Quest Maker of Soul Land

Chapter 122: Wild! Wild? (2)

Chapter 122: Wild! Wild? (2)

Shout-out to Moonspellz!

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Patre /Fanharem


"So... what can I expect... you know, when I..." Ah Yin revealed a rare moment of hesitation. "First... um... kiss..." She had it already and made sure that even Ja Sun kept it a secret. Why she would want to know such a thing with such a profoundly naive act?



She had her first and now she was curious what's it like for others.

Her inquiry made Bibi Dong, Liu Erlong, and Tang Yuehua's gaze shine. Even the lover of slaughter was a woman with specific tastes and had expectations for her future. Now seeing someone volunteering for such a question, they couldn't help but wait for the answer.

"Well... I don't actually remember," Hu Lana gave a wry chuckled while scratching her cheek slightly, "Don't get me wrong. Maybe there are memorable first kisses but for me, I've only been accustomed to Xan and it's like... you know, you see someone every day and even if they grow up, you wouldn't be able to easily compare the growth because of the regularity of the nature. So whenever Xie Xan kisses me... it's all the same to me.

But... sharing the bed for the first time, now that's scarily eery and still in the back of my mind."

The girls then looked at Jun'er who looked away with a shy expression.

"Ehm... before Oscar, I was involved with another man from the Golden Hound Clan. If I had to say, that man was always rough not because of his nature. He was actually sweet. But he would always think that as being a man and from a 'rougher' clan of martial soul, being gentle would be an act of weakness...

Oscar, on the other hand," Jun'er lowered her head, "Is so caring. When we first met, he slapped me for disrespecting his food martial soul... it was scary thinking what would happen if I got involved with him but when he kissed me while gently stroking my back... I..."

Jun'er's voice grew sharper and sounded like squeaks and chirps while the girls pursed their lips. All it did was make them envy Jun'er.

"Speaking of the first kiss, what about you? Come on! Spill it! I know you and Ka-ul kissed in that forest!" Hu Lana grinned with a vicious expression while Ah Yin lied calmly, "Someone must have slipped you something because your observation is incorrect."

"Ooh, I know a way to find out!" Jun'er gasped, her cheeks a bit red by constantly gulping alcohol, "I can smell lies!"

Ah Yin's expression was strange.

"We already covered that it's a lie," the blue-haired goddess snorted as Jun'er looked puzzled, making Ah Yin continue to explain, "I was there, remember? When you tried this trick."

"Ah... no, I don't remember," Jun'er shook her head in a daze before suddenly recalling the scene in Balak City. Or was it the small town close to the Star Dou Great Forest? Jun'er was really having some trouble remembering it. But if Ah Yin already knew then it must be the truth.

"She did it alright. It was all over her face," Hu Lana smiled knowingly as Ah Yin frowned. Even if she did... strangely, she felt quite frustrated by the fact that out of all the girls, Hu Lana was the one to call her out on the act when she is the one who would moan and pant loud enough to wake up the entire camp when finally alone with Xie Xan.

"Whatever," Ah Yin rolled her eyes, seemingly done with the conversation while Tang Yuehua smiled to smoothen out the conversation, "Let me get the next round for everyone."

With that, she tilted her body sideways to face the counter and accidentally had her foot knock over a slightly burly man's foot who held a large tray of jugs filled to the brim with greenish liquid.



"Oh, my good sir, I would like a plate of smoked pig salmon with the side dish of fried onion bamboos and a glass of Fierce Serpent Wine," Wearing a formal grey suit, Oscar stated with a calm expression. The trio sat around a table in a decorated and calm level of a restaurant with a few ancient relics that increased the grace of the establishment and a small band of musicians playing a soft and pleasing tune in the background. The grey-haired waiter looked at Xie Xan and Ja Sun with a silent yet inquisitive gaze.

"Whatever he is having," Xie Xan gestured towards Oscar but Ja Sun revealed much more culture despite not understanding half of the dishes mentioned in the scroll of the menu.

