Reincarnated Lord’s Unwanted S*xual Technique

Chapter 193

Chapter 193


I asked my mother-in-law desperately, trying to maintain composure and dignity.

Even though composure and dignity had long abandoned me in this situation.


"Yes, that's right." Mother-in-law replied with a cute face and a cute nod, sitting on my lap. At the same time, she skillfully toyed with the lord's lord with her bottom. Ugh, she's so good! So skilled! You damn witch!

"Surely, you wouldn't suggest that you won't take responsibility after getting your hands on the Earl's eldest daughter, would you?"

Um, I didn't know that a smiling face without any warmth in the eyes could be this terrifying!

I felt like trembling, but I couldn't run away. I can't.

More importantly.

"I would never say such a thing. In fact, I won't give Teresa to anyone else."


――Hmm, the way her tanned cheeks blush is so adorable.

"So is Katherine. I'm a greedy man."

"Master... ❤"

She squeezed my shoulder tightly with her hand.

"I knew you would say that. After all, my "palm" did not fail me."

Huh? Palm? Not eyes? And not even Charlotte's eyes?

Well, I guess Charlotte didn't come here because she fell for me...

"But I fell for you now! I can't live without Desmond-sama! Even if Desmond-sama comes to dislike me, I will continue to love you!"

Whoa... heart communication opened up again, and not only words but Charlotte's feelings were flowing into me. I'm not going to lose!

"Ah... No, this is bad, it's really bad... Desmond-sama's love is making me weak and drowning me... Oh Oh... ❤"

Wait, did I go too far?

Charlotte was trembling while clinging to me.

And what's with the cold stares from her elder and half-sister? They probably have a vague idea of the "connection" between Charlotte and me. It's quite different from the warm feelings we had before... Even if there aren't any channels connecting us, they must sense something!

――Hmm, while her inferiority complex about onee-sama is dissipating, she still thinks she can't beat her mother, so maybe that's why she reacted like that when she's with mother-in-law.

"No, don't peek into my heart so brazenly, please! Seeing such a selfish and ugly side of me, if you do, I... I might be hated by Desmond-sama... ❤"

That shouldn't be the case. I think you know that I love you, including those parts. Well, being jealous also be quite enjoyable, you know?

Charlotte then leaned her head on my shoulder,

"Desmond-sama is so unfair... ❤"

Hmm, well, that can't be helped.

Just need to ignore the gazes of the other three!

And the one on my lap.

"In that case, can we say that Desmond-sama is taking Teresa-chan?"

"I don't mind at all! I don't mind being impregnated and kept as a lover or even pet by him. Fuhahahaha!"

Oh, this woman is too bold. Well, I already knew that, but still.

"So, I am going to be wedded as a wife? As Desmond's wife... ――Fufu."

Oh, so cute. But shouldn't I be the one to give that answer, not you?

There's no helping it,


She's the Onee-sama.


"Alright, I'll take Teresa then."

I replied firmly.

――I did it.

"So, Desmond-sama will be the next head of the Terrace family."



At first, it was me, then Charlotte. Her big emerald-like eyes widened, and her cute mouth fell open.


No, no, no, it's not "ufufu" matters. Right, Mother-in-law? As I recall, the Terrace family had a Papan who worked hard and he even had a son with some concubine.....

"Oh, right, I forgot." onee-sama said as if she just remembered. "The right to choose the next head has always been up to me. Whoever I choose as my husband becomes the next head of the Terrace family... Fuhaha! So, if I marry you, Desmond, it means you'll take over the Terrace family! That's good. Father would be pleased with that. Fuhaha, fuhahahaha!"


Charlotte's and my voice harmonized.

"The Terrace family is quite unique."

In the royal palace garden, Princess Sylvia spoke. Behind her stood a maid, and sitting across the table was none other than the Eros Church's Saint, Christina Ernest.

"In a society where women are regarded merely as tools for producing offspring, that family allows women to determine the next head of the family. From the outside, it may appear that they are simply marrying off their daughters to keep the family continuing because they are unable to produce any males, but it's not all as it seems. When it comes to the actual management, it's true that the man who becomes the head does it. Still, there are some things they can't budge on, and that's where the woman who chose that head, the head's wife, seems to have a say."

"The form may be the same, but the content is different." Princess Sylvia said with a smile, lifting her teacup with graceful gestures.

"Only the current head of that family, his wife, and the eldest daughter who holds the right to choose the next head know this fact. There are troublesome people who will seize this opportunity to make trouble if this fact spreads in the noble society. I only know all this because that witch told me. Oh, you must never tell anyone either. That witch might appear out of nowhere and kidnap you."

