Reborn: I'm A Dragon Girl With An OP System

Chapter 243 Classes Part 4

I watched as the nobles once more lowered their heads. I have to give it to this academy. They really did keep to their ideals and rules. Well, most of the instructors did anyways. I looked up at everyone in front of me. They still had a bit of a hostile gaze, but I could care less. I cleared my throat and began.

“Magic creation is not as complicated as it might seem. One only needs a high understanding of how runic equations work. For instance….” I made a basic fireball magic circle that was big enough for everyone there to see the runes within it. I then made another one at my side so I could use it to point out the sections I was talking about.

“If you look here in this equation, the fireball is formed and given shape in this portion here of the equation. The shape is determined here in this portion. Now let’s say we wished for our fireball to take the shape of an arrow. We would just elongate the shape so that it can take on the same aspects as the spell fire arrow. And if we upped the mana consumption here, we can turn up the amount of damage it can do by a lot. So, in essence, we just rewrote the fire arrow spell using a fireball magic circle.” I looked up to see everyone staring at me strangely. I tilted my head to the side and asked: “What?”

“You…. You just simplified the fire arrow spell in an instant….” Someone muttered. But I felt confused, although the runic equation was different and maybe a bit shorter, fire arrow itself was a beginner’s spell.

“Hmm? No one has figured this out before?” I asked. All I got was a whole class shaking their heads. Only Adel looked at me with a bit of pride in her expression, as if she was the one who did it. Even Instructor Jasmine was shaking her head. But this did not seem right. I mean, it was all right there…. “Are you all telling me no one has ever changed the fundamental aspects of a beginner spell to make them easier and more mana efficient?”

In reply to my question, I was met with more heads shaking back and forth. “Ummm!” A girl, well, one of the nobles who had yelled out in discontent earlier, raised her hand. “Yes?”

“I want to apologize for my earlier outburst. You are more than qualified to teach us, so please, teach us how to create magic like you.” The noble girl bowed her head to me. This was a surprise with how haughty she was acting earlier. The difference in attitude was like night and day.

“It’s fine. I do not hold any discontent towards you. In fact, I think you have every right to speak out when you see a student standing where the teacher should be. I just did not say anything back as it would have caused more of an argument.” I replied with a smile.

“I would also like to apologize!” The young man next to the noble girl spoke up after. He was the other one who had spoken out. “Anyone who can simply alter a spell and turn it into another spell so easily is worthy of teaching us all.”

“As I said before, it is fine,” I replied with a smile. The young noble boy blushed and sat down. Why do all the boys I talk to lately seem to blush when I do? Why is Adel glaring at him as if she wants to kill him? I can only sigh. I just want this class to end smoothly.

“Alright, we will do things like this for the time being. Taking a normal waterball magic circle, I want you all to adjust it to make it look like, and have the same power output as water arrow.” I decided it would be best to have them try it themselves as it was not an easy thing to do at the start.

Everyone quickly got excited as they began drawing magic circles in the air. I chose waterball because if something happened, it would not be lethal and could easily be healed. It actually did not matter which spell someone cast as the principles would all be the same. I was just keeping it to low level magic as it was easier to understand for beginners and would allow people to get a better grasp on altering current spells. As they learned how to alter spells, they would slowly be able to write new spells of their own.

“Miss Cyrilia!” Someone called out, making me almost trip over my tail with how they called me. I turned to see the noble boy from earlier raising his hand. “Yes?” I asked as I walked over to him.

“This portion here. I am not sure if I did it correctly.” The noble boy asked. I leaned over and began reading the equation. While it was a bit choppy in certain parts, as he seemed to have lost track of how the spell was supposed to be written, it was still functional in a sense.

“Here, here and here, need to be rewritten. This portion here was moved to the wrong area. You need to keep the same structure as waterball. While this spell may work, it is still unable to do much of anything except maybe water your plants. But for a first try of trying to reorganize the spell, it is not bad as it will still cast like this but never try to reinvent the wheel. The basic structure is already there, so there is no need to rewrite it unless you are trying to create a brand new spell altogether.” I explained. When I turned to look at him to see if he was paying attention, his whole face was bright red. “You okay?”

“Ah!? Yeah… Sorry!” The noble boy’s voice squeaked. I do wonder if something is wrong with him because he won’t even look me in the eye.

“Miss Cyrilia, it’s because you are so pretty.” The noble girl from earlier said with a chuckle. But this made me understand why he was acting this way. I guess I leaned in too close. “I see…”

“Anyway, make sure you do not try to rewrite what does not need to be rewritten, we are just altering the spells, not creating a brand new one from scratch!”

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