Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 568 - The Evergreen Shipyard

Chapter 568 The Evergreen Shipyard 

Author: M_W Cancer 

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

The next morning, Leo woke up and soon noticed Angel deep asleep beside him. Of course, nothing had happened to them, she just decided to sleep beside him because it was one of the closest things she could get from Leo as of this moment. 

Honestly, Leo was tempted a lot of times the previous night, especially considering how beautiful and tempting the clothes Angel was wearing right now. Aside from that, she was also basically rubbing her breast to his back during their sleep, as if deliberately tempting him. 

Because of that, he was seriously having trouble sleeping. 

However, although he could have just simply solved it by just giving Angel what she wanted to have from him, he chooses not to and had instead took out Ash's sleeping potion to make himself go to sleep. Just a little tiny fragrance of Ash's sleeping potion was more than enough for him to instantly go to sleep. 

Kissing Angel's forehead, Leo then stood up from bed and went to do his morning routine. 

The moment Leo was done with that, Angel was still trying to dispel the drowsiness of her sleep. 

"Morn...ning..." Angel greeted while stretching her hands. 

"Did my lady have a good night's sleep last night?" Leo asked as he handed Angel a cup of coffee. 

"Not really," Angel accepted the cup and sipped on it. As soon as the hot liquid of the coffee went inside her throat, she was immediately jolted awake. 

"Was there something that bothered you during your sleep?" Leo asked in concern. 

"It was because a certain someone really doesn't budge on my temptation," Angel rolled her eyes while puffing her cheeks.

"Oh," Leo could only helplessly shake his head in response. But to pay for his mistake, he kissed her forehead one more time, "Is that enough payment?"

"No," Angel pointed at both her cheeks, "I want a kiss on both my cheeks as well,"

"As you wish, my lady," Leo didn't hesitate to agree as he proceeded to kiss both Angel's cheeks. But before he could touch the first cheek, she suddenly moved, thus causing both their lips to touch. 

"Much better," Angel said with a sweet smile on her face. 

"Alright," Leo nodded his head before walking outside the manor.

Since he was done with that, he then immediately went outside to go straight to what he had scheduled for himself to do today, specifically going to the Evergreen Shipyard to design the customized Flyingboats for the Mischievous Lion Guild. 

"Good morning, Guild Leader Loki," General Luke greeted the moment Leo stepped outside. 

"Good morning, General Luke. Is everything ready?" Leo greeted back. 

He wasn't really surprised to see General Luke being here this early of the morning. It's because he had slept in one of the hotel rooms in the Smiling Lion Village so as to finish quickly with what Uncle Elfin had ordered him to do. 

"I've already prepared the carriage and sent a message to the Evergreen Shipyard to inform them of your arrival," General Luke replied. 

"What's with the arrangements? We are only going there to customized some Flyingboats for the Mischievous Lion Guild," Leo really doesn't like such a troublesome thing. They could actually just go there like a normal customer, no need for anything special.

General Luke quickly took notice of what Leo doesn't want. He then motioned his hand as he said, "This way, Guild Leader Loki,"

Leo nodded his head and followed General Luke to the carriage he had prepared.


Soon, Leo and General Luke arrived at the Evergreen Shipyard. 

The area of the Evergreen Shipyard was so huge. It basically stretches up to tens of kilometers of land. 

Multiple huge and tall warehouse-looking structures surround almost the entire place.

Inside those warehouses, dozens of skeletons of the Flyingboats still under construction could be seen. Tens of workers were also busily working on completing the body of these Flyingboats. 

Further ahead, they could see the docking area of all the Flyingboats that they have finished making, stretching far than what their eyes could see. 

"Just like what I expected from the Evergreen royal family," Leo can't help but comment. 

"In the entire Emerald Tree Kingdom, the Evergreen Shipyard is the biggest of all Shipyards," General Luke introduced, he continued, "It could annually produce 1,000 to 2,000 Emerald Elven Flyingboats and boasted an annual net income of hundreds of millions of gold coins, sometimes even billions. Because of that, the Evergreen Shipyard is considered as one of the sources of income for the Evergreen royal family,"

"Not only that, the Evergreen Shipyard also trains close to thousands of Captains and tens of thousands of crewmate every single year," General Luke finally finished his introduction. 