Princess Sylvia chuckled, but Saint Christina was far from at ease. While it might be laughable for the Saint to be afraid of some witch if the princess's story were true...

――The《Witch of Terrace》

The current Terrace family head's wife and, and if Princess Sylvia's story is true, the woman who chose the current head is her. Margaret Terrace,

It is said that 《Witch of Terrace》 can see the future.

It is said that crossing 《Witch of Terrace》 would bring unimaginable, fierce retaliation.

In Noble society, the 《Witch of Terrace》 was a presence with a commanding and awe-inspiring aura.

However, as a woman, she never wielded her influence on the public stage. She was spoken of in a manner similar to an urban legend. But she couldn't be laughed off, and one couldn't rashly interfere.

When Peter Swift recklessly turned back on the marriage, because Charlotte couldn't conceive and rejected her. There had been mixed reactions both within and outside the family. But in the end, the Terrace family quietly accepted Charlotte's return, seemingly cowering despite losing their influence. Meanwhile, the Swift family, driven by a thirst for honor and power, had intensified their pressure on the Terrace, raising their profile as a noble. Certainly, there was the embarrassment of marrying out a woman who couldn't conceive. However, the calm manner in which the 《Witch of Terrace》 accepted it only made the situation seem more eerie.

After the final outcome, the legend of the witch has now become even more widespread.

However, Desmond, who didn't socialize much, remained entirely unaware of such rumors.

The princess continued, "That is the uniqueness of the Terrace family, or rather, the uniqueness of the Terrace women. The women of that family inherit innate magic. It seems that the 'Witch of Terrace' wields that power. Would you like to know?"

The Saint vigorously shook her head. Her eyes were teary.

"Skills" <Three thousand realms in reach> allows her to accelerate time within the small worlds created in the palm of her hand, calculate and observe numerous possibilities through simulations, and predict the most likely future that could occur. Holding the world in the palm of her hand, rather than a witch, she might as well claim to be the Demon lord, overthrowing my father. Oh, this conversation stays between us by the way. Not only a demon lord, but the king might also come to purge us, you know.

When the princess brought her finger to her lips playfully, Saint Christina's expression was as if her soul had left her body. Even though she was acclaimed as the Saint, She's just a village girl who recognizes Eros was already pushing her capacity to the limit.

However, if anyone were to lay a hand on Saint Christina, they would become enemies of the Eros Church, so neither the kingdom nor the Terrace family would lay a hand on her easily.

Nevertheless, Princess Sylvia continued to speak. "And despite possessing such powerful magic, they are not persecuted, and they remain as earls without achieving any great feats. Why do you think that is? Even I don't know the details myself...."

In front of the princess, the saint covered her ears with her hands.

The princess kept talking, "Fufu, you're so adorable."


And the princess's delightful laughter danced in the wind.

It might be too much for a girls' talk. But for Princess Sylvia, this was undoubtedly a delightful moment in the summer.

"Does Desmond-sama want to remain as Damwead? However, I don't think it's wrong to assume that you don't wish to."

Margaret, my mother-in-law, said, tilting her head.

On my lap.

So, this is an important conversation, right? Seriously. Can you please stop grinding your ass on my son while we're having an important discussion?

"What do you think, Desmond-sama?" She asked me. Um, this isn't some hostage situation involving my dick is it?

"Desmond-sama, do you not wish to leave your legacy as Terrace rather than Damweed?"

I mean, well, yeah, you could say that. I, the next head of the Terrace family? Of the prestigious Earl's family?...HAHAHA! Seriously!?

As I glanced at Charlotte-chan.

"Desmond-sama as the next leader of the Terrace family..... Desmond Terrace. Fufu-waaaah... Demond-sama, even his family name belongs to me now... Ah, ahhh... ❤" It's like watching a child who's been given permission to write their name on their belongings, but that voice is coming from a twenty-nine-year-old. Soon enough, she'll be using magic to write it on my forehead or something.

"Can I!? Can I really write my name!?"

Well, it can't be helped.

But she's so intense (happy).

"Well, I don't mind..." "I've got your confirmation♪" Phew... Mama's pressure is strong.

"But even if Desmond-sama objects, Damweed has already agreed to fully cooperate with the Terrace."

――I've got Donna Donna's song playing in my head.

"Fuhahaha! So, Desmond will become Aldora's Frontier Lord as Desmond Terrace! This makes me proud as a wife! Long live the Frontier Lord !"

Stop it! If you say that so loudly, a certain old man might go crazy!

But right then, I noticed something.

