Return of the Unrivaled Spear Knight

Side Story Chapter 99

Side Story Chapter 99

“What in the world happened to him?” Selim blankly murmured as he examined his unconscious brother. “…That man said earlier that Kireua has manifested an Evil Sin’s power.”

“Don’t overthink it. Prince Kireua is Prince Kireua.”

Despite Cain’s assurance, Selim’s expression remained grim. “But… other people won’t think that way—a prince with the power of a Demon King?”

“We already have a precedent.”

“I don’t think this is the same as the Silver-Eyed Ghost Sword since she’s from the Hubalt Empire. They’re most sensitive to evil, so they have to take care of her themselves. Because we’re outsiders, it’s none of our business.”

“Your Highness, no one knows if the power of a Demon King will be beneficial or harmful,” Cain said reassuringly.

“Sir Cain, I’m not just talking about Kireua. What is the biggest reason why we, Avalon, are in trouble? Why is it that Hubalt’s delegation dared to draw their swords in our front yard?”

Selim was colder and more rational than ever. As a man who was aiming to claim the throne, Selim had to consider the bigger picture, meaning his priority had to be the good of the nation and safety of its citizens.

“I know what you’re thinking, but this is a problem that Prince Kireua should take care of himself,” Cain insisted.

“If people outside Avalon get the wind of this…”

“You don’t have to worry about that,” Cain said, a small smile creeping onto his lips. ”His Majesty also defeated the Demon Spirit in the end and claimed his demonic power for his own.”

Selim immediately wanted to object that that was only possible because it was Joshua Sanders he was talking about.

Cain lifted Kireua onto his back.

“Let’s leave first. Looks like we can’t afford to stand around and talk right now.”

“What?” Selim’s eyes followed Cain’s finger and he immediately staggered.

Black smoke was rising above the Palace.

“...Isn’t that coming from the Main Palace?” Selim asked, in disbelief.

“Yes, it looks like something’s happened inside the Palace.”

“N-No! We have to go right now. Lady Sersiarin is in there!”

“My answer remains the same. Although I agree that we should get there as quickly as possible, you don’t have to worry about what happened too much,” Cain reassured him.

“She doesn’t know any martial arts, so how can I not worry?”

“Well…” Cain trailed off with a faint smile “Some rather talented individuals have been hidden inside the Palace for decades.”

“What do you mean?”

“They vowed to only move when the Palace is in crisis, and their mission is to protect the Palace and the Imperial Family.”

“Wait.” Selim’s eyebrows rose. “I’m a prince, but I’ve never heard about them.”

“That’s understandable. They’re His Majesty’s secret guards.”


“There were people like them in the past too. Marcus ben Britten, the previous emperor, directly commanded the Black Wind.”

Selim's eyes widened.

“They reside in the Palace, but their missions are basically the same as the Black Wind’s were. Only His Majesty and I know about this; even the Queen Consorts don’t know about them.”

“…Can I really trust them? How big is this organization…?”

“It’s made up of two people.”

“T-Two?” Selim stammered in an uncharacteristic loss of composure.

“But those two are so talented that even I can’t take them lightly.”

* * *

“The Hubalt Empire drew their swords inside the palace of the Avalon Empire. A war will break out between the two countries!”

The news quickly spread to the entire continent. Lilith Aphrodite’s presence in Avalon was kept under wraps; Joshua’s guests tried to deliver only the facts they had seen with their own eyes to their countries. The last thing they wanted was to get on the Martial God’s bad side. As a matter of fact, they preferred that Avalon be strong enough to fight Hubalt on equal terms.

The Hubalt Empire wound up treated like a pack of hungry hyenas, a stark contrast to the peace-loving Holy Empire they styled themselves as. Regardless of what their reasons were, it was out of line for their knights to draw their swords in the heart of a foreign country—that they had been invited into, no less.

War was brewing on Igrant.

* * *

Two groups stood face to face in Avalon’s palace; the furor built and built outside, but the Palace was like the eye of the storm.

Avalon’s Imperial Knights and Thran’s knights were standing on the left side of the arena while the paladins of Hubalt and Tetra’s Mage Knights were on the right side.

“…Martial God.” Uriel’s face contorted. “Does Avalon truly want to begin the Second Continental War?”

“You’re the one who wants another war. Besides, blackmail doesn’t work at all when you look like that.”

