Quest Maker of Soul Land

Chapter 292: Crossroads (1)

Chapter 292: Crossroads (1)

It was imperative that Bibi Dong quickly divided the administrative material and the meat-headed ones amongst the spirit beasts. Yes, they were all strong regardless but so were Bibi Dong herself, Xie Xan, and many others who knew the importance of this side of the world.

Sure, strength is necessary but it is cunning and goal-oriented management that actually promotes the growth of any institution or Empire.

Still, Bibi Dong came to a rather sigh-inducing realization that... not many were interested in this work. Then again, their will or interest hardly mattered. She's a spider. Just like how she has almost demolished the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan, she would soon capture those who have shown a better aptitude in presenting themselves. After all, being 'smart' wasn't only related to looks themselves.

Bi Ji was a clear candidate and a willing one at that since she wasn't fond of battles.

Then came, surprisingly, the Golden Goblin. He was quick-witted like many from his species and ruled over them so it spoke well to his abilities. Not to mention, Golden Giblin instinctively had some management skills since he had managed his tribe in a more intricate manner due to the sheer birth rate of the species. But Golden Goblin had expressed clearly he wasn't interested in these matters... a discussion for another time, perhaps, when she would have enough prestige to be more... frighten ehm, persuasive.

Aside from these two spirit beasts, Bibi Dong soon found another sinister gem. It was a spirit beast called the Myriad Demon King. Well, its species was a variant of the Demoneye Tree. Plant-type spirit beasts at this level are certainly rare and the cloaked figure presented quite a few... despicable approaches to the situation from poisoning the supply lines of cities to even going as far as infanticide to cut human's future off at the base...

Bibi Dong liked such an initiative but again, the Myriad Demon King wasn't really interested, too. All the beasts did listen to Bibi Dong but it was only to give their Beast God some necessary face but deep down, their allegiance couldn't be shifted easily. Not until a firm hand was used to steer them in the right direction.

But as Bibi Dong had already thought... all in time will fall in its place.


While Bibi Dong began to utilize Bi Ji by having her set up meetings with each beast separately knowing full well many would refuse one way or another, where Bibi Dong would finally be more comfortable using more of her spiritually charged persuasion techniques since there won't be a crowd of 100000-year-old beasts, others returned to Emerald Lake.

Most spirit masters come to an easy understanding pretty quickly that the scenic sights in nature are worth living in, yes, but not getting lost in. Instead of sitting on rocks like vagabonds, chewing on nuts and fruits, they were quite happy to return to their temporary stay where they would have the comfort of the mattress and a semblance of sanitation.

This is also where the group found Ja Sun paddling his feet within the Emerald Lake while Xiao Wu slept under the shade of a tree on a thick, springy mattress, clearly exhausted. No matter what, she's only been in her human body for less than a month and although she'd already begun to speak somewhat, being surrounded by hordes of terrifying beasts wasn't exactly ideal.

Yes, she was a 100000-year-old beast, too... but Xiao Bei had already revealed that unlike her, Er Ming, and Da Ming, Xiao Wu was heavily sponsored and doted on. In essence, the trio was f2p in the game of life and cultivation while Xiao Wu p2w by banking on their strength...

Maybe the prettier they look, the more dangerous to the wealth they are? Ja Sun mused, but girls like Yuehua and Erlong are always ready to prove such misconceptions wrong.

"What are you doing?" Ja Sun dodged that fist that should have landed on top of the head as his tail curled around Zi Ji's ankle and threw her into the lake in front of him.

"It's fine, I can even bathe in the lake. The Lady also likes something to warm her eyes on once in a while," Ja Sun smirked as Zi Ji jumped out of the lake with a glare, "The Emerald Lake is not for bathing! Don't sully it with your feet!"

"Eh? I'm blessing it with my feet," Ja Sun shrugged, "Anyway, what took you guys so long?"

He didn't even act innocent as he grinned for dipping out without any warning.

"Anyways, you guys should seriously cultivate since most of you are close to the bottleneck of Spirit Sage," Ja Sun hummed and then glanced at Oscar and Yuehua, "Well, do the two of you are already ready to have a spirit ring of your own? So? Ready to hunt in King's Lair?"

"Eh? Is that even fine?" Oscar scratched his chin, "I mean, it would be a blatant use of your authority if you dupe a spirit beast to commit suicide again." Everyone recalled the poor Golden Salamander that died for Xie Xan's spirit ring except for Oscar, Yuehua, and Jun'er for they weren't present for such a poor life decision by the beast and had only heard of the tale.

{A/N: At this point, I truly don't recall if they were there or not but I'm probably gonna go with they weren't.}

"They are spirit beasts. Life and death are every morning breakfast for them," Ja Sun cackled, "And who said I'm using authority? Aren't you two quite strong already?"

He smirked. He found a fun thing to do today to distract himself from a terrible mistake he had committed.

Of all the quests he had formed, in his excitement... this may be the most binding and frightening in a way.

[Objective: Reach the realm of Grandmaster in a law of existence and induce godly tribulations.

Mission Rank: Based on objective achieved.

Rewards: Based on objective achieved.

Time Limit: ]

Until now, Ja Sun had grown used to the mission rank and rewards being unspecified but the time limits have always been there. Even when Ja Sun stated the quest, he added many, many time limits but... for reasons unknown even to him, the quest doesn't have any time limit.

It was... horrible.

Ja Sun could potentially be stuck with this mission for who knows how long...

