Reborn: I'm A Dragon Girl With An OP System

Chapter 325 Stealing A Kingdom Part 1

I did not know what it was about plants, but they seemed perfectly fine and flourishing even though the animals had all disappeared from the area. My guess was that since they do not take in anything but mana the other kind of energy would just bounce off their outer layer, unlike animals and people that need to breathe in the air around them, which will result in taking in both mana and the strange energy into the body. Hopefully, Thurul and I do not get sick from breathing in the air that we did. Just in case I did cast a healing spell on us.

We made our way through the forest, and I kept my detection magic, scanning the entire area. In order to not set off any kind of monitoring system, I made sure to keep the area I was detecting short range. While I know I did not really need to worry about who would show up, I still did not wish to alert anyone of my position since I was using illusion magic to hide the two of us as we made our way toward the refinery.

“Lass, there it is.” Thurul pointed at the opening between the trees after a thirty minute walk, we had arrived at our destination.

The refinery was like nothing I had seen on this planet so far. It seemed more like some kind of steampunk style place because there were many smokestacks and metal piping everywhere, along with many huge cogs that interconnected, turning one another.

The building itself was made from brick and metal. And there were open air windows with nothing stopping the elements from passing through them. The loud sounds of machinery grinding inside could be heard, causing Thurul and me to look at one another before nodding and proceeding on.

We did not speak but used hand signals to tell each other which way to go next. We walked around the back of the refinery to see carts and carts of a blue glowing ore that emitted the strange power. I have never seen this kind of ore before, not even in books. I could only turn to my appraisal skill to see exactly what it was.


[High density mutated wind elemental filled ore used in the refinement of plasmatic material.]

[Good source of energy.]

I pulled on Thurul’s sleeve, causing him to nod as we followed the ore carts inside. What we found was a massive refinery that was taking the ore and using super heated mana to melt it down into a liquid and mixing it with concentrated Mana.

[Mana Infused Plasma]

[A material that can only be made by melting down plasmatic material. ]

[Due to its properties and mana mixtures, it is able to ignore certain elements.]

[Highly combustible when exposed to air or fire. But also very flexible, allowing it to be stretched and pulled.]

Reading the information, I patted Thurul on the shoulder once more and motioned for us to leave. We quickly retreated back to the forest, where we found a downed tree and sat on it. “Lass, what did you find out?”

“Using my appraisal skill, I was able to figure out that the rock itself is called plasmite. It’s an ore infused with a mutated variant of wind element. The reason that it takes on the form of a rock like that is because of its high density and mutation. The refined product is called plasmatic material, which is then used to create mana infused plasma. But because of its mutation, it differs from normal wind elements and is able to ignore most other elements. But it is also highly combustible, which is why when it makes contact with fire, it will explode. It is also able to stretch as well which is probably why it can be fired in a beam shape. This is all speculation, though. They might do something else to it as well.” I was thinking that maybe it was shot out like a rubber band. It’s pulled to its upper most limit, then left, sending it flying.  When the back side of it finally retracts, it will slam into itself, causing an explosion or sorts, or when it finally hits something.

“Strange indeed, but does this explain anything about the Prime Minister and his brother?” Thurul asked.

“I am not sure. Maybe he has a way to harness the power or is using special tools created using this same power source. There is no way of telling until I find that bastard.” I said through gritted teeth. I want the Prime Minister’s entire body so I can soak the now barren land of my home village in his blood.

“Lass?” Thurul called out to me, causing me to come out of my small trance. It was hard controlling my anger every time I thought of that man.

“Sorry. Anyway, we need to take this kingdom for the Gravos Kingdom. But first, I will need to speak to the king to see what he thinks.” Taking the kingdom is easy enough. I can just create a barrier around the entire kingdom itself and then threaten the ruler into submission. But before I did, I had to make sure it was something the king wanted me to do.

“Why is it so scary that I know that you are not lying? After all, you annexed four kingdoms in a single month.” Thurul replied while shaking his head. I shrugged as I took out a crystal orb. It shot a rectangular beam of light six feet high and five feet wide into the air and also a beam of light that engulfed my entire body.

“Hmm? Faith?” The king asked as he looked at me in confusion.

“Thurul and I think we found the source of energy used in those things. I want your permission to take the whole kingdom that is able to refine it and turn it into weapons under the Gravos Kingdom’s flag. What do you think?”

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