Power and Wealth

Chapter 1519: countless injured

Chapter 1519: countless injured

In the blink of an eye, Dong Xuebing's swift actions mobilized everyone into spontaneous action to save lives.

"Look at all this blood!"

"This person is in bad shape."

"Don't move him. Let me bandage him."

"Miss, are you a doctor?"

"No, I work in the hospital's storeroom, so I know a little."

The man they just rescued was covered in blood and critical condition. Despite the young woman's efforts to bandage him, her lack of expertise was evident. Despite several attempts, the bleeding did not stop, and the man's life continued to ebb away. The situation was dire, with no ambulance in sight.

Panicking, the young woman shouted, "Does anyone have a first aid kit? Is there a doctor here?"

An elderly lady nearby heard and responded, "I have a first aid kit."

Relieved, they urged her to bring it over quickly. However, Dong Xuebing knew this type of injury couldn't be saved with a first aid kit. With a gentle push, he approached and tapped his knuckle on the man's thigh, using REVERSE that miraculously stopped the bleeding. Then, Dong Xuebing assessed the man's sunken chest and pressed several acupoints. With a slight twist, the man miraculously regained consciousness.

Amazed, they checked the man's pulse. "His heartbeat is stable, and there's no immediate danger to his life. Young man, how did you do that?"

As the first aid kit was brought over, Dong Xuebing applied medication to the man's thigh wound. "I've studied both Chinese and Western medicine. Wherever there are injured people, I'll go and help."

Astounded, they asked, "Are you a doctor?"

"I'm not a doctor, but I know how." Dong Xuebing replied.

Upon hearing the word "doctor," someone else shouted, "Quick, save my daughter!"

Taking over the first aid kit, Dong Xuebing directed, "I'll apply the medicine. You go ahead. I'll assist you."

With assistance, Dong Xuebing hurried over to the distressed man. His daughter, a small girl of about ten, lay still with a noticeable head injury. Dong Xuebing quickly assessed the situation and realized it might be a severe concussion. Without delay, he gently held the girl's forehead, allowing the blood to flow more freely. Although, in certain cases, blood loss can be remedied, severe head injuries like the girls sometimes defy even the most skilled interventions. Fortunately, Dong Xuebing had the ability. He didn't concentrate on the indentation on the girl's forehead but focused on her skull, using REVERSE.

The girl opened her eyes in pain. "Dad"

"She's okay for now. Don't touch her, and keep her head still. The rest can be handled by medical personnel when they arrive," Dong Xuebing instructed her father.

Her father was overwhelmed with gratitude. "Thank you, thank you so much."

As the person holding the first aid kit arrived, they were surprised to find Dong Xuebing had already revived the man with just a blink of an eye.

"This young man is amazing!"

"Doctor, doctor, come quickly!"

"There's a doctor here, and someone's been saved!"

Others nearby also called for help from Dong Xuebing, recognizing his skill.

Dong Xuebing took one look and knew the man had broken legs. As he walked over, he grabbed a wooden stick from the side and picked up a fallen hanger. He pressed it onto the woman's leg, which was making a pitiful cry. Grabbing a scarf, he quickly tied up one leg, then tore off the woman's sleeve to tie up the other leg. He then turned to the woman's friend and said, "Don't move her until the ambulance comes."

"Is she okay?"

"Once her legs are fixed, she can still walk. The main issue is the closed chest fracture. I don't have the tools or equipment to perform surgery right now. As long as you don't move her, it'll be fine. Also, don't let her move. Call me immediately if she has difficulty breathing or any other symptoms."

"Okay, thank you, thank you."

Dong Xuebing had already saved seven or eight people in just a few minutes. Everyone recognized his abilities, and the ad hoc rescue team spontaneously centered around him. Whenever there was a casualty, they called for Dong Xuebing.

Meanwhile, staff from the highway rushed over in several cars. Although the road was blocked, they couldn't get through due to the pileup of vehicles. Upon seeing the scene of blood and chaos, they were shocked but then realized the situation was surprisingly orderly, with spontaneous rescue efforts underway. They were stunned and immediately joined the rescue efforts.

With everyone united, there was no time for idle chatter. Saving lives was everyone's common goal.

"Xiaoyan, Xiaoyan!"

"Help, someone save the student!"

The glass had been broken or shattered on the bus, and several teachers organized twenty elementary school students to climb out of the windows. Some were trapped, but teachers and volunteers managed to rescue them individually, moving them away from the bus. However, when the last little girl was brought out, everyone noticed that she had a plastic ruler stuck in her abdomen, deeply embedded. Blood continued to trickle out, and the girl, still conscious, cried out in pain, calling for her mother, growing weaker by the minute.

The hospital staff's expression changed drastically. "This is bad."

Dong Xuebing also saw it, his expression grave. Without even time to bandage the wound in front of him, he immediately instructed someone nearby, "Pour alcohol on him, disinfect him, then tie his arms as tight as you can." With that, he grabbed a bottle of alcohol and ran over.

Someone immediately exclaimed, "The child will not make it."

Several rescued children cried out for Xiaoyan's name.

One teacher tended to other injured students while the other two anxiously hovered by the little girl's side. "Xiaoyan, hang in there, hang in there, the doctor is coming."

The little girl weakly whispered, "Mom, mom."

"Your mom is coming soon. You'll see her right away." The female teacher burst into tears.

The male teacher grabbed Dong Xuebing, "Quick, save her. She's only ten years old."

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