Reborn: I'm A Dragon Girl With An OP System

Chapter 231 The Royal Academy Library

After the opening ceremony, it was now time to choose classes. It was just that I had a group of people standing behind me while I looked at my registration form. “Ummm… Why are you all not picking your classes?”

“Boss, you are joking, right? Why would we just pick random classes? We will pick the classes you are in so we can stand by your side and protect you from all evil!” Steven spat out some embarrassing lines like it was nothing causing everyone else to turn and giggle.

“Steven, are you hitting on me?” I asked in a teasing manner. My words instantly made Steven’s face go red as he started to panic..

“What!? No! While you are definitely as pretty as a goddess, I am just a mere mortal. How could I ever be someone who is compatible with you? I can only gaze upon you from afar and worship….”

“Stop!” I was starting to get embarrassed by his words. I mean, what the hell? Who the hell spits out such cringy lines!? But it seemed that everyone else found it very funny…. Even Adel, who would normally get mad about such things, was laughing. “Anyways….. All of you can not take the same classes as me. I am taking both mage and knight classes. Some of you only passed the magic exam, and some of you only passed the knights exam. So you can only take some of the same classes as me. But you might find them boring as I am taking a lot of military-related classes.”

“It’s fine. We will take turns watching over you!” Amanda chimed in. I do not understand why everyone needs to watch over me but well, whatever. Having some friends around was also not so bad.

I mainly took classes that would allow me to learn more about commanding. After all, that is also one of my goals. The dungeon dive also confirmed my new love for commanding. The process of analyzing and trying to figure out your enemy’s strategies is really fun to me. While I know that the dungeon was not the best of places for that, but having a group of people steadily grow stronger under your watch really made me want to command a large group of soldiers on my own.

In the end, I took magic theory, magic practice, magic creation, battle practice, battlefield theory, and knight particle. These six classes were each an hour and a half long. This left a few hours for my library time, and then I could go home to train everyone. While it may look like I am doing nothing but work, in fact, the library time is my free time. I just wanted to do the one thing I loved most in my past life, and that was read!

I do not know what kinds of books I will find in the library, but I can say that I will try to read them all before I graduate. Or at least attempt to. I have no idea how big the library is. But one of the things I wanted to research was a way to fully complete my fusion magic. While currently, I could fuse magic together, it was a long process and took forever to cast. It was not even close to being battle ready.

I am sure when it is fully finished, I will be able to do many different things with it. Like, let’s say fusing my Gates of Faithylon with Grand Fall. Of course, I will change the element on Gates of Faithylon so that the fusion could get its maximum effect. However, I think such a spell might be more of a world ender and would then be considered forbidden magic. But I will still create it!

With my classes now set, it was time for me to head to the library, which everyone tried to follow, but I quickly shooed them away. Right now, I only have Adel, Sally, Sei, Grace, and Sophie with me. I couldn’t escape them. Not that I was really trying to in the first place. But I can say that I was very excited. I had an entire day to sink into the wonderful smell of books and read as much as I wanted.

The library was on the left side of the academy grounds. It was a very large building. At least three floors from the outside. I do not know who designed the buildings or not, but for some reason, they decided that the doors must be two floors tall and extremely wide. But as I got to the doors, I noticed that there were two smaller doors built into the two larger ones, which made me even more confused as to why it was designed this way. Was this supposed to be some kind of gateway of knowledge? Either way, it just looked strange to me, but it did make finding the library easier.

But I was not truly surprised until I walked into the library itself. It was a building that had space magic imprinted into the inside, making the inside a whole world of its own. It was truly majestic. Floating islands with large bookcases on them, a waterfall that rained down into the endless cloudy abyss below. And currently, I was standing on a small glass platform that jutted out over this abyss. If I were scared of heights, this would be hell. Even the stairs connecting to the closest floating island had no railings and were made of glass as well. It was really testing people’s limits.

“This place is kind of crazy,” I muttered as I looked around. It was truly surprising and nowhere near what I was expecting.

“I heard stories about the grand library of the academy, but this is my first time seeing it, and it seems that all those stories that stated that it was a fantastical world filled with books were true.” Adel whispered. We could not speak too loudly or would be kicked out. There was evena sign on my right that said if you talked loudly you would be instantly kicked out and banned for a week. Which I thought was fair, I mean this was a library after all.

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