Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 2169: Mo Qingxiu Fan Wai 74

Chapter 2169: Mo Qingxiu Fan Wai 74


The woman sounded with a hoarse and old voice, and Yuyi's expression changed slightly. He knew that the woman in front of him didn't like humans and shouldn't have brought Mo Qingxiu, but Mo Qingxiu had to insist, for fear that he would leave with the fishy voice. Will never come back again.

Mo Qingxiu looked directly at the woman, not afraid of the coldness of her eyes.

This woman looked like an old man in her early sixties, with rejection of him in her eyes.

"I am human."

Mo Qingxiu spoke softly, and his right hand clenched Yuyin's hand tightly.

The old woman's eyes fell on the hands held by the two, and suddenly yelled ironically, "What are you doing here?"

She thought she would never see humans in her life, but she did not expect to see humans even twenty or thirty years after coming to this island.

Even without asking, she probably guessed what Yuyi brought them here.

Humans, despicable humans.

"Senior, please help my sister become a human."

Yuyi knew that he couldn't hide from the woman in front of him, so he didn't mean anything.

"Become a human? She wants to live with this man? Isn't she afraid that these humans will swallow her alive?"

The woman's voice was a bit harsh, and her ironic voice echoed in the forest, frightening many creatures to retreat.

She also had a longing look like Yuyin. A few decades ago, she met a man who gave everything for him, wanted to be with him, gave up her tail and turned herself into a human being.

As a result, the man was with another woman. After knowing that she was a mermaid, he was afraid to sell her.

She finally escaped, avenged her revenge, left the hypocritical human world, and vowed that she would never see another human in her life, so she let Yuyi bring herself to this island for decades.

Unexpectedly, when her life was approaching the end, she would even let her see human beings, reminding her of the agony.

"He won't, he won't."

Yuyin took a step forward. Although she was innocent, she could still see the hostility of the mermaid to Mo Qingxiu. She didn't allow others to say that about Mo Qingxiu.

Mo Qingxiu is the best man in the world, who treats her as best as his brother.

"You believe what a man says, you have to abandon your identity as a mermaid for him. When he abandons you, you will become like me."

The eyes of the old woman were cold, without any temperature.

"I will not!"

Mo Qingxiu stepped forward and squeezed Yuyin's hand, firmly looking at the old woman on the opposite side.

The woman laughed harshly, "I'm tired of hearing your man's mouth."

"Senior, he is a good man."

Yuyi, who had never spoken to Mo Qingxiu, said in a deep voice.

The old woman lifted her eyes to look at Yu Wing with a complex expression and cold eyes, "You saved me, I can promise you."

After the woman had finished speaking, she turned around and left.

"Let's follow."

Yuyi spoke towards Mo Qingxiu. Mo Qingxiu nodded, and the three of them followed the old woman together.

I don't know how long the woman has been walking, and finally her footsteps stopped in front of a cave.

The woman stood in front of the cave without any movement.

The three Mo Qingxiu stood behind the old woman.

"Don't you want her to become a human? Enter this cave and take out a red fruit from the deepest part of the cave, and I agree to help her."

The old woman pointed to the cave with her finger and spoke to Mo Qingxiu, with irony and contempt in her eyes.

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