Revenge of the Wife

Chapter 306: Stealing the Box

Chapter 306

After locking the door, Huang De Han felt a sense of relief.

Although the padlock wasn't very secure, he didn't think anyone would come to steal things in this old house.

Nevertheless, Huang De Han couldn't help but ask, "Is it safe to lock it like this? Will someone come and steal things?"

Seeing Huang De Han being so nervous about the suitcase, Da Fu asked, "What's inside the suitcase? You seem really worried."

Huang De Han quickly replied, "It's just clothes inside the suitcase, nothing valuable."

Da Fu was puzzled, "If there's nothing valuable, why are you so nervous?"

"Oh, I was just asking casually."

Initially, Da Fu didn't think much of it, but seeing Huang De Han's anxious denial, he suddenly grew suspicious. If there was nothing valuable, why was Huang De Han so nervous?

What could be inside the suitcase?

Despite his doubts, Da Fu didn't ask further because he knew that even if he asked, Huang De Han wouldn't tell him.

He reassured, "Don't worry, my old house doesn't have anything valuable. Who would come to steal?"

Huang De Han thought about it and realized Da Fu was right. He didn't overthink it and urged, "Let's hurry to the hospital."

"Okay, let's go," Da Fu agreed and walked out of the house.

Huang De Han's feet were in pain, so he limped along slowly.

Seeing Huang De Han struggling to walk, Da Fu found a wooden stick in the yard and handed it to him, saying, "Here, use this as a makeshift crutch."

"Thank you!" Huang De Han expressed his gratitude and took the wooden stick.

Da Fu rode his tricycle, carrying Huang De Han to the town's clinic.

Upon reaching the clinic, Huang De Han leaned on the stick and went inside by himself.

Da Fu waited outside the clinic and quickly took out his phone to call his nephew, Xiao Yong.

"Xiao Yong, where are you now?"

"I'm at home, Uncle. Do you need something?"

"Come to my house right away and pick the lock on the room where your second brother sleeps. There's a suitcase inside, bring it to your place and hide it."

"Why do I have to hide my second brother's suitcase?" Xiao Yong asked, puzzled about Uncle's intentions.

"That's not your second brother's suitcase. Don't ask too many questions. Just go and do it now, I'll explain later."

Da Fu didn't have time to explain now. He wanted to steal the suitcase before Huang De Han returned.

With Huang De Han being so nervous about the suitcase, there must be a lot of money inside, or at least something valuable.

"Okay, I'll go now."

"Wait." Da Fu stopped Xiao Yong and instructed, "Don't open the suitcase, understand?"

He was afraid that Xiao Yong would take something from inside the suitcase.

"I understand!"

After Xiao Yong finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Xiao Yong's house was not far from Da Fu's house. It took him less than five minutes to walk there.

When he arrived at Da Fu's house, he saw a padlock on the door of his second brother's room.

He found a pair of pliers and quickly broke the padlock open.

He pushed the door open and saw a box on the bed. Curious, he approached and lifted it up, realizing it was quite heavy.

What could be inside? Why is it so heavy?

Driven by curiosity, he opened the box.

Inside, he found white plastic bags filled with bundles of white powder.

Xiao Yong had never seen white powder before, so he naturally didn't know what was inside the bags.

What is this?

Is it sugar?

However, Xiao Yong wasn't interested in the contents of the bags. He closed the box and carried it back home.

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