Renegade Immortal

Chapter 2022 - Filled With Rage (1)

Chapter 2022 - Filled With Rage (1)

The woman was wearing a very colorful phoenix dress, giving her a noble temperament. She lowered her head, but her face was covered in a bead curtain, hiding her frown as she walked toward the Ancient Dao Emperor.

That sound of bells did not actually come from bells, but from the collision of the beads that covered her face.

At this moment, all members of the three clans on the square and platforms looked at this woman. She was not an absolute beauty, but there was an indescribable feeling about her. She was very soft and comfortable, as if she could calm the soul.

Her temperament was serene. Like the vast valley’s silent beauty, only when a bird accidentally flew by from high above could it see the beauty of this place.

As Wang Lin stood there, the irritation in his heart disappeared the moment the woman appeared, as if it had never been there.

“Song Zhi…” Wang Lin immediately recognized this woman. He remembered when he first saw this woman outside of Blackstone City.

The Ancient Dao Emperor revealed a hint of joy. As the woman walked up, he waved his sleeve and spoke.

“Empress, come sit next to me. Today is a joyous event of my Ancient Dao and an important day for us.”

The steps of the phoenix-dressed woman paused for a moment before she silently walked to the Ancient Dao Emperor’s dragon throne and gently sat down. She raised her head and looked outside at the square.

She was still frowning and her face contained a hidden sense of confusion, giving people the sense that she was helpless.

The moment she raised her head, the first thing she saw was Wang Lin looking at her!

In this instant, their gazes collided inside the palace.

When their gazes intersected, Wang Lin felt his mind rumble. This came too suddenly, as if countless bolts of thunder had exploded at once. At his moment, his entire body, his origin soul, and even his soul trembled. It was as if this woman was an indispensable part of his life!

Wang Lin’s expression changed as he stared at the woman, and his heartbeat accelerated. This woman gave him a familiar feeling, but it was hidden behind a curtain of fog. Wang Lin couldn’t think of the source of this feeling!

“Wan Er… Li Qianmei… Zhou Ru… Red Butterfly…” Wang Lin looked at the woman’s eyes and a list of faces appeared in his mind. However, he could not find the source of this familiarity.

“She doesn’t seem like any of them…” When Wang Lin took a closer look, he found the woman to be very unfamiliar and greatly different from what he expected.

“Wang Lin!” A voice that wasn’t loud but filled with majesty echoed in Wang Lin’s ears.

“Has my empress attracted your attention so?” The Ancient Dao Emperor looked at Wang Lin with a flash of coldness in his eyes. He was the emperor, and everyone else had only taken one look at his empress before withdrawing their eyes. Yet this Wang Lin had continued to stare. He was already dissatisfied with Wang Lin, and now his words were cold as he frowned.

Wang Lin silently pondered and seemed to awaken thanks to the Ancient Dao Emperor’s words. He revealed a complicated gaze and ignored the Ancient Dao Emperor but still looked at the phoenix-dressed woman.

He wanted to find the source of familiarity on this woman, but as he looked, he let out a sigh and revealed a melancholy gaze.

He didn’t know this woman…

He vaguely found the root of this familiarity: it was her temperament. This calm temperament was very similar to Li Muwan’s.

“It can’t be Wan Er… It’s just a similar in temperament, it’s just an illusion…” With Wang Lin’s current cultivation level, if this woman was really Li Muwan, he would be able to tell at a glance. However, no matter how much he looked, he could not find any of Li Muwan’s aura.

“Wan Er is inside the Heaven Avoiding Coffin and her soul fragment is missing… I can’t find it… This woman is not her, it’s just that there are people with very similar temperament in this world…” Wang Lin closed his eyes to cover the sorrow within them.

The woman’s face was slightly red and there was anger in her eyes, as if she was unhappy with Wang Lin’s gaze. She didn’t know why, but deep down, she felt a sense of familiarity. But as soon as this feeling appeared, it would strangely dissipate as if it didn’t exist.

“I’m asking you a question!” The Ancient Dao Emperor raised his left hand and slammed down on the armrest of the dragon throne. There was a loud bang, but no damage was done to the armrest.

However, at this instant, more than a dozen sources of killing intent locked onto Wang Lin at the same time. They were hiding in the hall like strands of smoke, and as soon as the Emperor gave the command, they would attack.

