Reborn: I'm A Dragon Girl With An OP System

Chapter 253 Trial Part 3

“I am not saying I did not do that. What I am saying is that you need to look at the circumstances at hand. As you well know, not only were there a great number of noble children killed by dungeon monsters but even the ones I was able to save were trapped along with me until I cleared the dungeon alongside other noble children. Did you even ask why I trapped them in the barrier beforehand? When I say I am not guilty, I mean it. I am not guilty of the crime of accidental death. But I think that them dying was much better for this kingdom than keeping them alive as they were tyrants following after their parents.” I stated loudly and clearly.

“You! My Little Momo was an angel! How dare you call her a tyrant!” A noble woman yelled out as she stood up, looking as if she was about to attack me, before being pulled back into her seat by her husband.

“An angel? An angel would go and beat up a marquess’s daughter!? Would she target innocent people under your orders? Your Little Momo sure was an angel, using her fists instead of words when people told her she was wrong or stood in her way of bullying. You call this being an angel? I am sorry I guess I must misunderstand the meaning of an angel…. Woe is me. It seems I must have misunderstood that the bruises she left on my friend’s face and body were just angelic love taps.” I made an expression as if I had really misunderstood the situation. But made sure that my words dug deep into that woman’s heart.

“You dare sully my daughter’s name!? She is already dead!” The woman yelled out.

“She died because of her own actions. I had to protect myself and my team. I put them under a barrier with the idea that we would be in and out of the dungeon on the same day. Who the hell would have thought that some person would go and say a dungeon is safe for kids to enter, only for it to be a nightmare for many where many had died? At least your daughter died an easier death than those poor souls who were tormented until their last dying breath. And You know what I am talking about.” My eyes turned cold as I stared at the lady. My words must have struck a cord because she instantly quieted down.

“I saved more lives than those that I accidentally killed. I did my best to keep those who survived the monster attack and were still locked in on the first floor alive. Many of which come from the side of your noble community that doesn’t like me. So do not give me your shit about how good your daughter was because at least she wasn’t toyed with by those disgusting beasts.

“To be honest, I would have rather died starving and thirsty than die as many of the others had. You sit in your fancy houses and feed off the common people taking in their tax money to make that stomach of yours as fat as it is today. And to top it off, you act all high and mighty, thinking you are better than everyone else. But if it wasn’t for your status, could you have that fancy dress? Could you have that shiny jewelry? Could you have that greasy, oily skin that oozes with the fat that is trying to escape your body!?

“You people think you are so great. But ninety percent of you are inherited nobles. Meaning you did not earn your titles!” I yelled out as I looked around the hall. “You are inheritors of the hard work, the sweat, and blood of your ancestors. But now you walk around as if you own the place when you have no glory of your own!”

“Order!” The lead judge finally yelled out. His expression was not good. But I could care less. “Enough outburst! The next one to interrupt the trial will be hauled off to the dungeons!”

The room quickly fell quiet. I just shrugged and turned back to the man that was asking me questions. “Did my answer satisfy your question?”

“You! So you admit that you did kill them?” The man asked as he tried to compose himself.

“Their death was due to my barrier, yes, but as I said, unforeseen circumstances made it so that I could not remove the barrier. The dungeon, as you know, is not something we fully understand yet. When the first boss was defeated, and we tried to leave the dungeon, the entrance was sealed, and no magic could get in or out, so my link to my spell was cut off. As you know, barrier magic is an activation type spell. Once it is activated the caster has to cancel it or it has to be broken for it to go away. With my link cut I was unable to remove the spell which I did try to do when I found out that we were sealed in. so accidental death is the right word for this situation as the circumstances did not allow me to remove my barrier.” I explained.

“But it all comes down to you casting the barrier int he first place!” The man yelled out  trying to drive home is point.

“I casted it to keep those with bad thoughts from causing harm to my team. Let me ask you something. Would a noble daughter of high standing be standing here if she did the same thing? Would they be put on trial for their crimes?” I asked while tilting my head.

“Of course they would be!” The man yelled. But I could only chuckle in response.

“So you are saying the Little Momo as her mother called her should have been put on trial for the deaths of many commoner girls just because they were prettier than her?” I asked this question causing even the judges to knit their brow. “You speak righteously but why did she not get convicted of murder when such things were brought to this very courts attention when the evidence was against this Little Momo? You talk big but your honeyed words are just that honeyed words to make yourselves look as if you are in the right about every action you do!”

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