"I will have whatever the chef recommends," Ja Sun coughed. Both Xie Xan and Ja Sun glanced at Oscar. Right now, the trio looked 'fresh.'

Ja Sun didn't need a haircut but Oscar and Xie Xan had their own makeover and now wore new clothes and decided to dine out in one of the more lavish standings. The more Oscar heard about the kind of training Xie Xan and Ja Sun had gone through, the more he believed in accomplishing every base desire before... eventually having to take a shit in the wild for days to come.

The dishes soon arrived but while Xie Xan and Oscar could efficiently make use of the silverware, Ja Sun had to constantly switch between a spoon, knife, and a fork to eat, making him miss more primal forms of eating in the wild. Although everyone enjoyed Oscar's tofu, it would be a hard thing to consume continuously for probably the next month entirely.

"This is good!" Xie Xan and everyone else ate with a pleased expression.

"It's too bad that the girls are stuck in some boring lecture... they should have tagged along with us." Xie Xan shook his head and Oscar nodded in agreement.

"Especially for the 9 Pleasures Heaven..." Ja Sun smiled as Xie Xan and Oscar glanced at each other before nodding.

"I hope they aren't too bored," Oscar drank from his cup, "We can just tell them about this place so they can at least taste some of the good stuff before leaving."


"Taste this, fucker!" Erlong shouted, jerking the wooden mug in her hand and smashed it into the head of a bald and tattooed spirit master, sending him crashing back by the force of her palm that knocked on his skull. Yuehua was scared stiff by now. It was just an accident that her foot knocked over one of the scary-looking spirit masters that instantly roused the tensions in the tavern as the group of dangerous men and women began demanding compensation.

Oddly enough, even the women of the opponent team looked quite pleased by the prospects of being compensated in 'kind' but seeing Liu Erlong easily swatting away a man twice her size, Yuehua couldn't help but fall into a daze.

"Now," Bibi Dong stood up, somehow more frustrated than usual after hearing everything, "What did you gentlemen say about taking us to your inn?"

It was at this moment, a pale golden glow flashed out of Tang Yuehua's body while the excitement within the tavern grew calmer. Everyone, without any exception, could hear a beautiful and calming melody that seemed to be controlling their more primal and basic urges developed over by the consumption of alcohol.

"Please, Teacher, it's my mistake in the end," Tang Yuehua exhaled deeply, unwilling to let the matter escalate when it was just a simple accident from the very beginning. Bibi Dong's eyelids twitched. Even she was affected by Yuehua's domain, affirming the fact that her talents may surpass Yu Xiaogang's despite the similar nature of their martial souls.

"H-hey! You cannot just insult" One of the brown-haired girls shouted when Yuehua cupped her hands and bowed, "I apologize. It was an unfortunate accident with no malice behind me or my friend's actions."

The other patrons already circled the two parties but none would have expected one of them to apologize so easily. But while the more educated, sincere, and mannered Yuehua felt that her apology would have ended the matter, she failed to grasp the simple concept of how her actions, seldom, might be felt by her opponents as an act of weakness. True, her domain had calmed everyone around her, but it also roused their deviousness, and the more the outraged woman looked at Yuehua, the more pleased she felt. And the fact that the group couldn't sense Yuehua's strength and the energy signature revealed from others consciously keeping their energy in check in an effort to master their realm of self also happened to be quite discreet, they only marked Erlong as a threat due to her stronger physique.

"Huff," Yuehua exhaled deeply, her domain already consuming almost all of her spirit energy and she straightened her back once again.

"It's true. You made a mistake. Our Blade Skull Mercenary Group isn't unjust. You will accompany us and we'll" The supposed leader, a rank 40 something Spirit Ancestor gave a thick smile while waving his hand through his head as a mug crashed into his face at this moment with force shuddering enough to make him step sideways and his cheeks wave and reveal his gums.

