Reincarnated as a dragon’s egg ~Lets aim to be the strongest~

Chapter 242: – The Mudslinging Match’s Conclusion

Chapter 242

242 – The Mudslinging Match’s Conclusion

It looks like the black pig forefoot has taken a lot of damage . It’s limping a bit as it walks, avoiding putting weight on its right hand side . That’s to be expected after it received such relentless attacks .

Aro brandishes her humerus that she picked up, facing the pig . She knows she hasn’t got much MP left . She’s probably planning on fighting without relying on skills from here on, using her advantage of her reach and its disadvantage of its injury against it .

“Fugouh! Fugoh!”

The pig cries out as it kicks off the ground, curling into a ball mid air . It lands while rotating, then rolls straight towards Aro .

Stunned that her desperate attacks on its foot have been rendered meaningless, she hardens her stance, holding out her bone .

This is bad, we really made a mistake . I’d forgotten it had the [Roll] skill . We should have stopped it from using that tactic . The fact that it had [Roll] completely slipped my mind . Attacking its foot was pointless .

N-no, it’s not like absolutely nothing was gained from it . She’s forced it into a situation where it has no choice but to [Roll] . The [Roll] skill certainly is strong . It increases both speed and attack strength . In the past, I always relied on it . That is why I know its weaknesses too .

Its biggest weakness has got to be its inability to make tight turns, as it forces the user to charge in a straight line . No matter how much she loses in terms of speed, if she can predict how it will move, she should be able to handle it .

The pig approaches while rolling . She takes a step backwards and to the side, bringing herself next to a tree . It adjusts its trajectory to chase after her .

She extends a hand towards it, stirring up a miniature tornado . It seems she intends to use [Gale] to force it to crash into the tree . She stepped back like that to lure it closer I guess .

This girl, she went and saw through the weakness of [Roll] . Nicely done . This way she can… is what I thought, but it just [Rolls] straight through the [Gale] as if it wasn’t there . The tornado peters out, and the pig continues on, intent on flattening her .

She quickly darts behind the tree . Nice judgement . It’ll be difficult to [Roll] around it .

…Is what I thought, but it slows down, allowing it to wrap around the tree . Of course, Aro who was hiding on the other side became prey to [Roll] . She gets sent flying, impacting the ground spine-first two meters away .

She moves to stand up, but part way through she collapses back to the ground as though she’s got no strenght left .


Name: Aro

Species: Skull Lowmage

Lv: 4/13HP: 7/26

MP: 4/22


Th-that attack just now did 19 damage . It’s impossible for her to keep fighting . That’s all she can do . She’s tried hard enough .

Having sent Aro flying, the pig cancels its [Roll], touching the ground lightly with its forefoot as it slows down . Dragging its foot, it approaches Aro .

As I’m about to fire off a [Wind Slash], my partner extends her head .


With her cry, Aro is enveloped in black light . It seems her HP is being restored with [Soul AppendmentFake Life] . Nice, partner .

Great, now Aro, quickly pull back from the pig . That’s what I thought she’d do, but as soon as she gets up, she strikes it with the bone she’s holding instead .


Expecting to only have to deal a deathblow, the pig receives her strike from the front . It flinches, and aiming for that opening, she swings her bone to get another hit in .


Her strike lands cleanly on the top of its head . Swaying slightly, the pig steps back to dodge her third strike .

A-Aro? No, that was well, done, but please don’t try to do the impossible . Your MP is pretty much all gone . Your body is going to break, really . We can restore it with [Soul AppendmentFake Life], but still .

Having taken two steps back, the pig curls into a ball and uses [Roll] to charge at Aro . She drops her stance, holding out the bone she’s gripping towards it . Facing it head-on, she thrusts the bone into it .


It screams out . But, the momentum from its [Roll] continues as it collides with Aro, sending her flying for a second time . Her humerus flies out of her grip and sticks into the ground .

The pig cancels its [Roll], coming to a rest upside down . It’s able to stand up, however, glaring wrathfully at Aro as it does so .

Face down, Aro tries to use her arm to push herself up . However, she’s either out of strength or out of stamina, because her body doesn’t lift up .

D-do you still want to fight? She looks at me and nods her head in confirmation .

…Indeed, the black pig’s got to be reaching its limit soon . If you still want to fight, then [Soul AppendmentFake Life] will let you force your way through .


With my partner’s cry, Aro is once again enveloped in black light . She stands up and extracts her bone from the ground .

From here on, it’s plain fistfight . The pig leaps out at her, and she counters a swing of her bone, scoring a wonderful hit . Each time she gets damaged, my partner heals her right away .

After several repetitions of that, her humerus finally breaks .

“Fugo, fugou…”

At the same time the black pig collapses on the spot as though it’s used up all its strength . She’s really managed to defeat a higher rank opponent . This’ll have earned her tons of experience . If I just focus on healing, can’t she just grind experience no problem?

She wobbles and sinks to the ground . As if her strings had been cut, her head drops and she stops moving .

That’s not no problem at all . She’s been using the healing to force her body to move . If a flesh-and-blood human were to imitate this strategy, it would be a mess .

I stroke her head with my forefoot . Well done, you really tried your best . With a clatter, she turns to look at me .

…This bone, it’s still alive, right . Her arm will be restored when she evolves, right?

Which reminds me, Aro’s current status is…


Species: Skull Lowmage

Lv: 13/13

HP: 26/47

MP: 3/44


Her level’s reached the max . She can evolve . Hopefully, this’ll be one step closer to a human-type species . That’s the what she’s been striving for after all .

I gulp nervously . If it’s a step closer to human-type body, then that’s great . But if she evolves into some giant bone monstrosity, I won’t be able to look her in the eyes .

Please, god . Please make it something human-like… Ah, I forgot, the god of this world’s a piece of shit .

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