Reborn: I'm A Dragon Girl With An OP System

Chapter 282 The City Part 1

I continued to search the desk and found another cell phone tucked away to the side. This one was locked and had very little battery life. But it would come in handy for taking apart and seeing how it ticks. I searched the entire desk and found nothing more of interest. I was kinda hoping for a newspaper of some kind but found none. I could only hope to find one up on the top floors. But I did figure out that I was wrong about the building. The company was some kind of technology company, and the things I was reading before were probably some kind of press statement that would be told to reporters who came in. Of course, this was all just my assumptions.

But if this was a tech company, then there might be something on the upper floors of great interest. I mean, any technology that might be replicable through means of magic would be an amazing leap in technology. Like, let’s say we could use runic inscription to recreate a computer board and use lightning magic and let’s say water magic combined as a processor that could process the information. It would revolutionize this world.

Whether that would be good or not is another question. But I do know that some new advancements would help out the kingdom in a big way. But to keep any of this technology from being used by other kingdoms, some things would need to be done to secure them from falling into the wrong hands.

But I know this is also something that would be hard to do unless I had a runic imprint on the item that would explode if a person not registered to it tried to open the tech they stole to try to see how it worked. I guess this could be plausible, but a new kind of transmission device with a link to the items would need to be made to allow new people to be registered to that device type so they could do repairs if needed. It did not seem very intuitive, but it would secure the technology. New methods to secure the new technology could come at a later time.

After storing what I could, I looked up to find the girls had all moved to the hall next to the room I was in and were inspecting the elevator. “How does it open?”

“I am not sure, but this is definitely a door,” Sally replied to Sei’s question.

“Should we open it?” Adel asked.

“We probably shouldn’t. We should wait for Faith in case there is something behind the door that is too strong for us to handle alone.” Sophie seemed to be thinking that some kind of huge monster was hidden behind the elevator door. I do hate to say this, but she will be very disappointed to find out that there is only a small room made of metal behind those doors. Or just the shaft, depending if the elevator is on this floor or not.

“Did you find anything?” I asked as I walked up.

The girls turned to me and shook their heads. “We only found a bunch of things with strange symbols on them, nothing else,” Adel answered. I guess they wouldn’t be able to read english since they never came across it before.

“I didn’t find anything of use either.” I decided not to say anything about the computers and phones at this time. I would wait until we got out of this dungeon. If they found it themselves that is different, I would just store it away to be looked at later.

“Faith, should we open this?” Sei asked.

“Yeah, it seems to be a sliding door. So Sei and Sally get on each side and pull towards you at the seam.” I instructed. I already knew how to force an elevator door open. So there was no issue with the two whose strength was above normal humans to force the doors open with ease.

When the doors creaked open, everyone else besides me leaned forward to see what was inside. I could see the excitement and curiosity in their eyes. I wanted to tell them not to keep their hopes up, but I couldn’t bring myself to disappoint them, and what I saw seconds later was a bunch of pursed lips and eyes filled with a bit of disappointment. But still, it was better for them to find out themselves that not everything was going to be amazing.

“It’s just a small sealed room, so boring!” Adel yelled out.

“It should be more than that,” I said as I tested the elevator to see how secure it was with my hand by pressing down on it with a bit of my strength. When I found it to be sturdy, I walked inside and floated up to the ceiling, and pushed on the light to open the hatch. “There is a door here.”

“Hey, how did you know that was there!?” Sei yelled out in surprise.

“Dragon instinct,” I replied while sticking my tongue out at her. Of course, this was a big fat lie but well, whatever.

I poked my head up to see nothing but darkness. Not that I planned to climb up through the elevator, but it was still neat to see the elevator shaft as I had only seen one on tv in my past life.  I would not risk everyone trying to climb up the shaft, so we would be taking the stairs.

One thing I did take note of was the numbers on the elevator panel. There were sixty floors and three subfloors. This meant we had a lot of ground to cover just in this one building alone. I do hope we will find something worth wild here. While I wanted to find a clue that maybe my father had left behind, I also wanted to find a newspaper or something that told me the current date and time this city was once a living place, if it ever was.

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