"However, Margaret-sama, in order to do that, I would first have to marry Teresa, wouldn't I?" To inherit the Terrace earldom, I must first stand as Teresa's husband. In other words, to have her as first wife...

"Even if I were to marry Teresa and be the next (let's say a hundred steps or even a million steps from now) to inherit the Terrace, I won't divorce Charlotte, no matter if I could later welcome Charlotte as my second wife... No, I cannot accept it unless Charlotte remains as my first wife."

"Desmond-sama..." Her voice, unlike her usual erotic tone, seemed genuinely moved, making it impossible to look at my wife's face.

That's my first condition. So, unfortunately, the birth of Aldora's Frontier Lord and my Terrace earldom will not happen. Ah, what a shame, truly, truly a shame (grinning triumphantly)!

But my hope is just that, a fleeting hope...

"That's not a problem at all." My mother-in-law said on my lap. Could you please stop rubbing my thing with your butt since it's getting into a serious topic? It feels good, but...

"You may welcome Teresa-chan as your third wife. As it would be..... problematic to make her the second wife."

Yeah, Liz would cry, for sure.

That's absolutely unacceptable.

"I'm jealous ..." Wait, Charlotte-chan, here...?

"So, Teresa-chan will be the third wife. Teresa-chan's right to choose the next head is not known to the outsider. Charlotte-chan also didn't know, did you? So, after Teresa-chan marries Lord Desmond, as long as Desmond-sama is our son-in-law... there's no problem (smiles)."

No, I can't look her in the eye. It feels like I'm peering into the bottomless darkness of the aristocracy. Indeed, if we follow her plan, the appearance of a male in the male-dominated aristocracy will be maintained. It's quite roundabout, but.. what a troublesome society...

No, I have to do my best here, or Aldora's Frontier Lord will be born, and Grandpa will be delighted. And then,

"Next will be the country, ――fufu"

I must absolutely prevent that!

"But James-sama has son with concubines..." "It has been long decided that those children will not inherit the family." "...Understood."

――What should I do, I can't stop Aldora's Frontier Lord from being born...

――Huh? Wait, I still have a card to play!

It's Desmond's turn, Desmond draws his card!

"I'm not planning to leave Aldora, the place I've worked hard on all this time."

"That's fine. In fact, Desmond-sama, it would be better for you not to leave here. Terrace's territory will continue to be governed by James-sama as the deputy."

Miss! Desmond's attack doesn't work.

James' retirement has been postponed.

"By the way, the children between James-sama and the concubine will become deputy governors in a different territory. And even if there were any problems there, Desmond-sama would not be harmed. Such a system has already been established."

Oh, I see, so this kind of history has been repeating itself. It's the legacy of the prestigious aristocracy.....I got handed that whole system, all the land I let the deputies handle will eventually fall into my hand.


――Cough (coughing up blood)...

"Desmond-sama, I mean, the next head of the Terrace family. I, too, will do my small part for the prosperity of Aldora."

Stop it, it feels like if you put in your efforts, the whole country might be in danger. Please say it's just my imagination, please, please, please, Mother-in-law!

And I haven't really agreed to... "You're getting Teresa-chan, so that means you're taking the Terrace next head's seat, right?" (smiles)

What a package deal! Buying time is... no use now, I've already gone too far. Rejecting Onee-sama is just not happening.


"I understand. I will humbly accept it."

"Thank you!"


Mother-in-law squeezed my erect penis with her plump butt.

...this is bad...

I was rubbed by mother-in-law's ass on my lap, with my wife, her sister, and half-sister clinging to me.....

"You're twitching... Fufu, you're twitching a lot, this is the pulse of a man who knows sexual desire..... It's so hot... and wonderful...Ufufu."

――Um, I'm totally defeated.

There's no way she wouldn't notice the smell...

"Fuhaha, this is truly a call for celebration!"

"As expected of Madam."


"Desmond-sama, you are still trembling... ❤"

And so, in three different ways... or should I say, in four ways, I find myself entangled by this alluring legion of beautiful women. The women of Terrace. I see, I'm becoming a part of Terrace too, huh... I may not have any attachment to the name Damwead, but I guess I'm becoming Desmond Terrace from now on...

It can't be helped.

In reality, I'm going to become Desmond Terrace, the Frontier Lord of Aldora... The sheer happiness on Grandpa's face when I imagine it... It's indescribable.

Please stop, the noble society and everything else, please leave me alone!

As much as I wish for that, the reality is harsh, and if I'm inheriting the title of an Earl, there's no way I can avoid being summoned by the higher-ups...

So, I'll have to go to the royal palace at some point.――

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