Revenge of the Wife

Chapter 362: Buy Medicine for Daddy

Chapter 362

"Huang Duo Duo had just finished lunch and was lounging on the couch, watching TV with her grandmother.

Suddenly, the phone in the room rang.

Huang Duo Duo quickly ran back to her room.

Upon seeing the number flashing on the phone screen, she hurriedly closed the bedroom door and locked it.

She answered the phone and whispered, 'Dad!'

'Duo Duo...' came Huang De Han's weak voice from the other end of the line.

Hearing that something was wrong with Huang De Han's voice, Huang Duo Duo nervously asked, 'Dad, what's wrong?'

'Dad has a fever. Can you help me get some medicine?' Huang De Han asked.

Huang Duo Duo glanced at the closed door. She wanted to go out and buy medicine for her dad, but her grandmother was at home... What should she do?

She thought for a moment, her eyes darting around, and came up with an idea.

She quickly said, 'Sure, Dad. Where are you?'

Huang De Han told her the address.

Before hanging up, he reminded her, 'Don't tell your mom, okay?'

Huang Duo Duo replied, 'Don't worry, Dad. I won't tell Mom. She's not home; she went out.'

'Also, bring some food for Dad... Do you have money?'

'Yes, Grandma gave me a lot of money.'

'Alright, come quickly. Dad is feeling uncomfortable.'

'Okay, Dad. Wait for me.'

After hanging up the phone, Huang Duo Duo opened the drawer and took out the iron box where she kept her savings.

It was originally a box for storing cookies, but she thought it looked nice, so she used it to hold money.

She had put the red envelopes given to her by Zhang Yan in it, and there were twenty thousand yuan.

She counted out two thousand yuan, intending to take it to her dad.

Her dad must not have money to buy food, which is why he got sick. It's really pitiful!

She put the money in her pocket and opened the bedroom door, walking out.

When Zhang Yan saw Huang Duo Duo coming out, she asked, 'Who called you just now?'

"Oh... it was my classmate," Huang Duo Duo said, avoiding eye contact and speaking with a guilty tone.

Fortunately, Zhang Yan didn't suspect her and stopped asking after one question, continuing to watch her TV.

Huang Duo Duo approached and acted coquettishly, saying, 'Grandma, I want to eat sugar-coated haws.'

'You want to eat sugar-coated haws?' Zhang Yan looked at Huang Duo Duo lovingly and asked.

Huang Duo Duo nodded eagerly and said, 'Yes, yes, I want to eat.'

Zhang Yan glanced at the window and saw that it wasn't snowing. She stood up and said, 'Then you wait at home. Grandma will go out and buy it for you.'

Huang Duo Duo exclaimed, 'That's great! Thank you, Grandma. I love you the most.'

Seeing Huang Duo Duo so happy, Zhang Yan couldn't help but smile.

She put on her coat and left the house.

As she left, she reminded, 'Don't open the door for strangers, understand?'

Huang Duo Duo quickly replied, 'I understand, Grandma.'

As soon as Zhang Yan left, Huang Duo Duo put on her coat and also left the house.

There was a pharmacy and a snack shop at the entrance of the residential area.

She went to the pharmacy first to buy cold medicine and fever-reducing medicine, then went to the snack shop to buy a few steamed buns and a serving of noodles.

She followed the address Huang De Han had given her.

Fortunately, Huang De Han's place wasn't far from her residential area, so Huang Duo Duo quickly found it.

Huang De Han lived on the top floor, the sixth floor, and it was a walk-up building with no elevator.

Huang Duo Duo climbed up to the sixth floor, gasping for breath from exhaustion."

She didn't dare to waste any time and quickly knocked on the door.

At this moment, Huang De Han was curled up on the sofa. Hearing the knocking sound, he struggled to get up and staggered to the door, leaning against the wall for support.

The door opened, and a strong smell of alcohol mixed with dampness rushed out, making Huang Duo Duo couldn't help but cover her nose and exclaim, "Dad, it stinks!"

Huang De Han's face was pale, almost terrifying. When he saw what Huang Duo Duo was holding in her hand, he quickly asked, "Did you buy the medicine for me?"

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