Reborn: I'm A Dragon Girl With An OP System

Chapter 304 As The World Comes Down Part 3

“Just be careful. I know Adel will be going with you, so I hope you can try to protect her. I know it is asking a lot because the battlefield has many unforeseen events, but I still hope for not only her but you as well to return alive.” I could understand where the king was coming from. His only daughter was going off to battle. Even if I tried to keep Adel from going, she would still sneak out.

But I do have one thing to say about this. “I will protect her no matter what, even if it means going against the gods themselves and bringing her back from the dead.” Adel and I still have not tested it, but I am pretty sure rewind can do just that. I would snatch Adel back from the dead even if it meant going against the gods doing so.

“I will hold you to that….” The King replied while closing his eyes and continuing: “This kingdom will once again be under your protection. I wish you luck and hope we can reduce casualties as much as possible. “

“We can only hope….” Yes, we can only hope.

I set up a one hundred layer spinning barrier around the capital. Now knowing the enemy has a weapon that can ignore my barriers, I do hope I can reduce its power at the very least. I wish I had more time to come up with a different spell that could be used to ward it off, but at this time, I do not have any time to waste. I had just finished creating a massive teleport runic inscription that was going to begin transporting troops to the front lines.

This war was going to be unlike any war this continent had ever seen. The number of people that were involved was no small number. Sadly though, we were outnumbered by a lot. And I mean a lot. Diablo and Iena were being left in the capital to protect it. Over ten million soldiers were stationed around the Spirits’ domain.  We have sixty percent of our forces stationed in different directions of the kingdom, all so we do not leave any side open.

This means an army of a little under a hundred million would be facing an army that was hundreds of millions to maybe even a billion large. Such an army is unthinkable. It seems fake, but if you include all the monsters they have that outnumber the number of humans and demi humans in their group, then it really becomes believable. No country on Earth during my past life could have such an army. The size and scale of such a battle is something one could only see in fantasy stories.

And right now, I was currently flying at top speed, making my way to the front line to create a teleportation circle to allow our small army to arrive quickly. I was about a hundred miles away from the actual enemy army. I had to make sure our front line could dig in before they fully arrived. While I felt bad for the people that were about to suffer in the towns and cities in their path, there was nothing I could do about it.

Right now, some had to be sacrificed. I could only hope that they could hide and stay safe until we could push the enemy back. It pains me to think that many will suffer, but there is no other choice.

I worked quickly and created a large teleportation magic circle in the ground and quickly used it to return to the others. Only then did we start moving our military to our front lines. No one wasted time. An underground camp was quickly created by those good in earth magic, and trenches were being dug as all. Magic was quite handy in times of war. Things were almost fully set up in just under two hours. From the time of the initial attack until now, it has been a total of five hours.

I turned and looked up at the uniformly standing groups of soldiers and sighed because they were all waiting for me to make a motivational speech. In such a war that we were about to run head first into, a speech would be needed. “I will say this now. I can’t promise that you will all make it back. But we will do our damnedest to push the enemy back out of our country and make them pay. So this way, if you do die, your lives and the effort you all put in will not be in vain. We are the Kingdom of Gravos! A place where people of all races can come and live with our discrimination! We hold ideals that many hate, but it is those same ideals that have allowed us to unite under one banner. Let’s show these Norian bastards or whoever they are that our Gravos Kingdom is not a place they can just walk into and do as they please!”

A loud roar filled the air, but I raised my hand to quiet them down. “We are currently dealing with an unknown weapon or spell. It can pass right through the barriers I myself have created. My own parents almost fell victim to this weapon or spell. Whatever it is, we will still need to march forth into the unknown. So, please… Keep on your toes. Stay alive and keep fighting. I will be there on the front lines leading the way. I will not retreat until I am dead. Let’s begin our death march!”

Another loud roar filled the air. Death march. This is the right term for it because we are walking into the unknown. We do not know what lies ahead of us. But we do know that we will be fighting for our lives and for the people who can only hope and pray that we will succeed. I hope that whoever the enemy is this time that they are not as powerful as Azengrade. Or that it is not him behind it all. But I do know one thing. I will take out all my enemies to the very last one of them this time around. I have already steeled myself to an understanding that the Norian Kingdom can be no more.

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