Reborn As An Evolving Monster

Chapter 170 Eager To Step Out, Nervous To Step In

"Oh. Lightning, you mean? Red Lightning if I believe the rumors-"

At those words, Zephyr felt the urge to raise his Spear.

He didn't.

"How do you know that?" Zephyr asked, interrupting.

"I know a lot."

"Doesn't answer a thing."

Raven scratched his head for a moment.

"I have my ways."

"Still doesn't answer a thing."

"If I'm interested enough, I can obtain information about pretty much anything."

Zephyr sighed.

"Red Lightning, yes. Most of the Tyrs can use and manipulate the Wind with great proficiency. Only the Main Line can use the Wind to, somehow, produce that type of Magic."

"Interesting. Interesting... The rumor spread by the Tyrs is that outsiders murdered the Main Line. Saying the truth would have made them look pretty weak. Direct proof of internal conflicts and unstability. Though being wiped out by outsiders doesn't particularly make them look good either."

"Did that quench your curiosity?" 

"Not quite." Raven smiled. "How did it feel? Killing them? Those of the Main Line? Those supposed to be stronger?"

"They weren't stronger. Could barely use the Red Lightning that is supposed to be their signature move. All of them had gotten complacent, had stopped training and fighting."

"I see... So? How did it feel?"

Zephyr took off his helmet and massaged his eyes for a bit.

"It was my duty. I didn't feel anything in particular while or after doing so."

"Duty? Didn't you run away from the Tyrs afterward?"

"I did."

"Self-proclaimed righteousness." Raven showed his sharp teeth. "My favorite kind."


"It could be argued that fulfilling one's duty brings a certain level of joy."

"Now we're talking."

"And now we're done. I have to make it to the General as soon as possible to report-"

"No need."


"We're going somewhere, the two of us."

"Why would I-"

"I've grown to like you, Zephyr."

His eyes narrowed as soon as his name was mentioned.

"Haa... Forgot about that. Wait," Raven frowned and smiled at once. "You're the last of the Royal Family, right?"


"And you've thrown away the name the Tyrs have given you at birth, right?"

"Yes. So?"

"Can't you see where I'm going with this? It makes you..." Raven pointed his index finger at Zephyer. "A Nameless King, doesn't it?"

The two remained immobile for a bit.

"Riight...?" Zephyr wasn't sure what was meant by Nameless King.

On the other hand, Raven had expected Zephyr to, at least, chuckle.

"Alright. Let's get going."

"Where to? And I haven't agreed on-"

"To the Vampire City."


"Rejoice, my dear Nameless King! A place most never get to step foot in. A place most believe to be a myth."

Zephyr remained silent for a moment

"Just like the Tyrs." He muttered

Raven chuckle.

"Just like the Tyrs." 

Zephyr thought for a bit.


"Is a reason necessary? You'll let the chance of a lifetime pass by?"

"A reason is necessary."

"Well, I went to visit the Vampire City with Arani once. Really bonded during our time there. Deepened our relationship." Raven smiled maliciously. "I'm hoping it'll go the same way with you."

Zephyr had a duty towards General Nia.

But his curiosity as a "Monster Hunter" was too strong.

"Let's make it a quick trip then." 

"Let's do just that."

The two disappeared from the spots they stood on, leaving, with each step, explosions in the snow.

'First her Candidate, now Zephyr...' Raven thought as he ran. 'Draconia's going to be seething, haha!'


Mark used the Mana Points he recover to Reconstruct the deformed side of his face.

"Strange... So strange. I'm left perplexed every time." Elisa commented with narrow eyes as she stared at Mark's changing face.

It went back to normal.

And Elisa wasn't sure which she preferred.

She couldn't tell which was less scary, the Monster's normal face or the deformed one.

"Cool Skill, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess. It stops the bleeding instantly I assume. Allows you to keep fighting or to flee. You won't find yourself at your enemies' mercy even if you were to lose a limb thanks to it."

Mark nodded.

"Though I'm guessing your Health Points regenerate at a much slower rate despite the wounds being healed."

"Why do you think that?"

"Am I right?"

Mark took a short pause.

"You are."

Elisa smiled, gladdened by the answer.

It wasn't clear which of the two pleased her more.

Being correct, or being trusted.

"You don't seem like the Healer type, so..."

'That's your reasoning?' Mark asked himself internally.

Shortly after, they made their way to the Boss Room, accompanied by the Moonlit Feline.

The three stood in front of the Exit.

They stared at the wide doors and their frozen hinges.

For a couple of seconds, they stood in silence.


"Ready to leave?" Mark asked.

With her right hand, Elisa scratched her left elbow for a moment.

"Yeah. Just... I've been waiting for a long time and..."


Mark turned towards Elisa.

She seemed embarrassed.

"My stomach is killing me. It's like I have an iron ball in there."

Nervousness and stress.

The nerves refused to let them push those doors open so easily.

Doors that were both Exit and Entrance.

The Dungeon's Exit.

And the Entrance to a new world.

Mark chuckled at her words, and Elisa's embarrassment grew stronger.

But how could he not chuckle, when he felt exactly the same thing?

The only one who didn't seem nervous was Krista.

The Moonlit Feline wasn't nervous at all.

In fact, it looked excited.

Krista couldn't wait to step outside.

For one simple reason.

"Emm... You, uh... You had a Request, right?

"Oh. Yes. Yes!" Elisa snapped her fingers. "That's right, haha. Completely forgot about that."

Krista's eyes narrowed as she stared at the scaredy-cats desperately trying to buy more time.

"I... Uh... I... Well... It's not easy to ask like this but..." Elisa's fidgeting made Mark even more nervous. "There's... Somewhere I want to go. Somewhere I need to go. And I wanted to ask if you..."

Mark pressed his lips.

He lowered his gaze at her words.

She noticed.

"If you... Would... If you could... If you would accept to... Help me get there?" Elisa struggled to ask after seeing his immediate reaction.

Mark stared at the ground for a bit.

His tongue flicked the fangs inside his mouth repeatedly.

"I can't..."

Elisa immediately felt the iron ball in her stomach expand.

"I can't do that."

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