"Blade Skull? Should've stuck with Bald Skull," Ah Yin held another mug using her Blue Silver Goddess fashioned into a twirling blue rope wrapped around the handle as she gazed at her opponents calmly.

"I thought Ka-ul is the one with the strongest punches and puns... nice effort, however," Hu Lana chuckled as her words made everyone except Tang Yuehua smile and Ah Yin's expression froze.

"Get them!" The leader of the merc group snarled as Bibi Dong placed her hand on Yuehua's shoulder, "When you use your domain, always keep in mind the expenditure and the location. Many times, a domain may just prove futile if you present yourself meekly. And, domain is dependent on your own comprehensively and strength. Focus on the former. Ka-ul cannot teach you these because he is unaware of it himself."

With that, Bibi Dong picked a chair from its handle before twisting her body and pulling Yuehua, and smashing the chair into the face of the leader.

"Let's be quick about it. And you, learn from this event," Bibi Dong smiled at Yuehua who nodded her head in a dazed manner.


"I have to say that... it was nice going out. At least, I feel more comfortable in the group," Oscar smiled as Xie Xan and Ja Sun glanced at each other.

"Seeing each other half-naked does the trick every time," Ja Sun shrugged as both of their expressions turned a bit unnatural. The trio grew silent and returned to their inn when they found a group of slightly disheveled women walking from the opposite side of the street.

Aside from one particular silver-blu-haired woman, the remaining five women looked a bit... annoyed.

"What's got them ticking?" Xie Xan inquired.

"Maybe they didn't like what they heard in their lecture."

"Understandable. Wouldn't want a penis up my butt, too... but that works for you and Lana, right?"

"Hey, enough with that."

"Excuse me, what?" Oscar glanced at his two teammates and realized that there were still many things he didn't know at all.

"Oh, Xan! What did you guys do?" Hu Lana came tiptoeing and hugged Xie Xan, making Oscar and Ja Sun sidestep due to the smell of lingering alcohol. Even Xie Xan coughed a little while smiling stiffly, "Just... stuff. What about you?"

"I'm going to freshen up," Ah Yin was the first to speak up as she glanced at Ja Sun before leaving. It wasn't an inviting look at all, but more of a 'oh, you're clean, huh.'

Jun'er quickly hugged Oscar before running off into the Inn herself.

"Birdy, what happened?" Ja Sun looked at Yuehua who silently shook her head, "Teacher Bibi refrained me from saying anything."

With that, everyone entered the inn while allowing the trio's imagination to run wild. Sex education, alcohol, and embarrassment...

'Did they try something between themselves?' Ja Sun speculated.

New doors of fantasies were opened this day.

The next day, everybody spent their time preparing for various items for their survival in the second last training spot set by Bibi Dong, and then the third day, the group silently left the Heaven Dou City, one of the most beautiful and scenic cities that they had witnessed, for wilderness and strength once again.

Their next destination being one of the most dangerous wildlife perimeters that the Spirit Hall still couldn't domesticate aside from the Star Dou Great Forest: Sunset Forest.


"You what?!"

A deep roar and eruption of energy so tyrannical that the surrounding stone castle and the mountain range trembled with a wide and tough palm landing straight on Tang Hao's face. His head instantly jolted down with his body bending awkwardly. A gust visibly erupted from beneath Tang Hao. In the wide stone courtyard with misty clouds all around and the world looking like a peaceful heaven, the echo of the furious roar still resounded.

Dai Mu hadn't been this scared her entire life. She had never seen Tang Hao so bloody with a mere slap since she tagged along and for the first time, she saw Tang Xiao standing aside like a bitter yet mere spectator.

The courtyard didn't only contain the small group learning under Tang Hao and Tang Xiao, but here stood hundreds of burly men with stiff and cold expressions. They all were unnerved by the show of strength from the white-beared old and muscular man with a fashion sense similar to the Tang Siblings, his hair swept back neatly but his beard long and untamable. Moustache curved up from the ends and now slightly trembling in rage.


