Reborn: I'm A Dragon Girl With An OP System

Chapter 273 Team Faith Assemble!

I held my tongue. I was going to say it would be fine, but I could not be sure. So I could only nod and agree with what she said. “Then I will leave it to you. Do your best to teach them well. I need at least four people who can use this kind of magic. Concentrate on Adel, Sophie, Sally, Grace, and Sei. And is there a way to heal one’s soul?”

I was hoping that if Grace learned how to use healing magic in soul form, it would actually heal the soul as well. “Yes, but it is a lot harder than just normal healing. Soul healing, while it uses the same concept as normal healing magic, requires one to use more mana, so if they have low mana, they could easily fall from mana exhaustion.”

“It’s fine. Grace can handle it. I can link my mana to hers and everyone else who can cast soul magic. I had planned to link up with everyone in the first place because dungeons are not a place most can easily deal with without lots of mana reserves or ways to replenish it.” I explained. I am very much relieved that healing magic can heal souls if cast as soul magic. It makes me feel much more hopeful that our mission will succeed.

“Don’t worry, Master. I will also be going with you.” Iena suddenly said, causing me to look up at her. Seeing my expression, Iena smiled as she continued: “My guess is that you planned to go in with a team without His Highness because you wanted someone here to defend your home. But now I am here. Although I am weaker than His Highness, I can still hold my own against powerful enemies.”

I smiled and nodded. “Then I will be in your care.”

I spent the next few days keeping my mother company. I figured I would talk to Diablo about my ancient will when we got back to the capital. I had to mentally prepare myself as well since he might have to enter my sea of consciousness. But after talking with Iena about it, it seems Diablo doesn’t react to much of anything.

On the third day, a group of people walked up the side of the mountain while I watched them from above. I was very happy with how quickly they arrived. I guess all the training they had been going through was not for nothing.

“Faith!” Adel was not the first to yell out. It was surprisingly Sophie.

“Wait, Sophie! Don’t get ahead of yourself!” Adel yelled out and was chasing behind her.

I was confused as to what was going on when I was suddenly tackled by a fluffy fox girl. “Sophie? What’s wrong?”

Sophie nuzzled her nose into my chest, her tail wagging back and forth. I looked up at Adel, who had a defeated smile on her face scratching her head. “This is my fault. Faith, I know how you do not like too many people fawning over you. I mean, you already got me confessing my love to you all the time, but I couldn’t sit around and watch Sophie as she was anymore.”

“What do you mean? What happened?” I asked as I rubbed the fluffy ears in front of me.

“You know how Sophie likes sleeping with you? Since you have been sharing the same bed for so long?” Adel asked. I nodded. It was not as much as it was before, but she does go on streaks where she can’t sleep in her own room and will ask if she can spend the night with me.

“Well, it’s because she never realized that she imprinted on you as a mate. Well, to make it make more sense, she is like me.” Adel explained.

Only then did I understand. Sophie had been a bit more clingy the past few months, but I never thought much of it. I figured she was just lonely because I had been so busy as of late. But now, this left me feeling a bit awkward. I mean, first, it is Adel and now Sophie. What am I supposed to do? I sighed as I scratched the fluff. It was really addicting.

“Anyway!” Adel suddenly jumped in and joined Sophie, and hugged me. “I missed you, my love!”

“Oh my…. My my! My daughter not only has a handsome son in law but two beauties as my daughter in laws!” I heard my mother cry out from behind me, making my face go black.  Why was she always jumping to these kinds of conclusions? No, wait, why would she even jump to this conclusion when it was two girls hugging me!?

“Mother, it is not what you think!” I cried out for the umpteenth time since coming here. I could see Diablo, who was probably dragged here by my mother, slowly making a retreat. I smirked as I called out: “Mother, it seems Diablo wants more of your homemade pastries.”

Humph! Trying to escape to leave me with my mother’s wild thoughts. You can join me! I only saw Diablo freeze before running as fast as he could. My mother just looked at me strangely before grabbing both Sophie and Adel and dragging them away. “We must talk!”

And with that, the two girls who were latching on to me were now gone, and I could feel Diablo cursing me from wherever he ran off to. Free from my bindings, I looked at Sei and Sally and smiled. “How was your trip?”

“Much quicker than I had expected. Who knew that running three days straight at full speed could get us here so quickly? Leveling up and your training really helped.” Sei replied. She was not even sweating.

“Yeah, I was surprised as well. Young Miss, what  are we up against? I saw the strange graveyard down below. Is that the dungeon?” Sally asked.

“Yes, and before we enter you all need a bit more training.”

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