Raising one of his eyebrows, Leo asked, "If it's okay to ask, where exactly does the Evergreen royal family make use of all those Flyingboats they create?"

"They use it for a lot of things, including local products transportation, expansion of territory, and most importantly, to send them to the Battlefield of the War of Races," General Luke said as his face turned solemn, and he continued, "The Emerald Tree Kingdom is very active in the Battlefield of the War of Races. In fact, two of the princes were actually sent over there to manage the troops. As far as I know, the reason for this is because the Evergreen royal family wants to eliminate the Naughty Elves organization as soon as possible,"

Heaving a heavy sigh, General Luke continued, "Unfortunately, unless there would be someone who could really influence the entire Battlefield of the War of Races, then this fight would just repeat over and over again, taking countless lives from not only both the Elf race and the Human race but also including all the races in the Celestial World,"

"How I really wished for this war to finally end. In such a way, everyone would be able to live their respective lives peacefully. Too bad though, that such a thing would just remain as nothing but a dream because no one has been born yet to fight against the Gods of the Celestial World," General Luke shook his head. As one of the Generals of the Evergreen royal family, he naturally knew about the existence of the Gods of the Celestial World and that the Battlefield of the War of Races is their own doing.

Leo nodded his head in understanding to everything that General Luke had just said.

The Battlefield of the War of Races, a never-ending battle of countless different races that exist in the Celestial World. As long as a race wants to keep on existing in the Celestial World, then they would need to keep on fighting on this battlefield for survival. 

Some are lucky enough to stay away, such as the Lionheart Kingdom. But that wouldn't be for long, because as soon as the clouds of the battle and the sounds of the war cry slowly drown the Human race, they would have no other choice left but to join the Battlefield of the War of Races as well.

As for those that had long already joined the Battlefield of the War of Races, they will never be able to pull themselves away from it anymore, unless of course if they choose to abandon their own race. 

Honestly, he had already heard some races doing such a thing back then in the Lionheart Kingdom. But could anyone blame them? It is only natural for some portion of the people living in the Celestial World to have enough of this never-ending war and wanted to get away from it. 

However, in the end, they would still not be able to change the fact that they have indeed abandoned their own kind. That they are cowards and feared the war, thus leading them to do such a thing. 

Unbeknownst to General Luke, the person that he had just mentioned who will save them from this Battlefield of the War of Races was already born. And the most shocking thing is, this person is actually standing right in front of him right now.

General Luke quickly changed the topic as he said, "Anyways, follow me, I'll lead you to the Head Manager of the Evergreen Shipyard,"

"Okay," Leo quickly followed after General Luke.

Soon, they arrived inside of those warehouses and were greeted by a muscular elf, "General Luke, and this must be Guild Leader Loki. Nice meeting you,"

Leo shook hands with the muscular elf. 

"I'm Caesar, the Head Manager of the Evergreen Shipyard," Caesar introduced himself, he continued, "I already read the letter that General Luke had sent to me this early morning, so come this way, I'll take you to where you will make the design for the customized Flyingboats for the Mischievous Lion Guild,"

Caesar took Leo and General Luke to a room with a long and wide table where papers of different parts of a Flyingboat could be seen lying on top. 

"Dwyane, come here," Caesar calls out to a Dwarf, "This is Dwyane, he's one of our top Architect in making a design for Flyingboats. He would be the one to help you with choosing the design of the Flyingboat that you want us to make,"

"Hi, Guild Leader Loki!" Dwyane quickly greeted. 

"Nice meeting you, Dwyane," Leo shook hands with Dwayne. 

"I'll be leaving the two of you here since I still have something really important to do back in the office," Caesar said as he then turned to look at Dwyane and adding, "Take care of Guild Leader Loki and provide him with whatever he needs, understood?"

"Yes, Head Manager," Dwyane saluted. 

After saying that, Caesar finally left everyone.

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