As Joshua pointed out, Uriel was tattered. The bulk of his wide wings were ripped away, and the edges of his shield were rippled like poorly made glass. However, Uriel was for some reason undeterred.

“Don’t you want to know why the other Four Paladins are away right now?”

“Not particularly.”

“An investigation from the Hubalt Empire has already been sent to the Inner Palace, so the witch you’re hiding will be revealed to the entire world. Judging from how desperately you’re trying to hide her, I’m certain they’ll find her.”

“You say that you trespassed on another person’s house quite confidently.”

“It wouldn’t have happened in the first place if you’d cooperated, Martial God.”

“Is this the method of a god’s servants?” Joshua nodded to himself. “Okay, I’ll keep that in mind.”

Uriel's face fell. “What do you mean?”

“If we have to find someone in the future, we’ll go through the Palace and the Great Temple in the Hubalt Empire first.”

“Are you serious?”

“Then are you serious?”

“This is for the peace of the continent—we’re searching for the witch who has manifested a Demon King’s authority.”

“That’s what I’m saying. We’re free to turn your people’s home upside down to look for someone who’s manifested a Demon King’s authority. Am I wrong?”

Uriel’s eyes burned with anger. Even a thug off of the streets wouldn’t be treated like that.

“How dare you insult the Hubalt Empire!” Uriel shouted.

“That’s what you people are doing right now. And what did you say? An investigation? I highly advise you to extract them from the Palace as quickly as possible.”


“There’s some people in there who’ll instantly turn your baby paladins into pulp.”

Uriel’s lip trembled in barely suppressed irritation. He had no doubt that Josua was spouting absolute nonsense. In terms of martial prowess, Uriel was the weakest among the Four Paladins—all three sent to the Inner Palace were stronger than him. Turn them into pulp?

“It looks like you lost your mind while you were away from the Palace,” Uriel growled.

“Why don’t you worry about yourself first? I have no intention of letting you walk away now. You dared to draw your sword in my house, so I assume you’re prepared for the consequences, yes?”

Uriel's eyes widened as Joshua suddenly disappeared.

Joshua showed up again right behind Uriel and ripped away his wings like wet paper.


Joshua smirked as Uriel’s tormented howl echoed off the arena’s walls.

“Materialized masses of divine power…” Joshua examined the still-flapping wings he held. “I see why people are calling it a god’s authority. Flight is one of humanity’s oldest dreams, isn’t it?”

“Y-You bastard…!”

“Nobody move…”

The paladins trying to sneak up on Joshua froze, pinned in place by the irresistible pressure Joshua exuded.

“...unless you want to see your captain’s neck getting snapped.”

“H-How dare you…!”

“Your name is Uriel, right? I’m actually grateful for you since it looks like I’ll be able to complete my plan faster now.”

“What… are you talking about?” Uriel painfully spat.

“It won’t be as effective as the Angel Spirit’s… but it might be possible to erase the traces with a soul of one of the Great Four Angels, like a detoxification.”

Joshua intended annihilating the Demon Spirit’s soul using the diametrically opposed power of angels and demons. However, that wasn’t the end of Joshua’s plans for Uriel.

“…You look like you’ll make a fine new vessel,” Joshua murmured.

The body that Joshua was using right now had outlived its lifespan long ago; Joshua had overworked himself to the point that he couldn’t be sure he’d be okay. With that said, the transfer of a soul wasn’t a simple job. When Joshua had done it the first time, he used all the mana he had accumulated over decades. Nevertheless, it wasn’t impossible to do it again if he had a perfect vessel at hand.

“I’m the only being who can use both demonic and divine powers, so I think your body will be able to withstand my soul, Uriel,” Joshua whispered.

Uriel trembled leaf in the wind. Joshua’s smile was more evil than anything Uriel had ever seen.

“Dem-Demonic God! You are the Demonic God, not the Martial God,” Uriel screeched. “Joshua Sanders died on the same day the previous Emperor of Avalon did!”

Joshua came to a halt, but chuckled. “Yes, I can see why you’d think that.”

Before Uriel had a chance to respond, Joshua stabbed his hand into Uriel’s heart, the best place for a god’s soul to sneak into.

“…Urgh!” Uriel writhed for a long moment before he dropped powerlessly.

It was a rather vain death for a man strong enough to be known as one of the Four Paladins.

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