Reborn in 2000: Reuniting with the School Belle

Chapter 105

Chapter 105

“Have me in it?”

“Yi Feng, don’t joke with me. I’ll be satisfied if I can get into a local first-tier university. I can’t accompany you to Tsinghua or Peking.”

“But you are the top scorer of the province, you should consider going to Tsinghua or Peking.” Gu Muxi pursed her lips, then stood up from the sofa.

“Alright, I’m going to check if the phone is fixed. I want to check my own scores.”

Yi Feng smiled, “Don’t go. It can’t be fixed that quickly. Just use my phone instead.”

He took out his phone from his pocket and handed it to her.

Gu Muxi took the phone, clicking her tongue, “Yi Feng, having a phone is really cool!”

“Do you want it?”

“I do.”

“If you want it, just say it, I’ll give it to you.”

“Give it to me? Yi Feng, are you that kind-hearted? I’ll tell you, I may perform arts, but I don’t sell myself!”

“Perform arts? That’s good, sing two songs for the lord first.”

“Stinky Feng, do you want to become Buddha now?”

“What Buddha?”

“The Buddha with a head full of bumps.”

“Uh… Gu Muxi, calm down, don’t be impulsive, impulsiveness is the devil!”

Gu Muxi then put down her hands and made a call back to school.

After a while, she showed a joyous expression on her face when she heard her college entrance examination scores.

“Really? Are you sure?”

“Thank you, teacher!”

Gu Muxi hung up the phone, excitedly saying, “Stinky Feng, guess how many points I scored in the college entrance exam?”

“615 points?” Yi Feng squinted and smiled.

Gu Muxi was stunned, asking in astonishment, “How did you know?”

“Oh, I just guessed randomly. Didn’t expect to get it right.” Yi Feng said indifferently.

Gu Muxi tilted her head, looking suspicious.


“You guessed that accurately?”

Yi Feng, with a look of a charlatan, said, “Please call me Master Yi, thank you.”

“Psh, Master your big head ghost!” Gu Muxi rolled her eyes at him.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

“Who is it?” Yi Feng went to open the door.

Upon opening the door, three somewhat familiar faces stood outside.

Yi Feng was startled, isn’t this Yang Na, the female reporter who interviewed him before?

“Ha ha! Student Yi, hello, we meet again!” Yang Na greeted warmly.

“Congratulations, Student Yi, for becoming the top scorer of Guangdong province!” Wu Gang handed over the bouquet he was holding, stuffing it into his hands.

Yi Feng: “……”

Their information was too well-informed!

“Uh, what are you doing here?”

“Student Yi, today we came especially to interview you! You are now the pride of Guangdong province, the undisputed top scorer!” Yang Na firmly shook his hand, earnestly saying.

“Okay, please come in.” Yi Feng smiled, welcoming their arrival.

Connecting with the media would certainly be helpful in the future.

Yang Na, along with her assistant Wu Gang and the cameraman, entered the house. After a short rest, they started the formal interview.

The interview was about how he studied, how he scored high, and his future plans.

Yi Feng answered with ease, without needing much thought, talking freely.

He was already accustomed to such scenes. In his previous life, he had been interviewed by the central mother station several times, so he was unrestrained and understood what answers they wanted.

It was all about encouraging future students to study hard and diligently.

Before Yang Na’s interview was over, reporters from other media units followed.

There were reporters from Guangxi Daily, Life Daily, and so on…

Gu Muxi watched as the house filled with journalists, slapping her forehead.

Stinky Feng is going to be famous!

She estimated that the newspapers and TV news in the next two days would report on him.

Every year’s top scorers go through this process, and each year’s top scorers are heavily promoted once.

From noon until the afternoon, Yi Feng hadn’t even had a bite to eat, so hungry that he had to reschedule with the remaining media reporters for another day.

After dealing with the reporters, Yi Feng collapsed on the sofa, rubbing his head and laughing, “It’s quite tiring to say the same thing over and over.”