Coughing and spitting out blood, Tang Hao slowly stood up once again. Even with this mighty of a force from an individual none other than the other Titled Douluo of Clear Sky Clan: Tang Peng, the father to Tang Xiao, Hao, and Yuehua, Tang Hao seemed barely fazed. Aside from his bloodied lips and torn left cheek, there was no injury on his body.

"Tang Yuehua formally presented a request for experience in the continent. As the successor to the Sect and Clan, I allowed it after consulting my wisest ally, my elder brother Tang Xiao."

His words sounded coarse and Tang Xiao bit his lip. He was the eldest, yes, but he wasn't the future leader of the clan. Tang Hao is. And it was a lie. At the time Tang Yuehua left, he acted not like a wise brother but an angered child. From the moment Tang Yuehua left, Tang Hao simply transitioned into a decision-maker.

There was a reason for all that.

With Tang Yuehua around, Tang Hao had the capital to act childishly. To play around. After all, Tang Yuehua is the one person who made the two elder brothers connect with their childhood and made them recall their mother but now...

Seeing Tang Hao's stony obsidian eyes cool and collected, Tang Peng raised his hand once again.

"I let Yuehua in your care. Both of your care," with that Tang Peng lowered his hand once again and glanced back at Tang Xiao before snorting coldly.

"And you let her out of your protection on empty promises? I raised the two of you better!" Tang Peng shouted as every clansman around him except Tang Hao lowered his head.

"Father, quell your rage," Tang Hao whispered.

"Quell?" Tang Peng suddenly chuckled but his tone remained filled with anger, "Just... you clearly don't care about your younger sister"

"At least, I care that she's old enough to make her goddamn decisions!" Tang Hao shouted, his words backed with his spirit energy as he glared at his father angrily, "She said it clearly. She wants to have her adventure! As a member of the Clear Sky Clan, Yuehua should not have the fate of being caged by walls of her fake calling.

Moon Pavilion? What a joke!

She has an innate domain... something I died for in that forsaken city! If you cannot..."

Tang Hao's gaze dulled for a moment and he grew soft-spoken once again, "If you cannot see that... maybe mother would have. Not only hers, but Xiao's and mine, too."

"Get out of my sight this instance. You brothers are to stay in the base and guard the clan until that damn competition. I cannot trust both of your judgments anymore."

Tang Peng growled and glanced at the seven men behind him.

"Eighth Elder, you have the hobby of searching the most varied and strange spirit beasts. Use your talents to track Yuehua"

"Father," Tang Xiao hurriedly spoke up, "Their group is trustworthy and can protect Yuehua. Not only that, the Spirit King within that group"

With a wave of his hand, Tang Peng caused Tang Xiao's words to come to a stop. Even with the difference of a single rank, a Spirit Douluo like Tang Xiao couldn't say anything against the Titled Douluo Tang Peng.

This further signified the value of Bright World Ja Sun wielded.

"I want Tang Yuehua brought safely to me before that competition..."

Tang Peng himself couldn't leave the base of his clan. The world of spirit masters is treacherous. What Tang Yuehua had witnessed is merely a grain's worth in the desert of malice. Should someone with equivalent strength set his or her eyes on the clan while he is away, the losses would be catastrophic.

As Tang Peng retreated in a huff, ordering all the formalities of the welcoming called off in a fit of annoyance, Tang Hao pressed a cloth against his bleeding cheek as Tang Xiao walked over with a dark expression.

"So much for him understanding..." Tang Hao mumbled.

"He will, eventually. If we both can understand... then he will, too," Tang Xiao patted his younger brother's shoulder with a pained expression as Dai Mu quickly walked over.

"Now you know why I liked the Palace more than home... the slaps can be brutal," Tang Hao chuckled seeing Dai Mu's expression.

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