Quest Maker of Soul Land

Chapter 147: The Battle of Titans

Chapter 147: The Battle of Titans

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The poor Tiger Serpent didn't even stand a chance as the Clear Phoenix swept in with its sharp talons already ready to deliver the fatal blow. After all, there are no verbal battles between spirit beasts. It's eat or be eaten and seeing Clear Phoenix chirping loudly, Tang Yuehua couldn't help but sigh.

However, seeing the yellow ring out of the corpse, Ja Sun couldn't help but frown.

'If pushed, Yuehua's body and mental energy should be capable of withstanding a 1000-year-old spirit ring. It is only in the department of spirit energy that everyone lacks. Even Oscar and Jun'er pushed through... but apparently, the Clear Phoenix doesn't have the same thought, or it isn't capable of thinking in that much complication and possibility.'

"Don't absorb that spirit ring," Ja Sun opened up slightly, startling Yuehua.

"We have an hour until it disappears. Let's discuss something first," Ja Sun raised his eyebrow and looked around.

Taking the hint, everyone began scouting the location since Ah Yin's domain was only used to support the breakthrough exclusively this trip.


The Clear Phoenix tilted her head before getting behind Yuehua and pushing her legs with her head, trying to nudge Yuehua towards the Spirit Ring.

Yuehua shook her head, signaling the Clear Phoenix to stop, and then looked at Ja Sun.

"Compared to me at the beginning of my cultivation, your physical and mental attributes are greater. Even compared to an average Spirit Grandmaster, your strengths lie in mental energy and sharper physique. In the long run, however, a regular Spirit Master almost always relies on his or her spirit energy.

But you are our worst enemy, aren't you?"

He looked at Yuehua seriously, "You can erase any attack as long as it's within your capacity. Mental, physical, or spiritual. The forces of nature, too, if the strength of the attack is within your capacity... then isn't it simply a waste to waste your second spirit ring as a yellow one?"

"Waste?" Yuehua looked curious.

"You can endure the absorption of a purple spirit ring. The yellow spirit ring will give you a capacity of 999 years and the purple one will give you a capacity of 9999 years. Theoretically and practically, you will actually be useful if your total capacity to remove attacks is above the age of 10000 years. This way, you will be able to fend off against an attack of a Spirit Ancestor."

"But... I don't know how," Yuehua sighed.

"Communicate," Ja Sun shrugged, "You could only start this path because you communicated with your martial soul. That's a blessing none of us have. Instead of just accepting this pittance from Clear Phoenix, communicate with her and let her know that you can endure things above your limit... maybe Clear Phoenix simply doesn't understand the concept of endurance and needs you to teach her instead."

Right now, Yuehua only had one yellow spirit ring. Irrespective of the age of the spirit ring absorbed, she can erase the attacks with the maximum capacity provided by the very category of that spirit ring.

A Yellow spirit Ring's highest point is 999 years and every day, Yuehua has the ability to erase one or multiple attacks whose force doesn't surpass the total age of 999 years in the attack.

If she absorbs another yellow ring, her total capacity will be 1998 years.

But if she somehow absorbs even the weakest of the purple rings, a whopping 9999 years will be added to her capacity. This was clearly a better option.

Looking at the Clear Phoenix as she turned her head up, beady golden eyes filled with the question as to why Yuehua wasn't trying to absorb the ring and get stronger, the woman sighed and shook her head. She recalled Clear Phoenix and gave the Spirit Ring a longing look.

"We still have a few days," Ja Sun smiled, "At least, give it a try. No reason to settle after you've been settling for things your whole life."

Ja Sun's words affected Yuehua deeply and she nodded.

"Alright, we will set up a camp for today," Ja Sun and the group began to set up a resting spot for the evening before taking out all sorts of cooking appliances and a stove to have some food, something that Bibi Dong wouldn't allow previously just so that the nature could 'temper' them.

As the evening dusk set in with the slow but gradual descent of the amber sun through the horizon, everyone loosened up. Even Yuehua who had been meditating for a while, making progress in her communication with Martial Soul once again. To be precise, Yuehua had stopped this routine once she had managed to awaken Clear Swallow into a Clear Phoenix. However, even Yuehua was surprised by the fact that when she tried to meditate, there was a sense of response.

Back then, her Martial Soul was simply... silent. If it wasn't for Ja Sun constantly nudging her and the fear that he might just 'kill' her Martial Soul down the line just to help her awakening, Yuehua might not have easily accomplished it by herself. Then again, a large part was still due to Ja Sun's contribution to increasing her mental energy for he knew that having one's mental fortitude is the key to accepting such awakening.

Now, her martial soul responded. It wasn't with words or actions but a burst of feeling and sensation in her body. Even now, as Yuehua walked out, she felt a developing connection with her Martial Soul. When she looked at others, her martial soul would have some form of response, too. For Jun'er and Oscar, there wasn't much but when it came to Liu Erlong, her martial soul gave a tinge of annoyance. When she looked at Ah Yin, there was confusion and curiosity. When it came to Ja Sun, and as much as she was embarrassed to admit it, her Martial Soul responded with desire.

