Rebirth: Peasant Girl is Good at Farming

Chapter 146

These girls are just junior high school students who don't know anything. What they think most about every day is love beans, pink heads and so on. They are all things that she doesn't know and don't want to know.

After Ning Yan left, a few servant girls face red.

Staring at Ning Yan's back, I had a bold idea.

As for whether there is an immature one, no one knows.

Ning Yan didn't rest all night, even if the iron was beaten, so he asked the doctor to look at the wound for the injured mountain people.

After dressing again, Ning Yan went to the bedroom at ease.

After a few steps, she found that the doctor who bandaged the mountain people's wounds was following her.

"What can I do for you?"

"Lady, you taught them the way they used to dress up?"

“……” Ning Yan said with a smile: "where can I do this? The master I invited is a man who has been on the battlefield. This method is his idea. He said that the bandaging effect is the best, which can minimize the loss of blood."

"Sure enough." The eldest brother nodded and shook his head.

His mouth also read that people are not old-fashioned, a few boys even his old man all cheat.

Didn't he just want to bandage people in the future?

And asked him to ask a woman.


For the old doctor's idea, Ning Yan didn't know it, yawned, saw the old doctor leave and went on to the bedroom.

Lie on the bed and fall asleep in a few seconds.

A sleep in the dark, Ning banquet wake up, there is a sense of frustration in the heart.

This feeling is also strange.

Push the door out, hanging lanterns in the courtyard, autumn insects in the corner of the wall are making the final struggle.

Mrs. Jia was in the flower hall, holding an embroidery frame and embroidering flowers. Hearing the sound of footsteps, she looked up and saw Ning Yan standing in the yard.

Put the embroidery frame in the bowl and went out to ask Ning Banquet: "the lady is hungry, but there is still rice in the kitchen. I'll heat it up."

"What happened to the injured mountain people?"

"Two of them were feverish. The doctor came to see them again. There was no big problem. Just take the medicine and sleep under the quilt."

"That's good." After the injury bleeding, usually will follow the fever this kind of condition.

The doctor said that it was OK. Ning Yan naturally didn't think there was a problem with the doctor's diagnosis and treatment.

Doctors these days don't joke about their reputation.

Mrs. Jia went to the kitchen, warmed up the food and gave it to Ning Yan: "lady, eat a little first. Lanxiang has already cooked again..."

"It's not so much trouble." Ning Yan takes the bowl from Mrs. Jia

Take it. I can't.

Ning Yan looked up at Mrs. Jia.

Mrs. Jia sighed and said, "madam, our family can't afford to eat the leftovers. But if you are so approachable all the time, it will give people a feeling of bullying. The rules should be set up. Now you may feel that what the old slave said is not human, but..."

"No, you're right." Ning Yan didn't find Mrs. Jia troublesome.

Because everything is like this.

When the company is big, there will be more regulations. If there are more people in the company, there will be rules. Not to mention a mansion now, Sheng Mi en Dou Mi Qiu, which everyone knows.

"Just understand." Mrs. Jia's heart relaxed.

She's too old to move.

As long as she would rather eat than fall, her life would go on like this.

If Ning banquet falls down, who knows what the next master will look like.

Now every day in charge of taking a few servant girls to learn cake making, the rest is washing clothes, sewing and mending.

I feel depressed. I can go to the outer yard to have a look.

She is now an old woman, not so many rules, usually tease the two brothers, also very beautiful.

Fortunately, the master is a smart, she just needs to mention a little bit.

Ning Yan sat in the flower hall, waiting for a while, Lanxiang came in with the dinner just made.

Ning Yan pushed the leftovers away and took two mouthfuls of rice just out of the pot.

Looking back, I found Lanxiang standing behind her It's uncomfortable to be surrounded by people when eating.

"It's getting late. You should step down."


Lanxiang retreated and left. She didn't forget to close the door when she walked out of the flower hall. She could not pick out any mistakes in the rules. Ning Yan looked up to Mrs. Jia.

Mrs. Jia raised her head and looked thoughtful at shangning banquet.

With a smile, he lowered his head, picked up the needle and thread and went on with his business.


With rice, the sleepiness of Ning banquet disappeared.

Go to the kitchen, looking at the wolf meat hanging in the kitchen, think of the tiger meat at home.

I don't know if Zhou Yi has dealt with it. The tiger's bones are of great use to her. Chen Fu and others beat the tiger down, but Ning Yan has taken the tiger as his own.Say she occupy other people's private property, say she is unreasonable, anyway, tiger meat has been Ningyan miss.

When it was morning, Ning Yan even went to the kitchen without eating. He left in a hurry and returned home.

Wu youniang is busy in the kitchen. The dog in the yard is basking in the sun. Everything is the same as usual.

Pushing open the door of the firewood room, Ning Yan found that the tiger lying on the ground had disappeared.

Ning Yan glared at her eyes and ran to the kitchen to ask Wu youniang, "where is the tiger in the wood room?"

"Here it is." Wu youniang reached out and pointed to the salted meat and bones in the big pot.

Tiger is a treasure all over the body. Who is willing to waste it.

Last night when the eldest lady didn't come back, Zhou Yi made the decision to marinate the tiger meat, and shaved the meat on the tiger bone.

As for the tiger whip, Wu youniang takes a look at the wine jar beside her.

Two jars stand side by side in the corner, one containing snake gall and the other containing tiger whip.

Thinking of Zhou Yi's indecent appearance of touching tiger whip yesterday, Wu youniang's face turned red again.

Men really don't have serious people.

"OK, OK." Take a look at the bones and meat in the kitchen.

If you don't know where the tiger is ruined, you can't rest assured.

It is certain that there are tigers on the mountain, but the mountain is so big that the probability of meeting a tiger is almost zero. I was lucky to be able to bring back a tiger the night before yesterday.

"No one is allowed to move these things, you know?"

"Oh." Wu youniang nodded repeatedly.

She had never seen lady Ning show such a serious expression.

Ning Yan heard Wu youniang nodding, still a little worried. She said it again. She felt solemn enough and went to Mr. Xue's house.

How to boil tiger bone into medicine still depends on Mr. Xue.

Walking out of the house, she saw that grandma Liu's face was scratched by her nails. Ning Yan also stopped for a moment, and then went on to Mr. Xue's house. Grandma Liu behind

make complaints about Zhou Dahai's wife.

"Do you think big Li's head has a problem and sold Ning Wan'er to Yang Yizi. Now Yang Chi comes to ask for a daughter-in-law. Da Li doesn't say that she is selling Ning banquet. Where do you think she is qualified to sell Ning banquet? Ning Yan has already established her own house, and her household registration is not in Laoning's house..."

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