Reborn: I'm A Dragon Girl With An OP System

Chapter 343 The Dwarf Crown Prince Part 2

“You!” I could see the anger in the well dressed dwarf’s eyes. I sneered and stepped forward.

“So, are we going someplace to talk or not?” I asked in a more commanding tone.

“Follow me!” The well dressed dwarf spat out before turning around and walking off.

I patted Thurul on the shoulder to give him some reassurance before walking off, following behind the well dressed dwarf. He brought us to a lavishly decorated private room in a nearby restaurant with many paintings and expensive looking pottery inside a restaurant.  “Is this better!?”

“I think you should watch your tone. From what I have heard and what has come out of your mouth. You really have no right to be looking down on anyone.” I said as I narrowed my eyes at the well dressed dwarf. “You may think you’re some kind of amazing person, but to plot with someone else to go against your own kin is disgusting if you ask me.”

“What the hell do you know!? Are you saying I plotted against my own brother?” The well dressed dwarf yelled out.

“If you didn’t, then why are you bringing up things that would harm your brother now? A malicious heart will always be a malicious heart. Your every word is like a knife trying to cut open your brother’s wounds. Because you are scared that he came back to take away your spot as the crown prince. That all your schemes were going to be ruined just because of your brother’s return. But let me tell you. Such schemes may work on many people, but in my eyes, you are just a clown dancing around looking for attention.” I said mockingly. I mean, I have read so many novels with so many scheming people, how could I not see the scheme he had in place?

“Slander! I would never…..” I let out a loud laugh interrupting the well dressed dwarf.

“Slander? Let me guess. This girl Lena was it? You planted her at your brother’s side. Made her act as if she was in love with him, and then when your brother fell for her, you used that chance to call her back and married her. All for the sake of making your brother want to leave the kingdom due to his depression of having his only love stolen from him. You even birthed many children with her. If that girl ever had a shred of feelings for Thurul, she would never have been willing to let you produce so many kin.

“A woman in love with someone would never betray those she loves as long as they were not betrayed in kind. And from what you said, Thurul never betrayed her, but she betrayed him. So this means you set this all up. All the clues to this are so obvious it makes me want to puke.” I could see the changes in the well dressed dwarf’s expression, which means I was probably on point.

“Wait… So Lena….” Thurul’s voice quivered. I felt bad. This must be hard to take in. Never mind breaking up with a lover or being betrayed by a love, I am only now learning what it means to fall in love. But Thurul has experienced it all.

“Humph! Your wild stories are just that wild stories. Brother, do not listen to her. Friend or not, that means nothing. She could have just been using you because she already knew you were a prince of this kingdom. Maybe she was using you to get closer to me. I am the crown prince of the dwarven kingdom, after all. She will probably find some excuse to jump in my be….”


“You!? You dare hit me!?” I turned to see Adel’s face red with anger and Sophie standing up with her hand on the hilt of her sword. Iena was no different, but the main culprit which surprised me the most was Diablo.

“Watch your tongue! No one is allowed to insult my wife!”  Diablo angered roar echoed through the room. Technically we were not married officially by Gravos standards. Only demon standards, but I will not correct him in this situation.

“Who!? Who are you!?” The well dressed dwarf seemed to be suffering under some kind of pressure, causing his entire body to be completely covered in sweat.

“Diablo enough. And Thank you…..” I said softly as I grabbed his hand and pulled him back.

I could see his brow wrinkle, but he still nodded and sat back down. Once I looked at the others, they also sat back down, but  I could see the killing intent in their eyes. I turned and coldly looked at the well dressed dwarf. “I suggest you be careful with what you say, or even I will not be able to hold my family back. They are very overprotective of me. Just know if you were not a prince, I would have castrated you here and now.”

“I see…. So this is the kind of person you were from the beginning. You have truly opened my eyes and for Father to go along with it all means that I was never in a position to be cared for by this family. I am glad I left…..” Thurul words cut the tension in the air as I sat back down. Since he wanted front stage, I would give it to him. But to my surprise, he turned to me and said: “This gives me some peace of mind. So now I do not mind what I am about to do. From this moment on, I hereby request to join the Cyrilia family as part of House Cyrilia.”

“You wish to be known as Thurul Cyrilia?” I asked in confusion.

“Yes. I wish to be under your flag and will swear my loyalty to you from this day forth.” Thurul replied as he bent down on one knee and bowed his head in a knightly fashion. Looking at him, I sighed and stood up and drew my sword, and placed it on his left shoulder. “Then, from this moment on, you will be one of my retainers, Thurul Cyrilia.”

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