Reincarnated in the game world ~ A gamer's beginning to [Dungeon job hunting recommendation]

Vol. 6 - Chapter 319 - The end of extra dungeon exploration and whizzed past dungeon week

We finished our exploration and returned back by the time the clock struck slightly over 9:00 p.m.

We usually returned back to our dorm by dinner time, but since we already had our dinner in the dungeon, we ended up extending our stay.

Individually speaking, I would have wanted to stay for as long as the time limit permits, but we also have girls with us. The 10 p.m. curfew rule has remained unchanged for the high-schoolers in this world as well.

The real curfew starts at midnight, though.

Well, that's the gist. So I returned with everyone, with reluctance.

Anyway, Eden's first expedition was quite a success. We had gathered so many items with all the members working together that even the ‹Item Box LV3› installed in the ‹Thunder Javelin› was filled to the brim.

In fact, it wasn't even half-filled by the evening time. It happened after we had our dinner, all the members had a determined look. Of course, I wasn't any different either.

The dinner was so delicious that it brought out the 200% of everyone.

"I think this will last us for a while!"

So said Lana, while opening the item box.

I wholeheartedly agreed with her, but i really wish she stops opening it. All the jam packed ingredients looks like they will spill out at any moment. Rather, she should stop adding further, It will really cause collapse over us at this rate.

"Lana-sama, could you please come out as we are about to put away the carriage?"


Ester carefully checked the inside of the carriage once Lana was out, and then put it into the carriage. We have already tidy-up all the stoves etc, so we are all set now.

I turned to look at everyone before the teleportation circle.

"Thank you for your hard work today as well, everyone! Let's meet again tomorrow in the guild room! Disband!"

" " " "Great work (desu)~" " " "

With this, our Extra-Dungeon expedition was over.

However, we had gathered so much ingredients that they were now posing a problem.

Majority of the ingredients have been stored into the ‹Item Box LV2› of ‹Mechanical Carriage› for now, due to which, I think we will not be able to use No.2 carriage for a while. Beside it, the ‹Item Box LV3› of ‹Thunder Javelin› was also 1/3 packed with foodstuff.

I decided to discuss later with other members to confirm if we're going to keep them or sell them.

I was used to selling all the materials in the game since they fetch quite a hefty sum, so I never felt the urgency to have a storehouse. It seems like those 1/3 items are going to stay in the item box since I don't have a storehouse in reality.

Maybe I should have ‹Item Box› installed in the guild room using Qp? We have QP in abundance after the quest, so it might actually not be a bad idea.

Alright, let's consider later.

Ah, but there was something important I must do.

That was, of course, to put up an offering to ‹Sachineko-sama›.

I mean, the result was explosive this time after all.

Hannah had managed to bring the best of the super-tasty grilled meat, ‹Top-Quality Grilled Beef Chuck›, using the ‹Mogyu Beef Chuck› from ‹Boss Mogyu› and the ‹Meat Blaster› that we got from the gold chest.

I almost thought my mouth and eyes were going to release the beam out of it when I tried it, it was that tasty.

The enticing burst of aroma it effuses was not something that can be offered in presence of other people, lest it awaken their inner glutton demon.

I alone entered the guild after everyone left for their respective place, and put the offering to ‹Sachineko-sama›.

"Sachineko-sama, Sachineko-sama! Thank you for shining your wonderful blessing over us today as well!! This is today's spoil! I absolutely urge you to try it! And please continue to shower us with your graciousness!"

I offered ‹Top-Quality Grilled Beef Chuck› in the shrine of ‹Sachineko-sama›, and seriously prayed for the blessing. It's so delicious I bet ‹Sachineko-sama› would surely grant us better drops.

After offering my prayer, I left the guild and returned to my room.

And the next day, offerings had disappeared from the shrine. ‹Sachineko-sama› must have taken a liking to it.

I remember the disappearance of offering was the usual case in the game, and when it happens, it would strangely become easier to score rare items. It really makes me anticipate our next dungeon exploration.

The dungeon week afterward passed by in a flash.

We ate tasty meat dishes, vegetables, curry in the Extra-Dungeon, and alternatively fought with bosses till the curfew time. My goal, that was to foster a team spirit between everyone, had been achieved as well.

Everyone's spirit had taken in a different look from the morning, and their uplifted motivation makes the dungeon exploration further easier. We ventured into various dungeons that week.

It was also at that time we challenged our 3rd Int-low dungeon too.

We were more or less ready to challenge the Int-mid dungeon. If anything, I really want to rank up our guild to D-rank. The path is still a long one, eh.

Aside from focusing on our exploration, I also trained members in the Intermediate dungeon in order. My goal was to have everyone cross the Lv50, clear three Int-low dungeons and make progress in Int-mid.

That being said, we have off from classes only for one week. It was impossible to train them to a level they can challenge Int-mid dungeon in due time, so I helped them to the possible limit.

I formed different parties at times, explained what dungeons that party can clear and marched forward with them. I also occasionally helped other members who had come to participate in Int-low dungeon exploration together.

I, Ester, and Lana had already cleared two Int-low, so we were the first one to achieve the quota. But of course, It was impossible to challenge Int-mid with just the three of us, so we three joined in other parties and helped the other members.

I held a meeting when a party was stuck up in their exploration, and one time, we also took down a field boss with a group of ten guild members.

That was so fun. Though the handicape was the field boss's status scale in accordance to the number of participating members.

However, an increase in status doesn't grant better rewards, so I wasn't that interested in further joint battle either. But since It's a common occurrence in the Top-grade dungeons, I taught them. It was also a sort of experience for them.

Other than that, our encounter with the senior students gradually increases in the lower floors.

They were especially more concentrated around boss floor in the three popular dungeons, ‹Relic of Camphor Laurel Dungeon›, ‹The Three Wooden Bridges Dungeon› and ‹Citadel of the Thieving Rats Dungeon›, so much so that we couldn't pull off much boss grind. Apparently, seniors also continuously dive into the dungeon in the dungeon week, so the encounter rate was higher than usual.

Due to this, we had to shift our boss grind from those dungeons to other unpopular dungeons. As of now, ‹Jurrapa› was the best in the regards that most seniors avoid it.

From Thursday onwards, we mostly focus on efficiency.

We formed two parties in the end, and settled on the plan that one party will follow my command and challenge other dungeons , while the second team will dive into the unpopular ‹Dinosaur's Hill Dungeon› for the boss grind to raise their level.

I already have prior knowledge of dungeon routes, so we topped the Int-low dungeon exploration in two days even without Ester.

We have frequented ‹Dinosaur's Hill Dungeon› so many times that Ester seemingly has already memorized the routes, and as such she was effortlessly able to carry the other party without my navigation.

Thanks to her effort, all of the Eden's members, saving Rina, successfully cleared ‹Dinosaur Hill's Dungeon›.

Other members also seemed to have cleared some other dungeons, which ranked their strength in line with the Int-low dungeon. And by that time, dungeon week was over.

My level had reached Lv65, and I was only a little way from reaching the level cap.

At the end of the month, we obtained another hefty QP bonus after finishing the submission of ‹Top-grade Mechanical Carriage›, the remaining Dean's quest.

In this way, my first dungeon week ended on an extremely fulfilling note.

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