Rebirth to the Eighties to Get Rich

Chapter 264: A Small Shop in Jiangshui City

Chapter 264: A Small Shop in Jiangshui City

When Ji Jianyun came back, Su Danhong told him what happened.

Ji Jianyun began to think through it seriously.

He had two shops in the college town and one in the county, but none in Jiangshui City.

The main reason why there wasn’t one there was because they didn’t have anyone to look after the shop.

“Are you really planning to hire them?” Su Danhong asked after seeing him like this.

“Yes. Why shouldn’t we hire them?” Ji Jianyun spoke his thoughts again.

“We need to find someone we trust to look after the shop, and it doesn’t have to be someone from sister-in-law’s family,” Su Danhong said.

“They shouldn’t be a problem,” Ji Jianyun said.

That's what he said, but Ji Jianyun still called Ji Jianwen and asked him about that side of the family.

Ji Jianwen frowned. “Third brother, forget about it.”

“Is their character not good?” Ji Jianyun asked.

“Yan'er’s uncle is a nice person,” Ji Jianwen said. “But the sister-in-law is not easy to get along with.”

Ji Jianyun felt that as long as a man was the main worker, it would not be a big problem. Thus, he decided to open a shop in Jiangshui City and let eldest brother Yun watch over it.

He required the accounts to have no mistakes.

The next afternoon, the truck was not available, so he and Ji Jianwen drove to Jiangshui City and found a shop in a good location. Ji Jianyun then bought it.

He sold his pigs recently, and he had extra money to buy things with.

The shop was about thirty square meters. These shops were small. It was not too expensive to buy a shop in Jiangshui City.

After buying the shop, they found someone to renovate it and they had the workers decorate it. Ji Jianyun and Ji Jianwen then went to see eldest brother Yun.

Brother Yun was pleasantly surprised. He thought he would be going to the countryside to work if he could get a salary of more than 40 yuan a month. The cost of living over there was cheap and he would have a lot of money left over that he could send back to his family. So, even if it was a job in the countryside, he would be willing to do it.

How else could he support his three children at home who were waiting to be fed? They were all in school, and their needs were getting higher year by year.

He found out that Ji Jianyun was going to build a shop in Jiangshui City.

Eldest brother Yun assured him that he would definitely do a good job.

The shop was only about forty minutes away from his place. The Yun family had a bicycle, so it only took ten minutes to get there.

And the salary given by Ji Jianyun was not low. “The salary for newcomers is currently 35 yuan a month. If you continue to work for half a year, your salary will be the same as everyone else's. But since you are Jianwen's brother-in-law, I will give you 40 yuan. However, you have to write down every account in the shop clearly. All the shops under my control have this rule, and the accounts must match at the end of the month.”

“Of course.” Eldest brother Yun gave him a hearty response.

Ji Jianyun drove him over to see the shop, which was still being renovated. He said to him, “You are responsible for keeping an eye on the shop. I’ve paid half of the deposit, and I'll let you keep the other half. When the renovation is done, you can settle the bill with them.”

“Okay.” Brother Yun nodded.

It was getting late now, so Ji Jianyun took Ji Jianwen back without staying any longer.

It was almost eight o'clock when he arrived home with Ji Jianwen. Su Danhong gave him two bowls of noodles with egg and meat. Ji Jianwen didn't go back until he finished.

Su Danhong asked about Ji Jianyun's shop.

“I've seen it and it's pretty good. Let's see if it’ll work out. If it doesn't work, forget it,” Ji Jianyun said.

He gave Brother Yun this salary, because he felt that a small shop could be handled by one person. He didn't need to buy the product, since a stop could be made during the deliveries to the college town.

Ji Jianyun wasn’t going to expand the business in Jiangshui City, so he only bought a small shop. However, the money coming in from this shop should be good because of the location. It would definitely be better than the one managed by Ji Feng in the county town. In Jiangshui City, people were relatively wealthy and could afford to spend.

The renovation was completed the next morning. It was mainly redoing the electrical wires. Decorating it would not require a lot of effort.

The next afternoon, eldest brother Yun took his wife to clean up the shop.

After looking at the shop, she said, “Can you handle this alone?”

“I can, but if it’s too much, you can help. If you have nothing to do at home, then you can come over and help,” he said.

Yun Lili’s third brother-in-law was indeed a businessman. The location he chose was good with a lot of people traveling through the area. The business was going to be successful.

In the evening, Ji Jianyun personally drove over with Ji Jianye to deliver the goods. The shop’s location was easy to remember.

He brought three baskets of eggs and put them in rice bran so they wouldn't break easily.

In addition to eggs, there were other products, such as duck eggs, salted duck eggs, and salted eggs, as well as mung beans, soybeans, and peanuts.

There were only about 20 jins of live shrimp. Eldest brother Yun was asked to sell them in limited quantities. Each person could only get one jin at most, and no more would be sold to them.

These were the items sold in the shop.

A lot of the basics were there, and customers could come here every three to five days.

The live shrimp attracted a lot of customers. In just three days, a call was made and deliveries were updated to once every three days.

The profits in the first month were very good. Ji Jianyun did some calculations and ended up with a profit of about 200 yuan. After deducting expenses such as fuel, labor costs, and more, the remaining was about 150 yuan. It was better than what Ji Feng and his grandmother in the county town did.

Ji Feng’s store stabilized. The goods were delivered once every five days on average, and a lot were brought over every time.

Ji Jianyun was spending a lot of money. The money from selling pigs this year was enough to buy the small shop in Jiangshui City. The profit from last year’s pigs allowed him to invest a lot of money.

He spent a lot of money when he bought the big courtyard in the capital, and he also spent a lot of money on the second shop in the college town.

With all the different spending, he only had about 1,000 yuan left.

There are more shops now, but he only had one truck. It was not enough. He thought about buying another one, but he didn’t have enough money.

Su Danhong had nearly 4,000 yuan in her hand now, which she didn’t do anything with. If he came to ask for it, she would give it to him. If he didn’t, then she would do nothing and let him save for a truck himself.

Ji Jianyun didn't ask for it, so she just saved it.

As the days went by, it was now the end of September. At this time, only some fruit trees still had fruit, and the rest were harvested.

School started, so Ji Jianwen and his wife took Yan'er to Jiangshui City.

Before leaving, Yan'er promised Renren and Qiqi that she would bring them gifts when she came back during the New Year.

Renren was a little reluctant to let her go.

As soon as Qiqi, when he heard that there would be a gift, he told her to go quickly. When they left, he realized what was going on and burst into tears.

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