Reborn As An Evolving Monster

Chapter 162 On Demon Lords & Titles

A Demon King once ruled over all the Monsters on the Continent.

Terrorizing and killing the Humans, they thrived for a very long time.

But eventually, the Demon King was defeated.

No one knows who defeated him or the exact circumstances of that defeat. Those are, after all, mere details for those under him.

The Age of Monsters ended after that defeat.

Humans started gaining more territory as they exterminated the Monsters, severely lacking in strength after losing their King.

Little time had passed after the King's defeat when they rose.

Seven Demon Lords rose, occupied, and defended their respective territories.

The Monster Realm and Human Realm were, therefore, established.

The inner part of the Continent was the Monster's, and the outer part, the Human's.

"Got it? That's how the Continent was divided." Raven asked.

"Sure... How does that relate to me?"


Had the Humans previously been pushed back to the Continent's edges by the Demon King? Is that the reason why the Monsters retreated towards the Center's Continent?

Various theories had been established over time.

After all, the Demon King's defeat dated back more than a thousand years.

The Demon King's Defeat.

A great historical event for the Humans.

A historical event they categorically refused to refer to as "The End Of The Age Of Monsters".

It was "The Demon King's Defeat".

They felt very strongly about that.

Perhaps, to remind all that the End had come because of Defeat.

Because he had been defeated.

Because they had won.

A thousand years later, Humans still insisted on calling it that.


Because they want to dictate the way that event is referred to.

Because the way it is referred to is important.

"The Demon King's Defeat" might be a historical event's, but it remains a Title nonetheless.

And Titles hold great power.


For a thousand years, the Demon Lords ruled over their respective Territories.

Territories that were simply named after the Deadly Sin the ruling Lord held.

But one day, a great battle between Demon Lords took place.

"Greed lost an eye, Gluttonny a couple of fangs, and Envy... Something. Each of the recovered Demon Lord bodyparts held a portion of their Sins. Using those, Gaavah could have gained more power, but he was too proud to mix himself with... Those. Following?"


"A great battle might have taken place, but it had only involved four of the seven Demon Lords. Another battle of, perhaps, greater magnitude was bound to take place at some point. Great change was afoot. And so, with the help of Shamah and a certain General of his Army, Gaavah chose tenSouls from the... Place? Between this World, and the one you're from originally."

Mark had many, many questions.

But the one he wanted to ask most was,

"Why me? Why was I chosen? And to do what? Fight for him?"

"Mm... Interfering with a different World or even Souls from beyond this World requires a lot. I'm not exactly clear on the specifics, but it's possible that Gaavah's power could only allow selection from a small sample. Meaning, there were only so many Souls he could review and decide to take or reject. Why you? Probably because your Soul was one he found suitable enough. However, it's also possible that his Power only allowed him to select ten Souls, and, therefore, forced him to take those ten."

eαglesnᴏνel Mark listened intently and stayed silent.

"Fight for him... Yep, that might be Gaavah's goal. Though I doubt it."

"What do you think it is then?"

"Mmmm. Knowing him, it might just be..."

'Knowing him...?' Mark was slightly surprised.

"To cause chaos."

"Huh? That's it?"

"Maybe. I can't know for sure." A wide smile was on Raven's face. "Great change is afoot. Perhaps he wants to be the one to get the ball rolling. I'm not too sure. Anyways. After selecting the Souls, it was time to decide which Sins go with which Souls. I'm guessing Shamah had quite a bit of influence over that part."

"Shamah... Who's that?"

"He's..." Raven laughed wholeheartedly. "Going to get mad no matter how I answer this. One of the greatest and very few Soul and Corruption Magic users. That should do."

"Huh... And for those Sins...?"

"Greed and Gluttony. That's what you got. The Sins were... Offered? To your Soul. Something like that. And your Unique Titles were born."

"That's where they come from... From the Sins... And my Soul...?"

[Your Title "Devourer" smiles smugly.]

[Your Title "Evolving Monster" looks at you with wide eyes.]

"That's right." Raven answered.

He pushed himself off the large piece of rubble.

"So there are seven others like me? Where?"

"In other Dungeons. Their locations are kept a secret. Wouldn't want outsiders to come in."

"Those seven, do they-"



"One of them died pretty early on. You're the first to make it to the top of your Dungeon. Congrats on that too."

"Yeah... Thanks... So do those six have-"

"Unique Titles? Yep. They're unique and, therefore, different from yours."


"Though there is one with a Title that bears some resemblance to yours."

"How so?"

"Bahaha!" Raven took a step forward. "Wouldn't be fair for me to share that kind of info."

Mark didn't move as Raven got closer.

"Here, take these."

Raven called out his Inventory, which slightly surprised Mark.

It was his first time witnessing someone else doing that after all.

A rolled-up scroll and what seemed like a book.

"Picked these up on the way."

[You have acquired the Item: "Incomplete Map Of The Monster Realm".]

[You have acquired the Item: "An Unknown Hunter's Bestiary Notes".]

"Just tell your System to swallow them. It'll give out information about Monsters and places when you ask for it."

"It can do that?" 


'I guess it did give information about Monsters and stuff... Though that turned out to be Nia. Or Draconia, I should say...'

Mark did as he was told.

[Your Title "System Holder" swallows both Items.]

"Can I... View the map?"

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