Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 311: Cosmic temptations

Chapter 311: Cosmic temptations

"Not bad, It's good to see the young ones have so much energy," Dralina spoke with a grin. Her words brought a sense of satisfaction to my weary soul.

As we landed on the platform, the fatigue of battle began to settle upon us, urging us to replenish our elemental reservoirs and take a well-deserved break. My cosmic mana reserves were still okay since they worked in a different way compared to my other elements. In the vast expanse of space, I was in my natural element. The same, however, couldn't be said for my water, and earth elements.

Still, we have been fighting for I don't know how long. And as we caught our breath, I observed the battlefield from the safety of the platform. The horde of Shades had been pushed far away from the planet, their presence reduced to mere specks on the distant horizon. It was a momentary respite, a temporary reprieve from the relentless assault. Many dragons now took turns in fending off the remaining Shades, keeping them at bay and preventing their resurgence.

The platform provided a sanctuary of sorts, where dragons could gather, rest, and recharge their elemental energies. It was a hive of activity, with dragons tending to their wounds, communing with each other, and sharing their boastful tales of valor and triumph. Quite a number of Dragons approached me during this time, all to offer their respects and acknowledgment. It seemed like my actions on the front lines have garnered their respect.

"Brother, let's go! That Goddess is still out there, why are we just sitting here for?" My brother's restlessness was palpable, his eagerness to continue the fight evident in his every movement and the unwavering gaze fixed upon the battlefield. However, I knew that we needed this momentary respite to recover our strength, for even though our endurance seemed boundless, we were not invincible.

I was forced to drag him back to rest, with a firm grip on his claw, I guided him back towards the resting area of the platform. His reluctance was apparent, but I could sense the subtle signs of fatigue that had begun to seep into his actions. His attacks, once precise and calculated, now showed occasional lapses in accuracy, missing their intended targets. It was a telltale sign that our stamina was waning, and pushing ourselves further without rest would only hinder our effectiveness.

"Sidus, we have fought bravely, but we must also acknowledge our limits," I said firmly, attempting to reason with him. "Our bodies may be capable of enduring extended battles, but our minds and focus require replenishment. We need to rest and regain our strength"

Sidus glanced at me, his eyes reflecting a mix of frustration and understanding. He knew deep down that I was right, but his eagerness to confront the Shades clouded his judgment. Reluctantly, he yielded to my insistence and allowed himself to be led back to the resting area.

As I closed my eyes and allowed my body to relax, I let my mind wander, reflecting on the battles we had fought, what I could have done better, and what I could do to improve.

In this moment of respite, I embraced the opportunity to recharge not only my physical energy but also my mental clarity. I focused on calming my thoughts, along with the still raging cosmic mana that resided within me. In the heat of the battle, all was good, It had followed my intentions, and did not fight against my control.

Now, however, the stirring of the cosmic energy within me was palpable, a restless force yearning to remain connected to the grand tapestry of the universe. It tugged at the core of my being, as if reluctant to sever the ethereal threads that linked me to the distant celestial bodies scattered across the vast expanse of space. The sensation was both exhilarating and disconcerting, for while it connected me to a source of unimaginable power, it also threatened to overwhelm my senses and disrupt my equilibrium, an equilibrium I didn't realize was that important before...

I closed my eyes, allowing my consciousness to dive deep into the depths of my soul space. With each breath, I sought to regain control, to calm the restlessness that permeated the threads of mana swirling within me.

Concentrating my focus, I visualized a serene stillness enveloping my soul space, like a tranquil oasis in the midst of a tempestuous storm. I envisioned gentle currents of cosmic energy flowing harmoniously, finding their rightful place within the intricate web of my being, before I gently guided it back to the dragon statue. Through discipline and sheer will, I gradually regained command over the unruly cosmic mana.

A sigh of relief subconsciously escaped my mouth, as the restlessness gave way to a sense of centeredness, and the overwhelming connection to the celestial bodies in the distant reaches of space became more manageable.

Although it was for but a second, the feeling of almost losing control over the cosmic mana was one that caused my heart to skip a beat. It was easy to succumb to its allure and risk losing myself in its boundless depths. I had felt the power it held firsthand on the battlefield, and the cosmic mana itself was an unruly one. It was hard to predict, one second it was with you, the next, it might refuse to help you.

With a deep breath, I opened my eyes, returning to the present moment on the resting platform. 'Seems like I still need to be careful. I can't keep on using it as recklessly as I have,' I inwardly noted.

"It seems like you felt it," Dralina suddenly said her words carrying a weight of wisdom. Her draconic eyes seemed to hold a glint of approval as she glanced at me.

"Felt what, exactly?" I asked.

"The mana, young one. The boundless power of the pillar you hold within you," she added with a grin.

Sidus perked his ears by my side as he turned his attention toward her, "The pillars are never simple. The cosmic one is even more so. You'd do best not to let yourself fall for its temptation. You won't be able to handle it."

I slowly nodded in acknowledgment as the old dragoness closed her eyes and continued to rest. 'Huh, that's it?' I inwardly complained. What she said made some sense to me since I had felt the power of the cosmic mana firsthand, alas her words were still vague.

I resisted the urge to sigh as I shook my head and glanced at Sidus who simply shrugged.

'Why can't they ever say things straight?"

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