Reborn: I'm A Dragon Girl With An OP System

Chapter 241 Classes Part 2

“Huh? Yes, have a good day….” I tilted my head in the other direction. For some reason, I felt something was off with how he smiled and waved at me.

“Ahhh… Faith is now sinking her teeth into the male population.” Sophie’s voice came from my side.

“That she is. To think she can sway both men and women to be by her side. Then again, Steven is also a lost cause as well.” Sei replied to Sophie.

“What are you talking about?” I could not follow their conversation. But when I asked my question, they both just shook their heads and sighed. Well, whatever.  I think I get the gist of what they are talking about, but I will just ignore it as I do not really care too much.

I went to my next class, which was battlefield theory. It was all about tactics on the battlefield and how to implement them. I do not think I even blinked during class as I tried to soak up all the information I could. The thing I liked about this class was that it seemed that no one was looking at me in hostile ways. While some did take a peek at me, it was only a peek. It seemed everyone in this class was here to learn, which made things go smoothly, which was good because in this class, it was just me. Sei and Sophie went to one of the other knight courses to learn more techniques.

It was only in my third knight class, battle practice, that I met up with the others. The instructor of this class was Sir Olbert. He was an older gentleman with a stern expression and an oppressive aura about him. Just standing near him makes a person shrink back. Even when he smiled, it was kind of scary. “I am glad to see so many youthful people here willing to take this class.”

“To start things off, I need to know everyone’s abilities. There are quite a few of you here, so we will have you all pair up, and we will see just how good you are. There will be no magic. This is physical strength and sword only. And do not think just because I am old that I will not detect any magic. I can detect even the faintest of magic coming from someone. So if anyone uses magic, I will not allow you to attend my class again, and I am sure you understand what happens if one is kicked from a class here in the academy.” Sir Olbert was truly strict. He did not look down on anyone either. He was just blunt and upfront. And by saying he would kick you from the class, it was the same as saying you would be expelled. Because any student kicked from a class in the academy would instantly be expelled.

“Alright, quickly team up. If you do not find your partners in ten minutes, I will decide for you!” Sir Olbert yelled out.

Now, this was a bit of a predicament because I had quite a few sets of eyes staring at me. “Umm… Sally will be my opponent!” I decided instantly on Sally because she was strong enough to take my hits. Her innate strength only doubled after leveling up a lot which makes her perfect to be my opponent. While I do wish to fight Sophie, that is only when she is able to use her phase skill. Otherwise, even with her amazing swordsmanship, I would still overpower her. Although this sounds conceited, we have already tested it. My strength and natural defenses will always prevail.

The class was nothing but sparing from start to finish. In the end, because Sir Olbert wanted to see our weak points as well as our strengths, he made us switch up partners every ten minutes. This meant I went against quite a few people and also seemed to have gained a few admirers, which I found strange.

But now it was time for me to take my mage courses. Adel managed to work her schedule so that we would attend the same classes while she attended the other mage course classes in the morning. In all, each division had six classes you could take that were not exactly fully related to the course you were taking, like runic inscription, alchemy, and mana manipulation. These were the three other classes you can take for mage courses, while the knight side had weapon specializations and formation practice.

、 And since I took my knight courses in the morning since that was when I would be the most awake to do physical activity, Adel decided to follow my schedule so we could meet up since I was not taking any of the other three mage courses.

“Faith!” Adel came running over and tackle hugged me. She then began rubbing her cheek against mine. “I need my Faith recharged!”

I sighed and put my hand between our faces. “Okay, enough.”

Adel smiled cheekily as she looked as if she had been fully refreshed. “So, how were the morning classes?” I asked.

“Not bad. I did learn the benefits of magic in alchemy. I never thought just infusing a potion with magic would really do so much.” Adel answered. “What about you? How was it?”

“She almost killed all the nobles.” Sei chimed in before I could answer.

“Who was it that spanked the noble girl with a brilliant smile on her face!?” I asked while giving Sei a teasing grin. She blushed and lowered her head. “I just kind of lost myself in the moment!”

“Seems like you had an eventful morning.” Adel said as she pursed her lips. I guess she felt like she was left out.

“Now, now, don’t be sad, we’ll be spending the next three classes together. I am sure something fun will happen.” I said, trying to make Adel feel better. I guess it worked because she soon smiled and hooked her arm with mine. “Then let’s go! Let’s see what we can stir up!”

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