy's fray without fear. After he threw two unsuspecting opponents who blocked his way to the ground, he came face to face with Yan Long who was still reeling from Amon's first strike. Wu Di's hand shone with glowing light. He had gotten this arcane art from the Practice class, same as Xin Wuming and Tuang Yin. With his S-affinity, he quickly learned the art to the skilled mastery.

"Hey, twat! I will use you as a practice dummy for my new art," Wu Di uttered.

His glowing hand stabbed forward. The light around his hand became solid. It was as if he was projecting a blade made out of light from his hand. The light blade was aiming to stab Yan Long's shoulder.

Yan Long, whose affinity was with the water element, immediately use an arcane art of the element. But the art was not one granted by the academy, it was one he had learned from his clan. This was an arcane art he had learned long ago, so his mastery was better. With his high mastery combined with his affinity, the art took shape almost in an instant. A water bubble appeared around him, protecting him.

However, Yan Long was still a fraction of a second late. Wu Di's light blade was already halfway when the water bubble formed. Its tip managed to pierce into Yan Long's flesh before the water bubble stop the light blade from going further.

"Argh...!" Yan Long groaned from the pain. "You, asshole! I will kill you!" He screamed in anger.

He jumped back and at the same time his water bubble transformed into a pair of whips. These whips lashed at Wu Di.

"Give me your best shot!" Wu Di wasn't fazed by Yan Long's threat. His muscle bulged and his skin tightened until his blood veins were noticeable. Those who were nearby felt Wu Di's aura burst upon the transformation.

His arms then blocked the incoming water whips. The water whips caused a red mark on his arms but otherwise, he was unharmed. Wu Di advanced even as the whips continue to lash at him rapidly. His arms turned into a blur with many images. It was as if his arms had multiplied. The arms struck the whips that tried to hit him while he continued to push forward.

Yan Long couldn't help but feel intimidated by Wu Di's forceful advance. The brute was almost upon him. He wanted to step back but his back bumped into another person who was also under pressure from the attacks from the back. Yan Long's mind went blank for a beat. The pause caused his water whips to slow down, which let Wu Di make a lunge.

Wu Di's hand came at Yan Long again. The light blade that had punctured Yan Long's shoulder before was again formed on that advancing hand. Yan Long crossed his arms in front of him in an attempt to defend himself. The water whips merged and became a water bubble again. It hovered in front of Yan Long's crossed arm.

Yet, before Wu Di's light blade hit the water bubble, something got in between.

It was a person, Yan Dose. Wu Di's light blade struck Yan Dose's body but it didn't cut through. A layer of solid earth was blocking Wu Di's light blade.

Yan Dose was the only one not fighting since no one from the Vicious faction was coming at him. He had intentionally come in between Yan Long and Wu Di. Firstly, to protect Yan Long from additional harm. Secondly, to give himself a reason to join the fight.

Of course, even with the reason of self-defense, he would still be reprimanded and be given punishment for being involved in a fight with freshman students. But the punishment between self-defense and initiating a fight with a freshman student was the difference between heaven and earth. He didn't want any punishment at all, but he couldn't just let the Nobles of freshman years get defeated under his watch. The shame he had to bear would be unacceptable.

"Freshman, how dare you attack a junior student?" Yan Dose said to Wu Di before his fist shot forward.

The fist already landed on Wu Di's solar plexus before Wu Di registered what was happening. The punch forced Wu Di to retreat several steps back as he gasped for air.

"You, people, who don't know your places. Feel the might of a transformation stage cultivator!" Yan Dose exclaimed and stomped the ground.

A shockwave radiated on the ground, causing everyone to lose their footing. At the same time, several stones close to where Yan Dose was standing flew up as if getting pushed by the ground. Yan Dose made a wave, and these stones shot in all directions, hitting many of the Vicious members. He didn't target their vital parts, though. He would be in big trouble if any of them die from his attack.

After making his attack, he was about to demand everyone stop fighting. He figured that these two moves from him should have scared most of these freshman students to obedience. Yet, before he could speak, he saw the brute he had beaten back, Wu Di, was not down. The man was now rushing back at him.

When he was about to give this brute a stronger art to put him down for sure, he saw a shadow from the corner of his eyes.

"Watch out!" He heard Yan Long's voice.

He turned to his left where the shadow had come from, punching out at the same time. But the shadow had ducked away. He had a good look at this shadow now, it was Amon. Amon's fist was about to hit his waist, but the same earth shield that had blocked Wu Di's light blade appeared and blocked Amon's Bone Shattering Shadow Fist.

When Yan Dose was about to retaliate, he felt something hot locking his right arm. He turned and saw Tuang Yin's two fiery claws grabbing his arm. While he was still stunned, Amon kicked his knees and caused them to buckle. Amon then grabbed his right arm. Amon's fingers squeezed the pressure points in that arm.

While he was incapacitated, Wu Di arrived. Wu Di's light blade came slashing, but Yan Dose's earth shield appeared again and blocked the light blade.

Even though the earth shield provided a very strong defense, it was not a continuous defense technique like Xin Wuming's iron skin. The shield formed only a few seconds and protected only a small area. After that, it took some time before Yan Dose could form the shield again.

After seeing the art in action twice, Wu Di could discern its nature. He had prepared a follow-up once his light blade was blocked. His fist shot out and landed squarely on Yan Dose's face.

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