As he glanced at the screen at the back of his head, he grew thoughtful but didn't lose hope. In fact, despite the possibly grim situation, it was only comprehending a law to a certain level. Heck, he had been greedy and wanted to see what kind of rewards he would get by trying to become a god... but the situation was certainly bizarre. His trait was acting up!

He hadn't been able to form the mission before regarding the laws but this time, after understanding what laws are, he could. And as horrible it looked, Ja Sun was just simply too engrossed by the new format that he accepted the quest despite the serious changes it may have on his life.

Soon, a group decided to leave with Ja Sun but many stayed back. Liu Erlong looked like she wanted to say something, but Ja Sun wouldn't have it without teasing her, and that needed time so he brought others who were interested in watching two support masters fight for spirit rings and left others to their own devices.

He was also sure that Ah Yin was interested in the Emerald Lake but she chose to rest for the time being or just train with Petals. Anyway, it wouldn't have Ja Sun any well to stay longer since he felt Ja Yin closing in on them and he knew she would be a massive pain in the region where no man or woman has ever gone before so he left with the decided team to pass his time.


"How could you have not told me that?!"

Ja Yin huffed, still screaming towards the Silver Pole sticking out of the Emerald Lake... while Ja Sun's team had something to watch now.

"How long has she been screaming for?" Hu Lana inquired. Only she, Xie Xan, Ah Yin, and Erlong were here as they watched Ja Yin hurling curses toward the lake without any stop.

The Three-eyed Golden Empyrean was thoroughly incensed!

"About forty minutes," Ah Yin hummed as she continued to stare at Ja Yin thoughtfully.

"She must really be bummed out, huh," Xie Xan muttered, "Speaking of bummed out, you seem to quiet Erlong? A bastard got your tongue?"

"Oh, shove it!" Erlong scoffed and glanced at Ja Yin, "And that's just a pathetic attempt at anger to cover her confusion."

"Hmm, you would know, right?" Hu Lana giggled but instead of raging, Erlong nodded, "I was like that for years after my mother's passing... u-until... ehm, I- I met you guys..." she remarked the latter with a touch of crimson over her cheeks as Hu Lana was quick to pull the Dragonness into a hug, "Ahhh~ You're too cute! Say, Little Yin, when you guys do corrupt this one, share the details, yes?"

"Hey!" Erlong struggled but it was a token one, after all. Hu Lana didn't have the strength to stop Erlong if she did want to leave.

"Sure," Ah Yin smiled, her narrowed gaze falling on Erlong as she quickly averted her gaze.

"Hmm, I feel like we should be doing something," Xie Xan sighed heavily.

"How can we even help her?" Ah Yin frowned.

"Ah, no... I meant, we should eat something while watching her..." Xie Xan blinked.

"You know... Ja Sun tends to overshadow it but you're a natural bastard, too!" Erlong scowled as Xie Xan smirked and shrugged. How else did she think bastards attract one another? By being one!

At this time, Ah Yin noticed a formless wave collect over Ja Yin and she fell silent. Whoever the Golden Empyrean was communicating with kept things secret and evidently didn't wish to mingle with their own group and others noticed it, too. Not the collection of divine intent but if a screaming wench suddenly turns silent with a thoughtful expression while forcing someone to talk then 9 times out of 10, a mental communication has already begun.

"Would my exposure to the fact could have changed anything?" Lady of the Lake questioned calmly, "Because if it is sexual pleasure you seek, your form is human enough."

"You know damn well it's not!" Ja Yin scowled, "I have longed for a companion in any form since my birth... way before Di Tian took me in."

"I fail to understand why the physiological differences and the mess a mating of two absolutely wide-gapped beings is something I should fret over. You long for a companion? How have I changed that? Since beginning, I have always supported you even if we hadn't communicated. You wanted to get strong, and I needed a Golden Dragon so with that came our previous arrangement. Then, you wanted to evolve, and I made sure you did..."

Ja Yin fell silent. It was true. She didn't have any reason to be angry at Lady of the Lake for any reason. Instead, it was Ja Yin who was acting like a

"Do try and stop acting like an entitled brat, Ja Yin." The Lady of the Lake suggested in her usually sincere tone, "It brings me no pleasure to see you so troubled. But better to be hurt now than later when you realize the mistake you would have brought into the world."

Ja Yin's shoulder slumped down and she turned on her heels with a sigh. Her expression soon stiffened up when she saw his teammates and Ah Yin looking in her direction with interested expressions.

"Trouble in paradise?" Ah Yin soon smirked, sure not to give her challenge bred behind her back an easy time since she wasn't so unforgiving, "Or do you finally realize that it takes more than just a pretty face?"

Ja Yin scoffed, "If I want to be a human, it's simply a whim of my control over my destiny! Don't lump me with the likes of you... E-elder Sister..."

She muttered the last half with utmost reluctance since she lost to Ah Yin and was made to address her as such...

"Whatever," Ah Yin smiled, "Even destiny has you stumped like a whiny little bitch at the moment just because you can't process decisions. Oh, must be hard to have just one brain cell and that too, beastly."

"You could cook a banquet over that burn," Hu Lana whispered quietly and Xie Xan nodded. Insults on one's family, intelligence, and sex life are often hard to beat... one of the rare moments of teaching from the Beast God to his teammates.

Ja Yin clenched her paws as her three eyes glared in Ah Yin's direction before leaving with a huff. Yet, while Ah Yin decidedly ignored her, Erlong glanced in the direction Ja Yin left with. thoughtful expression.


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