Reborn 92's Business Tycoon

Chapter 573: Picking up trash with a beautiful woman

Chapter 573: Chapter 573: Picking up trash with a beautiful woman

Feng Yiping turned around, rubbed his eyes, and looked again. Indeed, it was her! The girl glanced back at him and said coldly, 'It's you! No need,'

There was a cloth bag on the ground. Looking through the opening, he could see that there were apples and well-wrapped bread inside. And the person in front of him was using both hands to rummage through the rubbish bin.

At first, Feng Yiping thought that she had lost something in the rubbish bin, but now he could see that this was not the case at all.

'Free vegan?' he asked tentatively.

As the name suggests, a free vegan must be a vegetarian, and in addition, they do not pay for food.

Hearing this, the girl finally stopped and looked at him seriously, with a little approval in her eyes. 'You know?'

Of course I know, and it's also because of you that I know.

'Wait, let me help you,' Feng Yiping waved to Jakob not far away, took off his coat and handed it to him, rolled up his sleeves, walked over to the trash can, and without hesitation, started digging through it, under Jakob's astonished gaze.

He had helped to empty the rubbish bin for bottles before, so he had some experience, and so he didn't need to build up the courage before doing it.

The girl next to him brightened up when she saw how readily he did it.

She had just heard Feng Yiping's speech, and judging by the speech, he was a mature young man who was obsessed with making money, as could be seen from the fact that he repeatedly emphasised the company in his name.

And as far as she knew, there were no similar organisations in China. How did he know about them?

And as far as she knew, Chinese people had always been very concerned about face. How could a successful person like him do such things? She couldn't find many friends at school.

Feng Yiping searched the rubbish bins several times and only found an apple that had been nibbled on once. This was obviously substandard, and cleanliness was the top priority for the collected food.

He continued to rummage and finally found a sandwich in a plastic wrapper that was still in good condition. The girl didn't have much luck either. 'I'll go to the one in front,' she said, pointing to a trash can in front of her.

'Together?' Feng Yiping asked with a smile.

The girl nodded.

Feng Yiping would not allow her to refuse, and took the bag containing the food from the trash can from her hand. 'It seems to be relatively small. Isn't it easier to do this kind of thing in the trash cans in front of those big supermarkets?'

The United States takes food safety very seriously. Supermarkets will voluntarily remove expired goods from the shelves. When tidying up, those rotten or visually defective fruits and vegetables on the fresh produce shelves will also be discarded. Therefore, the rubbish bins outside supermarkets are much more reliable than these ones at school.

'Nowadays, many supermarkets don't like us to rummage through their rubbish bins. Some have installed surveillance devices near the rubbish bins, and some have even locked them. Last week, we were at a Walmart and they even called the police.'

She explained in detail to her foreign counterpart.

Feng Yiping nodded, 'That's right, the supermarket may be worried that if something goes wrong after eating that food, they will be legally liable.'

'Oh yes, let's formally meet. Feng Yiping, you can call me Feng,' Feng Yiping smiled and extended his hand to her.

'Hello, Brittany Marling, nice to meet you!' The female student smiled and shook Feng Yiping's hand a few times.

Of course I know it's you.

Britt Marling, Feng Yiping sometimes confuses her with Marit Blom, but, whether it works or not, the person in front of him is one of his favourite American actresses. He just didn't expect to bump into her here.

This girl is really good-looking, but, unlike Scarlett Johansson's sex appeal, her main feature can be described in one word from later, and that is 'fairy'.

However, the few works she starred in were also very 'fairy', that is, the subjects were very niche, the influence was average, and the box office was definitely average as well, so her popularity was also average.

Feng Yiping watched 'The East' starring her, which is about a group of extreme environmentalists taking revenge on capitalists who pollute the environment. He never expected that she was actually like this in real life.

'Are you a student here?'

'Yes, freshman in the Department of Political Economy,' Ma Ling said with a smile.

They reached another rubbish bin, and the two of them rummaged through it as if they knew each other well. This time, not long after they started, Feng Yiping found a box of donuts in it, probably thrown away by a female classmate who was worried about gaining weight.

'Are you a strict vegetarian?' Feng Yiping asked.

Strict vegetarians not only don't eat meat, they don't eat any animal products, such as milk and eggs.

'No, I don't approve of waste. A lot of the food we collect is not vegetarian, so if we throw it away, isn't that a second waste? This country wastes too much food, while there are still many people in the world who don't have enough to eat. I want to do my part.

I also oppose the environmental pollution and damage to the atmosphere caused by unlimited consumption.

I'm now involved in an organisation that provides free food to the homeless and those who are hungry.'

I have to say that although the US government is, in essence, a real troublemaker, often wielding the big stick against some countries and regions under the guise of peace and justice, there are indeed quite a few people in the US who are keen to devote themselves to various organisations with at least relatively lofty aims.

Jacob just stared in amazement as Feng Yiping accompanied Ma Ling, chatting and laughing, from one rubbish bin to another. He didn't want to go up and help because if he did, he might become a third wheel.

The work was not easy.

The task was not easy. They had to empty several bins before they had filled the bag. 'What next?' Feng Yiping asked, carrying the bag.

'We have to take them to a central collection point,' Ma Ling said.

'Can I come along and watch?'

'Yes, but I don't drive,' Ma Ling said, puzzled. At university she had cycled to practice environmental protection.

'Is it far? Why don't we walk?' Feng Yiping suggested.

'Sure, it's about ten blocks, can you manage?'

Feng Yiping laughed, 'When I was a kid, no matter how far it was, I always walked,'

but this was hard on Jacob, and although Feng Yiping told him to go back, he didn't dare. If something happened to the boss here, he would have to leave immediately.

Fortunately, he graduated from Stanford and was quite smart. After asking about the destination, he decided to drive there first and wait.

It was already dark, so the two of them wrapped up in their coats and walked towards their destination, chatting away. 'I admire you. Although I agree with this kind of philosophy, I rarely put it into action,' Feng Yiping praised her.

'You did a great job today,' Ma Ling said with a smile.

'However, I don't think this kind of action will have the desired effect. We should use other methods to raise awareness of this issue among more people,'

'In fact, many people have already joined the organisation, with the largest concentration in New York, and there are also many supporters in universities across the country,' Ma Ling emphasised.

'Yes, but I was wondering if we could use other methods and means to raise food for more people in need around the world?' Feng Yiping rubbed his forehead, 'I seem to have an idea now,'

Ma Ling was very interested, 'Tell me quickly?'

'It's still not quite ripe, I need to think about it some more, but I can tell you about another idea I have. I'm also very worried about the pollution caused to the atmosphere by the ever-increasing greenhouse gas emissions. Motor vehicles, in turn, emit a lot of carbon dioxide. So, I also have another task on this trip to the United States, to investigate some new energy vehicle technologies. Regardless of the outcome, I want to try to do something useful,'

Feng Yiping has been exposed to a lot of these environmental issues and has heard a lot about them, and he threw it out at this time, which had a very good effect. In addition, regarding new energy vehicles, he really did have this purpose this time.

'Just think, if mature technology can be developed, even if only 1% of the world's motor vehicles can use such technology, how much greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced? Classmate Ma Ling, are you interested in participating in such a cause?'

'You have a very ambitious goal, but it's also a good direction,' Ma Ling said, looking at him. He didn't finish his sentence, but a big man with long hair and a beard ran over from the recycling point in front of them, pointed at Feng Yiping, and said, 'Brit, who is this yellow-skinned kid? Why is he with you?'

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