Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 287: Small rest

Chapter 287: Small rest

As we continued our journey through the kingdom of Moor, I couldn't help but admire the vast landscapes and the intricate architecture of the towns and cities we passed by. The people here had a unique way of blending their culture with the surrounding natural beauty, creating a harmonious balance between nature and civilization.

The journey was long, and we soon found ourselves approaching a small village, the general approached me and lowered his head in respect as I landed before them,

Mighty Aether, the men are tired and need rest from the journey. We will camp here, and resupply ourselves for the rest of the journey before we continue tomorrow, is that alright with you?

The general's request for rest was expected, and I understood the needs of mortals. I gave a nod of approval, indicating my agreement. "Of course, rest is necessary," I replied calmly.

The human leader bowed gratefully before giving orders to set up camp, and then sent one of his men to the nearby village to gather supplies. As I watched from afar, I could sense the sudden flurry of activity in the village, as the inhabitants caught sight of me. Fear and awe were mixed in their eyes, as they scurried about in a frenzy. Some closed themselves within their homes, while others fell to their knees in adoration of my being.

On behalf of everyone, I sincerely apologize for the disrespect, mighty Aether. The people here have suffered a lot-

I stopped him before he could continue and spoke, It does not matter, I do not mind.

The general bowed deeply, gratitude etched onto his face. Thank you for your kindness, Mighty Aether. We will ensure that your stay here is comfortable.

With that, I followed the soldiers to the center of the village. The villagers' reaction to my presence was mixed. Some gazed at me in awe and wonder, while others cowered in fear. I didn't blame them, for I knew how terrifying my appearance could be.

The village was small but lively, with vendors selling their wares on the sides of the narrow roads. The sound of children's laughter filled the air as they ran around, oblivious to the danger lurking outside their village.

As I walked past the villagers, I noticed their wide-eyed stares and heard their hushed whispers. Some pointed at me and murmured to their neighbors, while others knelt down in reverence.

The villagers were hesitant at first, but as I approached them with a gentle demeanor, they slowly began to relax. A few of them gathered around me, murmuring and whispering to one another, and I could feel their eyes scanning my features in fascination.

One of the villagers, an old man with a weathered face, finally stepped forward to speak with me. "Oh great one, we have never seen a being like you before. Are you a dragon? A god?" he asked in awe.

I chuckled softly at his words, "I am Aether, a dragon of the cosmos." Technically, I wasnt lying, I inwardly chuckled.

The villagers gasped in wonder and respect, and I could feel their admiration towards me growing stronger. They offered me food and water, and even went as far as to offer to host me for as long as I liked. I politely declined their offers, but their kindness did not go unnoticed.

After their initial fear had subsided and the stories of my aid to the army began to spread, the locals quickly turned more curious and friendly, and welcomed me with open arms. I noticed the intricate patterns on their clothing, the unique cuisine they prepared, and the simplicity of their lifestyle.

To my surprise, a group of children ran up to me, gawking in amazement at my appearance. "Wow, you're huge! Can we touch you?" one of them asked with a mixture of curiosity and excitement.

They were very tiny when compared to me, their request, however, brought a smile to my face.

I chuckled, lowering my head to their level. My large head capable of swallowing a building whole, yet the children were surprisingly brave.

"Of course, you can. But be gentle, my scales are delicate," I replied with a grin.

The children giggled and stroked my scales, marveling at their rough and smooth textures. It was then that the village elder approached me, follower by the general, bowing in respect. "Thank you for gracing our humble village with your presence, mighty Aether. You have brought great honor and protection to our people."

I nodded in acknowledgment, feeling somewhat humbled by their gratitude. "I was merely doing my duty.


As the day went on, the village bustled with activity as they prepared for the banquet in my honor. I watched the humans go about their tasks with great interest, feeling somewhat envious.

Despite their struggles, they were still able to find joy and meaning in their day-to-day existence. It was quite interesting to watch them go about their tasks.

As the sun began to set, the soldiers and villagers gathered in a large open field where the banquet was to be held. They had set up long tables adorned with flowers and candles, and the smell of roasting meats and sweet fruits filled the air.

The villagers and soldiers alike were in high spirits, laughing and joking with one another as they shared plates of food and drink. I had to admit, it was quite heartwarming to see the humans come together in celebration and unity, and a part of me felt pride to have played part in their victory.

As I sat amongst the revelers, a bard suddenly approached me, strumming a lute and wearing a wide smile. "Mighty Aether, may I have the honor of singing you a song in your honor?" he asked.

I nodded, feeling curious about what kind of song he would compose for me. The bard began to play, his voice was smooth and rather lovely rang out clear and strong across the field.

Amidst the mountains and the plain

A mighty beast came to our land

With scales that glisten like the rain

And magic in his mighty hand

Oh, Aether, our savior and friend

Our lives you did bravely defend

With power that knows no end

Our gratitude we humbly send

The shades came, but you stood tall

And with the humans, you fought them all

Their numbers great, but you did not fall

And now they fear your name, and call"

Oh, Aether, our savior and friend

Our lives you did bravely defend

With power that knows no end

Our gratitude we humbly send

You came to us in our darkest hour

With your presence, we gained power

And now we bask in the sun's shower

Thanks to you, our protector and tower

Oh, Aether, our savior and friend

Our lives you did bravely defend

With power that knows no end

Our gratitude we humbly send.

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