Rebirth of the Heavenly Empress

Chapter 687

Chapter 687

After that, he put down his chopsticks and left.

"Competition? Potions? " Yu Xiangyang squinted, "tilt, what competition?"

Su Hui leaned down his chopsticks, took out a piece of paper and wiped his hands slowly. Hearing the words, he chuckled, "ah, the pharmacy competition, the first potion list."

"So floating dreams are also there. She wrote six kinds," Qu Yan responded. "Qing Qing, how many did you write?"

"Me," Su Hui inclined to squint and casually replied, "nine kinds."

"Nine kinds, three more than floating dream," Qu Yan was very satisfied. "The first one must be yours."

Long Xue also nodded at his side. Several of them had no doubt about Su Huiqing's ability from the beginning to the end.

At this time, Yu Xiangyang also responded, "I recently heard the senior of pharmacy class say that Mr. Zhuge's apprenticeship selection, you will not participate in that?"

Looking at Su Huiqing's default appearance, long Xue said in silence: "tilt, you like this, will not cloud teacher to death?"

At this time, several other people also thought of teacher Yun, who had traveled all the way to Dugu's home in order to want Su Huiqing to learn medicine. They felt inexplicably sympathetic.

Su Hui leaned over her nose and sighed.

She didn't want to.

It's just that some things still have to be done.

When she left school, she suddenly thought of what, low eyes to Murong Bai sent a short message in the past.

**At the same time, Murong Bing has returned to Murong's home.

All the people in charge of Murong family gathered in the hall, which is the normal of Murong family since yesterday.

A group of people sat at the table, did not speak, looked at each other speechless.

"The miracle doctor has taken away our shop in the south," an elder said first. "Three bottles of high-level potions have been sent by the people from the southern territory. The shop has been expropriated by the Shenyi sect, and three bottles of intermediate potions a year."

After a word, the atmosphere became more silent.

Overseas, there is always a saying that no one should be offended by a senior pharmacist. Although the senior pharmacist is not strong in strength, he still has many friends behind him.

Now it is also suitable for Shenyi.

"So, all the stewards in the South have left?" Murong family leader deep voice.

The elder nodded slowly. "We can understand that in their eyes, we Murong family can't provide medicine, so we will leave naturally. There are Yang family. We knew that Yang family was a group of white eyed wolves. We should not have saved them and let them live and die on their own!"

"OK, now what are you talking about?" another elder sighed. "Although old Yang's choice is not moral, it's also true. If Fumeng can help him meet Mr. Zhuge, they can't refuse. At this time, the flower family is still with us. "

Murong family master smell speech, slowly shake his head, "is not only the Hua family, Yuan general also sent to ask today."

"General yuan?" This makes other people a little surprised, "what muddy water does general yuan wade in at this time?"

"I don't know," Murong's master said with a smile. "It's better than being alone. No matter what general yuan is aiming for, if we can successfully get through this time, we must not forget their two families."

"What's the big deal? Let several elders go through the pass?" A gentle voice came from outside.

The elder looked up and pulled out a smile from the corner of his mouth, "it's the eldest young master."

"Father, elder." Murong Bai leaned toward them slightly, and then sat down beside Murong Bing, with a gentle smile. "Why, don't we eat?"

"You just came back. If you're hungry, eat first." Murong family master's deep way.

Where can I eat at this time?

Murong Bai hears the speech and doesn't get tangled. In recent days, he has gone out with xiaotou and huaguangxuan. He has not eaten well for a long time.

He ate fast, but his posture was still elegant.

Murong Bing can't eat much at this time. Seeing Murong Bai's comfortable appearance, he asked, "brother, don't you know what happened at home recently?"

Murong Bai glanced at him faintly, "nature knows."

Do you know you can eat so happily?

Let alone Murong Bing, even several other elders are very surprised.

Murong family group know that their son has always been stable, "don't you say you have something to do until tomorrow?"

Murong Bing was asked by his father and suddenly remembered it.

Smell speech, Murong Bai picked up the side of the glass, sipped, a soft smile, "because, someone told me, there is an important thing tonight."

At this time, if Murong ice should be gray, you can see that Murong Bai's fundus is extremely cold.

But he didn't pay attention because there was a sudden noise outside.

"What's going on?" The master of Murong frowned.

Outside a person flustered in, "the owner of the house, is Yang Shao. He takes a group of people from the clan and says he wants to get the medicine. He says that the potion has not been distributed this year.""Is it him?" The head of the Murong family was cold.

He stood up and went out in the dark.

The elder and Murong Bing also went out.

Only Murong Bo, walking at the end, did not immediately go out, but put down his chopsticks, and then took out his mobile phone, sent two words to Su Hui, and then slowly walked out.

Outside, Murong Bing said to Yang Shao, "are you looking for these people?"

Yang Shaowen Yan, corner of the mouth smile, "Murong young master wrongly blame me, but I for their good, you so default medicine is not a matter."

Other people dragged by Yang Shao had some doubts. Looking at the faces of Murong family, they suddenly felt that Yang Shao was not cheating them, and his face became bad instantly.

Seeing this situation, Yang Shao's eyes flashed a satisfied color, and then immediately lowered his head to send a message to floating dream.

After sending the news, he saw Murong Bai coming out from behind the door with a smile in his mouth.

Yang Shao was dissatisfied with Murong Bai from a very early time. When he saw Murong Bai, his smile was even more brilliant. He lowered his voice, "Murong Bai, I didn't expect it. You also have today!"

His voice was clearly full of irony.

However, Murong Bai did not feel angry and even laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" When he saw this, Murong Bai was still laughing, and Yang Shao was angry at the meeting.

"Laugh at your stupidity," Murong Bai gently waved, "and drive them all out."

Before the Murong family leader and others reacted, they saw that there were many dark guards around, and they all drove those people away one by one.

The master of Murong family originally wanted to stop Murong Bai, but when they saw the cold feeling swept by Murong Bai's eyes, they could not help stopping and did not say anything more.

Until all the people left, Murong master sighed, "Bo'er, you are impulsive."

Murong Bai said with a smile, "it's OK, Dad, you and the elders wait a moment. I'll go out to find someone, and I'll be back tomorrow morning."

After he left, several elders also gradually responded, "master, is the eldest young master angry?"

The master of Murong shook his head and sighed. He also felt that Murong Bai was a little strange today.

"The young master is not crazy." At this time, Murong Bai's comfort just came to this side.

The elder looked at him, "you are his dark guard, naturally speaking for him."

"Master, elder," Murong Bai's guard shook his head and solemnly opened the box in his hand. "Look at this."

In the box, there is a bottle. It's a very ordinary bottle. I can't see what's inside.

Murong Bing quickly recognized it and said with a smile, "isn't this a bottle that is often treasured? Tut, this thing is just like he took it as a treasure. I haven't seen him drink any water in it."

He said it was given to him by a very good friend of his.

Hearing Murong Bing's words, the elders also moved their eyes and were not very interested in the contents of the bottle.

"OK, let's go back and discuss what to do next. It's obvious that the miracle doctors are going to force us to the end of the road." The elder sighed, "now the most important thing is to find another pharmacist, otherwise this time, it will be the biggest disaster of Murong family."

Seeing that they were going to go to the hall, the guard whispered, "master, elder, there is a large bottle of high-grade potion in it."

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