Restart:Untalented Man

Chapter 149 Ministerial Meeting Part III

When there is wealth, there is danger.

Being rich alone is insufficient.

The lack of means to protect this kingdom would result in everything he had strived to build for collapse. Nobody including himself wants to see his or her own hard work go wasted.

Due to that, the military has always come after education in terms of budget. He isn't an optimistic person or a believer in the power of friendship.

The moment Ryntum shows any hint of weakness, the so-called neighbouring kingdom will swarm at him like a vulture.

"William, tell me about the progress in the military."

The minister of War and Defense, William Geoffrey arose from his seat fast with no hint of sloppiness in his movement. His deep voices resound imposingly. "As you wish, your majesty."

Like the knight he was, his performance in handling paperwork is lacking. William is self-aware of this but Riz personally doesn't mind it at all as long as his report has all the info he needs.

"The military spending for Year 302 has decreased by 13 per cent as compared to the previous year. All military bases across the kingdom have been completed. We had enough supply of personnel, weapons and ammunition to face any internal and external threat.

Now, the ministry shifts its focus to the military academy with the aim of nurturing a new generation of soldiers and military officers. Thanks to the help from the ministry of education, we had a working education structure. Unfortunately, the enrollment rate of high school students into the military academy is below our initial projection. Many students prefer to apply to the University of Ryntum instead. However, this doesn't pose us with any problems. Our active soldiers are still strong enough to be involved in the war."

"What about the knights originally belonging to Manfura? Did you get them enrolled?"

William nods, "Yes, your majesty. Most of them stated their willingness to join the academy and become full-fledged soldiers. They're currently going through the education process. With the increased area of territory, we decided to expand the army from 25,000 to 30,000 soldiers to defend our land."

"In this report, the army only consumes 43 per cent of the budget. Where's the rest?"

"Your majesty can find it in the navy section. The construction of naval forces takes up more than half of Year 301's budget. As your majesty previously mentioned, the navy does have a high maintenance cost."

"The navy is necessary, both for defence and trade," Riz emphasized in his statement. "Sea trade allows goods to flow out easily and cheaply to other nations in large quantities. To protect our precious cargo and shoreline, we need to have a strong navy. So, tell me the progress."

"Taking account of your majesty's advice, we had completed the navy port at three locations, Bideford, Torksey and Durbotes. When it comes to ships, the navy purchases sufficient ships to protect the gulf. However, the military decided to stop buying the ship for now due to a lack of sailors. We want to focus on filling manpower for our existing vessels."

"Well, it is understandable. The majority of our people have never truly been involved with the sea for decades now. It's hard to get them back to the sea. Be patient and keep the recruitment open, they'll eventually open up to the idea of faring the sea. Never underestimate human curiosity." Riz eases William's worries.

The former knight knows how much he attached the importance of the navy.

In addition to trade, the navy prevents the enemies from coming near our shore.

He surely doesn't want the tactics used during the war against the Noble Coalition to be used again.

Riz may desire to take the entire gulf under his control but his rationality is still intact. He won't fixate on one particular aspect. Ryntum's strength still lies in the army.

"I'll try my best, your majesty." William lowered his butt onto the chair.

Riz looks at the only person left, "Lastly, Michael from Foreign Affairs. How is it going?"

Michael leisurely gets on his feet. A stark contrast in personality from William, "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has no problem establishing relations with other nations. It's quite the opposite actually. We received way too many formal letters with the intention of being friends with us. Some are from significant forces and some aren't worth mentioning. All of them wish to strike up a deal with us. They probably want to buy our weapons."

"As expected..." Riz muttered under his breath. "The unwanted presence of Inverloch in the north is bothering them. They need a strong ally to help them."

"Yes." The minister of foreign affairs nodded his head. "All thanks to Naharog needlessly capturing Lonsbak. Now, Inverloch reacts by swallowing a huge chunk of southern Vofors and Nyirdi. Fortunately, our kingdom didn't suffer from their aggression. As your majesty wishes, we accepted the purchasing request with a limited amount at high prices. Only, toward the country in middle Jozia. Aside from that, Ryntum takes a passive stance. We won't engage first unless we want something like the case of Duchy of Camble last year."

"Yeah, we are in need of their large reserve of timber though. Speaking of them, I heard they want something from us. Is it true?"

Michael sneered, "Regrettably, yes. I don't know when but those snow-bumpkin people start to get the notion that our shipbuilding industry is dependent on them."

"What did they request to make you say such remarks," Riz asked.

He is curious. No, they're all curious.

"Request? I believe the words 'ordered' would be more appropriate. Sigh... Whatever. They want us to teach them about firearms from A to Z or they'll stop selling us the material for ships." Michael passed to him a stack of letters supposedly from the duke.

Riz took out the already opened letter one by one. A few minutes later, he chuckled amusingly and threw the letters back on the table after getting a grasp on the situation.

He let out his thoughts. "That's a large word for a tiny duchy. Did our reputation not reach them or were their ears filled with snow? I bet they're trembling in their little snow hut. Since last year, the Sidgeans have been in favour of policy for pushing northwards."

"Should we reject their 'request', your majesty? I don't think they are the only supplier of woods." Michael was tired of dealing with these rude and shameless people.

The king rejected the idea, desperate people would make irrational decisions. "Proceed with the deal. We'll teach them how to make arquebus but the ammunition would be sold separately to them."

"I'll try to get a cut in price for the woods we imported," Michael promised.

Riz gives his foreign minister a thumbs up, "Ohh! That would be better. Do whatever you can to milk them, Michael."

The meeting proceeds with a discussion on the budget allocation for this year. The focus of this year is still on the industrialization of the kingdom.

The ministers also talk about the upcoming event this year.

Aside from the Cerdeauxia election that would occur at the end of this month, the topic of his wedding sprung up again.

His ministers proposed to make it lavishly so the wedding would be the most memorable event.

In which, Riz ultimately rejected. He won't touch a single coin of the kingdom's money.

All his investments and companies have brought him tons of revenue. So, the level of lavishness depends on the depth of his family coffers.

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