And not the kind that she liked to talk with the girls about. But as if Ja Sun was a supreme meal. There was no malice. It was as a pet that loved to sniff one particular person. Because it was their favorite, and hence, delicious.

"Hey, you're looking at my glass for too long. Go get your own sake," Ja Sun scoffed, chugging down the cup before smirking smugly, leaving Yuehua slightly speechless. Joining the rest of the group, she too, began eating.

"Hey, I was thinking that after the competition, do we get jobs?" Jun'er inquired.

"Jobs?" Liu Erlong looked at the woman strangely.

"Yes... I mean, Sister Lana is going to have a child, right? She and Xie Xan won't be risking their lives as a hunter and we all are Sister Dong's friends. Do you think she will give us jobs in the Spirit Hall? I'm just curious is all."

Ja Sun pondered a little.

"Well, maybe we'll be considered her private force or something. Every faction has that, right? And in the long-term, she'll probably entrust us with a few tasks difficult for others."

"No job for me," Ah Yin shook her head decisively, "I'm only going to cultivate."

"Yeah, you are," Ja Sun waggled his brows and Ah Yin pursed her lips, "By cultivating, I mean the cultivation of Spirit Energy."

"Why the sudden curiosity in jobs?" Oscar inquired and Jun'er looked at him with a slight blush.

"... Nothing."

"She's planning something dirty," Liu Erlong said.

"Her face tells it all," Ja Sun narrowed his eyes.

"You two are incorrigible," Yuehua sighed and sipped on her cup, curiously glancing at Jun'er: expecting a show herself.

"Fine," Jun'er crossed her arms before strangely glaring at Oscar. She didn't even look mad but embarrassed.

"Oscar, why can't we have children, too? You said we could try when you're a Spirit Emperor but... you're just planning to never have one with me, right? First, it's Spirit Emperor, and when you're at that rank, you'll wait until you're Spirit Sage...

I don't want to be like others who have to wait till they're 50 or 60 years old before having a child and a family."

She stood up with a stomp, leaving Oscar in a daze.

In the world of spirit masters, there are two types of relationships. Those who commit to themselves to reach a certain level of strength before starting a family and those who would like to do it side-by-side as they would raise a family. There is no winning argument why one is better than the other. With the former, a person has the strength to protect one's family but most spirit masters are not blessed by great talents. They take years to reach their desired goals and by the time they do start a family, most men and women are too goal-oriented to give the future the proper attention they deserve.

On the other hand, it has been admitted that while the chances of being helpless in the latter form of family are slightly greater, these families also happen to be the kind to raise well-mannered children those who have self-respect and an equal level of desire and ambition.

"Geez, way to dampen the mood," Liu Erlong chuckled, unfazed, as she drank from her jug before eating.

Even Oscar seemed unfazed for the most part, eliciting inquiries.

"Aren't you going to console her?" Yuehua asked.

"To get screamed at?" Oscar looked at her strangely, "Not to mention that she's going through her time in a month so whatever I say is probably going to be misunderstood and she did breakthrough today, too, so she's feeling a little agitated."

Liu Erlong smiled, "I've heard that Titled Douluos don't actually have to deal with all that. Maybe it's true."

"Great," Ja Sun nodded.

"What do you mean?" Ah Yin frowned.

"Nothing," Ja Sun replied calmly.

Narrowing her eyes, Ah Yin snorted and then looked at Oscar before eating her food silently.

With the dinner soon ending, everyone returned to the single tent. This was something Bibi Dong ordered the group to do even behind her back and Ja Sun didn't trust the group to not rat him out to Bibi Dong if he ended up setting different tents. Despite her anger, Jun'er slept like a baby in Oscar's arms. The two had made a breakthrough today so they deserved a good night's sleep.

The remaining four gave the couple their space and retreated to the four corners of the tent, silently meditating and cultivating.

Ja Sun was already close to his breakthrough so he exerted himself aside from his passive benefits. The silence aside from the snoring of the couple lasted for a few hours but despite their achievements today, the group was destined to not have an entire night's rest a sharp and piercing howl broke the calm surrounding with



A large shockwave erupting somewhere in the forest. The slightest wave of which shook the tent squarely and the area was flooded by packs and schools of beasts without even caring for the group inside the tent.

Rousing, the group looked at each other, and seeing the glimmer in Ja Sun's eyes, everyone felt a cold chill sweep down their spines.



Dai Mu's body was smashed against a tree almost uprooted by the shock of the two 'beasts' striking each other. In fact, at the center, grass and mud were pushed out, leaving nothing but sturdy ground as two sets of glowing red eyes, each as large as a carriage stared at the tiny figure wielding lightning around a pitch-black hammer with the barrel-sized hammer-head.

The two beings observed each other. Tang Hao could only look up, his blood and spirit energy moving against his control by the sheer impact while the giant of a beast, no, a Titan, seemed all but unbothered by his presence.

It was a giant gorilla. Pitch-black fur covering his body, however, around the beast was a glowing golden-red pattern as if lava was flowing through his veins and appearing outside his body.


The beast snorted, the pressure of the air almost pushing Tang Hao on the ground, as he turned around.

