Reborn: I'm A Dragon Girl With An OP System

Chapter 318 Getting Funding

“So Boss, you are saying this is what is called a robot or a kind of golem?” Annie asked. I used golem instead of android since they are basically the same thing, except one is made from technology.

“Yes. But he does not work on magic. He has come to be sentient, the same as you or me but is currently lost on what to do with himself due to his basic programming. Although I am sure that makes no sense to you. But just think of it as the magic inscription inside of him is messed up at this time.” I tried to explain, but with no knowledge of robots and the like in this world, it is kind of hard.

“I see. Then I will do as you say and take him with me.” Annie said her goodbyes and led X7 away. If anything, I was hoping maybe X7 would be able to help Annie out a bit since he was an A.I. he would be able to learn the things she does quickly and, if anything, would become a good assistant for her.

With X7 taken care of, I headed back to the castle to speak with the King. For some reason, no matter when I come, this man always seems free. Because even now, when there was so much to do, he still made time to see me. “Your Majesty.”

“Shouldn’t you just be calling me father in law now?” The king asked with a smirk on his lips. I rolled my eyes as I said: “Not so soon yet. I actually came today to see if you had some time to spare. I would like to request funding for a few things from the kingdom as my backer and hope you can take a look at what I am requesting funding for beforehand.”

“Oh? Then let’s go now. I do have a few meetings later, so now is the best time.” The king replied as he stood up. I could see that the current advisor, Dan, looked troubled, but sadly I also did not have time to wait either. These were all things for the kingdom anyway and would hopefully help out in the long run. Especially that ship…..

“Thank you for your time.” After giving the proper etiquette that was needed, I left the castle with the king and headed to the new research facility. The first thing I showed was the weapons I took during the war.

“So these are the things that can bypass  barriers?” The king asked.

“Yes and no. From what my brother said, they are slowed down by barriers but nothing more. And fire magic seems to counteract them. I did not get a chance to see if a barrier mixed with fire element is able to stop the attack or not. That is why the barriers here in each of these rooms are all elemental based. Each element on each barrier, with the fire element barrier being the final layer of protection. The smaller ones are not what attacked my home village though it was the big one at the end.” I explained.

“I see… to think such weapons existed. The energy coming from these is strange as well.” The king rubbed his chin and then looked at me. “My guess is that this is not the reason you want funding from the kingdom, right?”

“Right. This is already settled since I have the dean bringing some of the best minds to work on how this works and what this new energy is. The things I want your help in funding to gather the minds needed for them is down below.” I said before bringing the King to the next teleporter. When we arrived, I watched as his eyes went wide when he saw the massive ship in the hangar.

“This… What is this!?” The king asked.

“It is an airship. It might even be capable of going outside the planet into space as well. I am not too sure. It is a form of technology that comes from another time and place, what I can only think of as a parallel world. Think of this world as a starting point, and then during each phase of the evolution of the world, it splits off into many copies that all differ by a fraction of the last. As these copies make copies, they also differ until you have an infinite number of copies that are all different. Some with magic, some with no magic but based on technology. We can be said to be in a magic based world, while the same world would be a highly advanced technological world in one of the parallel worlds.

“Of course, this is all my own assumptions, and I have no way of knowing for a fact yet if this is true, but this whole facility is a mix of magic and technology. The power source that is powering this place could power the entire planet, and more is called a Mana Capacitor. And just so you know, I have two of such power sources.” I explained. But this only caused the king to turn and look at me with a strange gaze.

“Are you sure you do not want to become que,….”

“Stop! I am not looking to become some ruler. I just want to boost our kingdom’s technology, so we are not left behind. You saw the weapons on the previous floor. They are all highly advanced and seem to be made with our own world’s powers. They differ from what we have down here. But they could also be tech found in a dungeon too. I am not sure, but whatever it is, we must make ourselves a kingdom that is able to ward off all enemies that seek to harm it. We do not want to lose more lives due to senseless wars.” I looked at the king and bowed my head: “Please allow me some funding so I can reach out to the best minds in the world to come and work here.”

“I see…. If this is the case, then I will do what I can to help. But for such things like this, I would think we will need the dwarves’ assistance. They are some of the best craftsmen and are known for making some metal golems.”

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