Also at this moment, the people at the square and the hundreds of platforms noticed that something was abnormal. They had strange gazes as they looked at Wang Lin and the slightly angry woman in the phoenix dress.

“This woman looks a lot like my old friend…” Wang Lin opened his eyes and saw the indignation in her eyes. He was now certain she is not the one he was looking for…

However, the similarity in temperament evoked Wang Lin’s sorrow and heart-wrenching pain.

“Oh?” The Ancient Dao Emperor’s eyes lit up an undetectable amount. He looked at the woman and then at Wang Lin, then he suddenly revealed an elusive smile.

The Ancient Dao Emperor said, “Empress, do you recognize the future guardian of my Ancient Dao?”

The woman in the phoenix dress lowered her head and shook her head.

“The Imperial Teacher said that this soul fragment was sealed by him and no fluctuations would spread out. Even if the people closest to the soul fragment appeared, they wouldn’t be able to detect it. Unless that person has divination power beyond that of the Imperial Teacher, not even Grand Empyreans can detect it.” The Ancient Dao Emperor smiled faintly.

“Interesting. Could this soul fragment really be related to this Wang Lin?” The Ancient Dao Emperor was pleasantly surprised, but he still maintained that elusive smile.

The Ancient Dao Emperor slowly said, “Perhaps you both might really know each other. My Empress, walk down to my Ancient Dao’s future guardian and let him have a closer look. If you two really know each other, it would be a joyous event.”

The woman in the phoenix dress gently stood up and looked at Wang Lin before slowly walking down. Wang Lin looked at her and, for a moment, he felt like it was Li Muwan walking toward him. Even his heart and body trembled.

The woman stopped 10 feet away from Wang Lin, and the indignation in her eyes became even stronger. Wang Lin felt a very cold but familiar feeling. It made him forget that he was at the Ancient Dao palace, forget that he was at the Ancient clan, forget that he was at the Immortal Astral Continent, and he was back in the cave world. As they stared at each other, the sadness in his eyes seemed like it could melt the world.

The sadness was seen by the woman, and she suddenly felt pain in her heart. Confusion appeared in her eyes, but soon the confusion disappeared and turned back into indignation.

“You… are not her.” After a long time, Wang Lin revealed a bitter expression. He suddenly wanted to get drunk so he could forget this pain and sorrow from his soul. He knew that what he had felt was just an illusion.

But this illusion made him recall the past from thousands of years ago and made his sorrow even more intense.

He staggered back a few steps. Wang Lin didn’t look at the woman again or at the Ancient Dao Emperor, but he didn’t leave. He returned to his table and sat down. He looked at the table for a long time before he grabbed the wine jug and took a big gulp.

However, although this wine was spicy, it was not enough to make him drunk…

Wang Lin rarely cried, but as he drank, tears flowed down from the corners of his eyes. These tears flowed into his mouth with the wine and tasted very bitter. It was like the taste of his sadness.

The woman in the phoenix dress returned to the Emperor’s side and calmed down. She kept her head lowered and didn’t say a word. The smile on the Ancient Dao Emperor’s face widened and his gaze sometimes fell on Wang Lin. There were flashes of pride and joy in his eyes.

“It looks like it is very likely that Wang Lin knows the soul fragment… And the confusion that appeared was likely due to Wang Lin… Unfortunately, no matter what your cultivation level is, no matter how much soul blood you have, and even with Xuan Luo as your teacher, the greatest sorrow is that you can’t even recognize each other when you’re right in front of each other… But this makes me very excited…” The Ancient Dao Emperor raised his cup and drank with the 100,000 people that had come to the banquet.

According to the tradition of the Ancient Dao, he should let the woman leave, but he didn’t do this and instead made her stay. He continued to look at Wang Lin. It was as if this gave him the greatest satisfaction and pleasure.

Due to the Ancient Dao Emperor, the banquet had reached a peak. The crowds were filled with words of congratulations’ it was very lively.

In this lively mess, Wang Lin silently sat there and drank mouthfuls of wine. The sadness in his eyes would not be washed away by the wine.

“Empress, Guardian Wang’s mood seems down. You go drink with him for me.” The Ancient Dao Emperor smiled.

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