Restart:Untalented Man

Chapter 180 Tension In Bagyarosia's Court

The first action taken by Lieutenant General Sarika Klover is to raise her country's flag in the town square. Barlia's "Pristine" flag fluttered in the wind, indicating the change in ownership.

Next, she did the same thing as in Dunston, publicly displaying the corpse of the representative and his family as a gruesome warning to others who plan to oppose her. It was a cruel and barbaric act but necessary to instil fear and submission among her enemies.

"Send someone to Eikadir. Tell them to send supplies here. We need them as soon as possible." While staring at the flag, Sarika gives her order.

In this battle, she lost approximately six thousand soldiers with hundreds more injured. She urgently needs more medicine to treat her soldiers. 

"Yes, Ma'am!" A soldier gives her a salute before retreating from the scene.

With the port city of Caushilbo under her control, the time taken to transport supplies would be reduced from half a day down to several hours. Her future conquest would be much easier. 

She then looks at the devastating result of her invasion. The once-thriving port town now lay in ruins. Buildings were reduced to rubble, streets were littered with debris and corpses, and the cries of the wounded and mourning echoed through the air. Even so, she doesn't feel a bit of remorse about it. Campaign after campaign, expedition after expedition, death after death has steeled her heart.

Sure enough, there was no way she could hide this scale of battle from everyone. Most likely, the news is already widespread. Nevertheless, she had nothing to fear. As long as she holds on to this port town, she and her troops can flee to Makerton Island. 


The news of Barlia's invasion and conquest of two towns spread to the surrounding nations.

Their responses varied, and most of them were filled with concern and fear. After all, Barlia is known for its expansionist ambitions. And it was proven around two hundred years ago.

Bagyarosia, the first country to receive the news felt in complete chaos.

Families frantically gathered their valuables, stuffing their bags with food, water, and whatever priceless items they could carry. As residents scurried to flee, the narrow streets of the towns and villages were filled with a frenzy of activity. Children clung to their parents, and the youngsters assisted the elderly.

It didn't take long for the road leading out of the country filled with an exodus of people. Either on foot, on horseback, or in makeshift carts, they sought refuge in nearby forests, caves, hills and even neighbouring countries. 

In Weymewesto, the city was almost deserted despite the army ordering them to stay.

King Niall II was deeply troubled by Barlia's conquests. To assess the issue and decide on the best course of action, he requested immediate council meetings.

The atmosphere in the court was one of tension and concern. Courtiers, advisors, and nobles were engaged in heated discussions and debates about the potential threats Barlia posed to the Middle Jozia.

"Your Majesty, I suggest we immediately send a help request to Ryntum. As much as I don't want to admit it, we can't put up a good fight again them. Barlia definitely won't spare the capital either." An old advisor regretfully said.

Though no mass genocide conducted by Barlia was reported this time, the ruthlessness they had shown in the past still lingered in everyone's mind. Whether it'll happen again or not, they, as the top brass of the kingdom, are bound to be killed nonetheless.

The fairly young advisor was on the same page, "I agree, Your Majesty. Our army is inferior in weaponry and tactics. Perhaps we can request them to lend us their weapon."

As murmurs filled the air, all eyes were on the young adviser, who had just made a suggestion that sent a ripple of intrigue through the room.

"His suggestion is a bit tempting," whispered one onlooker to another, their curiosity piqued. To obtain Ryntum's weapon, a technological marvel that was the envy of nations.

The potential to reverse engineer it, to unlock its secrets was tantalizing.

"Silence, everyone!" He called out, commanding the attention of the room. "Would they help us though? I don't think the King of Ryntum is willing to help without us giving them sufficient compensation." Niall concernedly asked. 

The king's words hung in the air, sobering the mood in the courtroom.

Both countries only establish diplomatic ties, including recognition of each other's sovereignty and legitimacy as independent states, exchanging diplomatic representatives, and conducting formal communication and negotiation on trade.

That all.

Aside from that, they never go beyond friendly relations such as sharing values, cultural exchange, technology sharing, and joint projects.

Philip, standing on the right side, addresses the King with confidence, saying, "Rest assured, Your Majesty. While it's true that Barlia may ask for compensation for their actions, I am certain that they will at least be willing to hear our request. It's as clear as a bright sky that Barlia seeks to replicate the accomplishments of their predecessors, which will undoubtedly pique Ryntum's interest as well."

The prime minister remains calm, showing no signs of anger despite being the most affected by the invasion. He believes with Ryntum's help, Caushilbo will become his possession once again.

"Your Majesty, I propose we should send emissaries to seek peace negotiations with the Barlia army." A noble spoke up, giving his suggestion. 

Niall's brow knitted together, "Negotiating with an invading army? Are you suggesting we surrender?"

"Not yield Your Majesty, but rather use diplomatic means to resolve the conflict peacefully. We all know the motive behind Barlia's invasion. They want fertile land to grow crops for their population. Why don't we cede those two towns to them? I know it's a cowardly move, but it may spare our kingdom from total destruction." He explained earnestly.

Niall looked around the court, noticing the mixed reactions among the courtiers. Some nodded in agreement, while others looked disapproving including his prime minister.

The implication for Philip is that he will lose his source of income, subsequently, reducing his power and influence. 

In the end, after careful deliberation and weighing the risks and benefits of various options, Niall decided to pursue both diplomatically while at the same time requesting help from Bagyarosia's only hope, Ryntum.

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