Gu Muxi, watching by the side, felt tired, let alone Yi Feng, who hadn’t stopped at all.

She naturally sat next to Yi Feng, massaging his temples, complaining, “It’s so tiring, why don’t you refuse them?”

“Refuse? Why should I refuse?”

“This is a rare self-marketing opportunity, it would be a loss to refuse.” Yi Feng shook his head.

“Eh, self… marketing? What’s that?” Gu Muxi was puzzled.

“Self-marketing, in other words, is self-packaging, but marketing contains richer meanings, including packaging, marketing personal philosophy to the public, creating an impression.”

“Self-marketing has many benefits. Under the same conditions, people who are more successful in self-marketing are more likely to gain others’ trust, thus achieving business success.”

“That’s why so many people give themselves so many titles, like association presidents, clan council members, calligraphy artists, etc.”

“They are active in various media, and over time, people have a certain impression of them, trusting their products and their words more.” Yi Feng tried to explain in the simplest way possible.

Gu Muxi, half-understanding, blurted out, “So, is it like boasting and showing off?”

“Eh… there’s some truth to that, but not entirely.” Yi Feng twitched his mouth.

“Hey, anyway, I don’t understand, as long as you think it’s good.”

“But… it looks like you’ll have to deal with these reporters more in the coming days.” Gu Muxi pursed her lips.

While saying this, she continued to massage Yi Feng’s temples, softly asking, “How is it? Feeling better?”

“Much better, little master Gu, your massage skills are improving every day!” Yi Feng comfortably leaned on the sofa, enjoying Gu Muxi’s gentle massage.

“Hehe, Yi Feng, if it weren’t for seeing you so pitiful, I wouldn’t bother to massage you.” Gu Muxi said proudly.

“Yes, I’m really too pitiful~” Yi Feng pretended to be pitiable, trying to snuggle into Gu Muxi’s arms.

Gu Muxi’s cheeks flushed, pushing his mischievous head away.

“Sit properly, don’t move around, or you can massage yourself.”

“Hehe, okay, I’ll sit properly.”

“Where are you looking?!”

“Cough cough, nowhere, I didn’t see anything.”

“Still saying nothing? I can see that lecherous look in your eyes!”

“You’re slandering, that’s an appreciative gaze, understand? How can you accuse someone of being indecent without cause?”

“Hmph~ still dare to argue?”

“Ow! Gu Muxi, let go, let’s talk this over!”

Gu Muxi then loosened her grip slightly, triumphantly saying, “Hehe, Yi Feng, admit you were wrong?”

“Wrong? What did I do wrong?” Yi Feng quickly freed his head from her clutches, arguing.

“Alright, still refusing to admit your mistake? Watch me not deal with you!”

Gu Muxi pounced on Yi Feng, pinning him down on the sofa, then grabbed his cheeks, kneading his face into various funny expressions.

“Ha ha! See if you dare to argue!”

“Help, help!”

“Shout all you want, even if you shout yourself hoarse, no one will come to save you!”

“Hoarse, hoarse!”

Gu Muxi: “……”

“Hmph, dream on, even if you’re hoarse, it won’t work!”

Gu Muxi sat astride Yi Feng, beginning to tickle him.


Suddenly, the door opened, and Meng Xiaoyun and Yi Jianbing, who had gone out to buy groceries, came back.

But the moment they opened the door, they were stunned, staring at Gu Muxi and Yi Feng.

Yi Jianbing asked in astonishment, “You two are…”

Meng Xiaoyun cut him off, “Ah, Old Yi, it seems we forgot to buy something.”

“Carry on, we didn’t see anything.”

With that, Meng Xiaoyun pulled the bewildered Yi Jianbing out.

Gu Muxi: “(*?w?)……”

“It’s all your fault! Stinky Feng!”

Yi Feng: “……”

How is it my fault?


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