Thoroughly disrespected and angered, Tang Hao couldn't help but scowl.

"Don't you be smug!" He growled, seven spirit rings appearing around him. Yellow, Yellow, Purple, Purple, Black, Black, and Black.

A dark flash covered Tang Hao and the Clear Sky Hammer in his hands. The white veins around the handle and two faces of the hammer grew piercing, making the Titan of a Spirit Beast turn around. Vast spirit pressure suddenly erupted from the beast that knocked out Dai Mu in an instant and made Tang Hao kneel on a knee. Struggling to look up, Tang Hao witnessed a glimpse of mockery in the eyes of his opponent and he suddenly grew calm.

'To surpass those already stronger than me and born before me... I can never resort to brute strength.'

'Did grandfather ever face such enemies that led him to create this technique?' Tang Hao wondered as all the spirit pressure around him forcing him on his knees began to go out of control while the Clear Sky Hammer in Tang Hao's arms vibrated. The seven spirit rings now rotated around the handle of the hammer.

'Clear Sky Nine Absolutes: Disrupt.'


The Titan Gorilla snarled softly as he saw Tang Hao stand up. For a moment Tang Hao looked back and saw Dai Mu lying further away, unconscious. Complicated feelings flickered in his eyes before he closed his eyes.

He couldn't let go of this chance. He did indeed began feeling for Dai Mu, but he had been cultivating far longer. He was in his mid-thirties, all he had ever known was boldly stepping forward.

'She'll be fine,' Tang Hao's eyes snapped open, a dull white glow erupted from his hammer and covered everything around him. Even when unconscious, Dai Mu's body curled as the strange chill made sure that nobody of even equal strength have the guts to enter this range.

Although the titan's fur stood to its end, himself feeling a little suppressed, he waited. It would be beneath him to attack when the opponent weaker than him was preparing. Displaying a wide gap in intelligence between himself and ordinary spirit beasts, the Titan also displayed pride and 'honor' known only to mankind.

"True-- Avatar--"

Spitting each word with aggressiveness known only to beasts, his short hair waving around, the hammer in Tang Hao's hand began to grow.

Dark light dampening the starry night, absorbing the light around it, the dark hammer reached a height equivalent to the titan's massive hill-like physique.

One bestial and one prideful. It was hard to differentiate who the human and who the beast actually was.





Breathing through its giant nostrils, the titan began beating its giant stony chest. Each beat would fluctuate the white light soaked with killing intent representing Tang Hao's domain.

Golden-brown energy collected over its paw and an earthen scent invaded Tang Hao's domain.

Standing on the edge of the giant hammer, matching the beast's gaze, Tang Hao smiled, "Thank you for accepting my challenge."

His remaining six spirit rings brightened simultaneously. Lightning erupted around the gigantic handle and around the hammerhead grew pitch-black flames. Aside from the white veins on the hammer bodies, blue and golden veins began weaving around its surface and the hammer visibly sunk into the ground despite Tang Hao's control. In fact, the hammer's handle was so large that even hugging it wouldn't allow Tang Hao to physically hold it.

Thus, exerting his control and strength, Tang Hao jumped away and raised his hand. A giant golden shadow emerged from behind him and clasped the hammer firmly while following Tang Hao's move who floated and remained submerged in the light. This was the genuine display of a Tool-type Martial Soul's True Avatar. Every Tool Spirit Master has a different expression of True Avatar but those with pure strength type tools would wish for the kind Tang Hao was lucky to obtain.

'Clear Sky Nine Absolutes...'

With a wild grin, Tang Hao couldn't help but roar


The raised hammer that lit the surrounding forest as if a giant pillar of light descended. It seemed slow but the sheer energy fluctuating from the giant hammer threatened the Titan... barely.

The beating stopped, the Titan merely punched out. Squarely meeting the face of the hammer, the Titan's hind limbs sunk into the ground.


Baring his teeth, the earthen light exploded. For a moment, Tang Hao felt his entirety go weightless. The astronomical weight of his hammer seemed to have vanished and everything went dark for him as a giant fist descended on him.

As the dust settled, everything ending mysteriously, the Titan Ape gazed at the bloodied body of the man in a small crater and then huffed. With the skin of his paws bleeding slightly, the Giant Ape turned around and hopped away.

'Disrupting my shit break... atrocious humans,' he growled as he seemed to be in a hurry. His speed on its giant arms and folded legs was greater than anyone's imagination.

As the beast left, a purple glow unknown to anybody emerged from the ground. Gazing at the two beings unconscious, the palm-sized phantom couldn't help but look in the direction that the titan left and grew thoughtful as he observed the trail of blood. Each drop of blood almost as large as a human's skull.


A/N: In canon, it is said that Tang Hao clashed with Er Ming the Titan Ape so I couldn't pass up the chance to write about it. Also, in canon, the Clear Sky Nine Absolutes is said to be formed by Tang Chen himself, revealing how he wasn't only strong but also intuitive in his approach to battle so aside from the 'Shock' character revealed by Tang San, I want to explore more of this technique. After all, if the Astral Combatant or Gentle Tactics can be powerful then why can't a technique developed by the strongest Douluo of the past generation?

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