Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 240: Dealing with the aftermath

Chapter 240: Dealing with the aftermath

With the shade gone, and the King went as well. I was left behind to deal with the aftermath of our clash. I did not know what the king meant by me taking responsibility and setting things straight, but if I had to guess, it probably had to do with fixing the destruction...

The mountain lay in ruins, and the surrounding landscape was ravaged beyond recognition. It was a sight that would have sent fear and despair into the hearts of any mortal. I shook my head with a sigh.

I closed my eyes and focused my mind, reaching out with my senses to connect with the earth and water elements that lay beneath and around me. It was a strange sensation, like reaching out with invisible tendrils and feeling the pulse of the earth itself. I could sense the damage that had been done, the broken rocks and shattered earth elements crying out for help. I could feel the water rushing through the underground channels, carrying with it the debris and destruction that we had wrought.

With a deep breath, I began to channel my mana, using my connection to the elements to reshape the land and heal the damage that had been done. It was not an easy task. It required a great deal of concentration and control since I was not healing an individual, I was trying to heal the plane itself. I might have overestimated my capacities since there were times when I felt like I was pushing beyond my limits, but I gritted my teeth and prevailed.

I connected the mana stream to the world below and acted as a medium as I let the mana flow freely. Slowly but surely, the landscape began to change. The broken rocks and shattered earth shifted and resettled, forming new patterns and shapes. The water that had been carrying debris and destruction began to calm, its flow becoming more gentle and serene.

What I did not anticipate was how much of a burden it was to directly guide such a huge amount of mana from the stream. I could feel the energy coursing through me, like a river of power that was almost too much to handle. The mana stream seemed to tremble, as large elements flowed down heeding my call. Still, I held on, refusing to let it all overwhelm me. And finally, after what seemed like hours, the task was done.

The landscape lay before me, transformed and restored. The mountain had been rebuilt, and the earth and water now flowed together in harmony. It was a sight that filled me with pride and satisfaction. I did not destroy this time, rather I healed and rebuilt.

I stood there and looked down at the restored land when snowflakes began to fall. My mind went back to the Shade. I failed to kill it, and now who knows where it went? I doubted it would act rashly, especially with the appearance of the King, but the fact that it managed to slip away from me put a stain on my pride. Even when I understood that it was anything but a normal Shade, my pride did not allow me to accept my defeat. Although calling it a defeat was not correct either, a draw perhaps.

A sigh escaped my mouth as I flew away to continue with my task. The aftermath of the clash reached further than the mountain and it's surroundings. My thoughts kept drifting back to the conversation I had with the Dragon King. He was right. I had acted recklessly and endangered the realm. Though in my defense, how was I to know that it was an ancient Shade I was dealing with, not to mention that it could block my cosmic mana.

I clicked my tongue and focused on the present. As I descended towards the ground, my attention shifted to the scenery below. I could see the vast ocean stretching out before me, and the frozen forests that lined the coast. It seemed like I reached the edge of the continent, and was not facing the ocean from the northern part of it. I could feel the wind rushing past me, carrying with it the scent of saltwater.

The land here was not as badly damaged, but I could still sense a certain degree of it. As I landed on the shore, I closed my eyes and focused my energy. I reached out to the mana stream, and gathered the earth and water elements, and with a deep breath, I began to draw on their power. I could feel the energy flowing through me, as I directed it toward the damaged land. And so began the slow task of revitalizing the land as it began to heal.

The rocks and rubble that had littered the ground began to shift and move, reforming into their original shapes. The ground that had been torn apart by the clash began to knit itself back together. Trees that had been destroyed began to regrow, and the rivers and streams that had been disrupted started to flow once again.

I did not expect the fight's aftermath to have reached so far. It seemed like I had to be more careful in the future. Luckily, I was far away from civilization, otherwise, I would probably have another destroyed kingdom under my belt.

It took time, but eventually, I had repaired the damage. I looked out at the once-broken land, now whole and healthy once more, and nodded in satisfaction. It had been difficult, but it was also quite rewarding. My connection to the stream was as strong as ever, and it seemed like it even straightened my affinity to the elements.

With a final glance at the scene, I turned my gaze toward the direction of the Forbidden Continent. It was time for me to return home. I messed around enough as it is in the mortal plane, and in the end, the Shade walked free. And although it pained me to admit it, I was not confident in finding the bastard should it decide to stay hidden, which I was sure it would after what happened.

The best course of action was to head back and seek guidance from the others. Perhaps, mother, father, maybe grandmother would know how to deal with this. Why should I burden myself with it when I can ask for their help?

'But before that, a final trip to the church.'

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