Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5909: Palm off!

"Ants, how dare you challenge the power of heaven?"

Daoyin set off a billowing air wave, which spread out in circles.

It directly shattered the saber energy, revealing an intact body.

There was only a pair of eyes with killing intent staring at Chen Feng!


Chen Feng retreated continuously and came near the avatar outside his body.

"Based on my current strength alone, I am still no match for the Lord of Heaven."

The avatar outside the body frowned: "Do you need my strength?"

"Need not."

Chen Feng's thoughts changed: "You protect them, I will find a way to distract the Lord of Heaven."

"If it doesn't work, we'll go there."

The avatar outside the body showed a look of surprise: "You mean Yexianting?"

Chen Feng nodded: "There is a broken space, no matter how strong the ruler of heaven is, he won't be able to find it in a while."

With that said, he turned his head to look at Bai Shanshui and the others.

"They have just recovered their physical bodies, their memories are not complete, and they can't even hold the aura of the master of heaven for too long."

"You and I split up!"

The avatar outside his body nodded heavily, slowly stretched out his hand, and gave Chen Feng a high five.

The three-legged Golden Crow uttered a cry, as if calling for something.

In Chen Feng's body, Luanfeng's hissing sound suddenly resounded.

Luanfeng burst out, entangled with the three-legged Golden Crow, and turned into a golden-feathered divine ring.

The imprint of the six immortal souls appeared on the divine ring, bursting out an astonishing aura of immortal souls.

The power of the six souls, the golden feather **** ring!

This is the first time Chen Feng has used it with all his strength since he obtained the Golden Jade Divine Ring.

Terrifying power instantly filled Chen Feng's whole body.

He wanted to crush his soul and even his body, but he couldn't take it any longer!


Chen Feng endured the severe pain and roared.

Jiyi Yetian Dao let out a long cry, and lit up a deep black light.

The avatar outside his body frowned tightly, his eyes full of worry.

Helpless, someone must stay behind to stop the ruler of heaven, otherwise no one will be able to live!

"let's go!"

The avatar outside his body waved his big hand, and the strength whipped up a strong wind, lifting several people up.

It turned into a ray of light and escaped into the distance.

"You can't escape."

The golden figure raised his hand again.

In an instant, the color of the world changed, and the wind and clouds surged!


Billowing black clouds covered the sky, and several golden thunders roared continuously.

Then, it condensed into a huge palm print, which crashed down!

"Don't think about it!"

Chen Feng went up with the knife, and the golden feather ring behind him burst out with infinite power!


He growled.

Relying on the power of the golden and jade divine ring, it draws the power of the nine heavenly stars into the body.

The tiny body swelled against the wind.

Three meters, five meters, ten meters...

It soared to 20 meters before it stopped!

"This time, with the help of the six souls of the Golden Feather God Ring, the power has doubled compared to before!"

Chen Feng was very excited.

However, just saying a word will cause a piercing pain.

He is almost unable to maintain this powerful force!


Chen Feng instantly vented all his strength.

With a body of twenty meters high, he slashed fiercely!

The saber energy is like ink, tearing open the void, like the mouth of a giant beast, devouring everything in the world!

The second style of Mingshen Jue Nian Knife, destroying mountains and rivers!

The jet-black knife light is as long as 100 meters, but in front of the huge palm print, it is no match for a finger.


The knife light was directly crushed by the palm print, crushed ruthlessly!

"The gap is too big!"

Chen Feng's body is constantly shrinking.

That slash just now had exhausted all his strength, but he couldn't even break through this palm!

Seeing that the palm prints descended from the sky, they were about to land on him.

The world in all directions was blocked by the power of this palm.

He can't escape.

"Little guy, that's not how Bai Yujing's sword moves are used."

A strange voice suddenly came to mind.

Chen Feng's expression changed, and he realized it.

In my mind, there was an extra remnant soul!

He didn't notice it at all before!

"Don't be surprised."

The thumb-sized white spot smiled and said, "I have known Bai Yujing for thousands of years, but unfortunately he has not been able to find my remnant soul after my death."

"It was the soul-calling technique you used, with the power of the Jade Dragon's Heart, that brought me to this world from the void."

"As a reward, I will block this disaster for you, but you have to promise me one condition."

Chen Feng subconsciously asked: "What conditions?"

Guangdian said again: "Take me to see Bai Yujing."

Chen Feng's face was cloudy and uncertain.

The last time I saw Bai Yujing, I happened to meet him on the way to find my master.

I don't know if there will be a next time, how can I promise?

At this time, the palm print has reached a position 100 meters above Chen Feng's head!

The terrifying coercion shattered mountains and rivers, blasting out countless rifts!

Chen Feng fell into the depths of the rift, his bones creaking as if they were about to be crushed!

"Forget it, no matter how you say it, you are my half benefactor, and I won't make it difficult for you."

The light spots flew out between Chen Feng's eyebrows, rising against the wind.

Turned into a man with white beard and hair, standing with his hands behind his back.

"God, this kid saved my life, I have to pay him back."


The white-haired man raised his hand, and there was a whisk in his hand out of thin air.

The whisk danced lightly, and the black streamer was like ink.

Take the sky as the case and the earth as the bottom!

The mountain is the sword, the river is the knife!

With a light flick of the whisk, the sky and the earth roar, and the mountains and rivers soar into the sky!

"Hunyuan Freedom Divine Art?"

"Dao Wuchen, you are still alive!"

In the eyes of the golden figure, there was a rare expression of shock.

He was about to inform the main body, but was interrupted by Dao Wuchen with a smile.

"Back then you sent thousands of clones to surround and kill me, and only then did I break up my physical body, and my soul escaped into the void, wandering for so many years."

"Do you think that I will give you a chance to summon?"

The complexion of the golden figure changed suddenly!

Sure enough, no matter how he tried, this world seemed to be blocked.

No news can go out!

"Freedom in the world, Dao follows nature!"

"Your Hunyuan Freedom Divine Art is stronger than before!"

The golden figure was not resisting, and said in a deep voice, "If the incarnation of this Tao is shattered, the main body will find this place."

"You still can't escape!"

Dao Wuchen chuckled lightly: "Escape from what?"

"When I am resurrected, Qiandao's incarnation and body will be destroyed together!"

The mountains, rivers, heaven and earth are like a picture scroll under his whisk, moving with his heart.

Breaking through the golden palm print directly, piercing through the body of the golden figure, blasting the sky full of golden light.

Chen Feng was stunned for an instant!

The incarnation of the Ruler of the Heavenly Dao, couldn't resist Dao Wuchen's casual blow?

"Boy, don't be dazed."

Dao Wuchen's figure is getting weaker and weaker: "My power is running out, and I have completely exhausted the incarnation of killing the master of heaven."

"Use your knowledge of the sea and sleep for a while, don't forget to find something for me to nourish my soul."

He turned into a light spot again, rushed into Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, and fell into a deep sleep.

Chen Feng hurriedly asked: "Senior, how long are you going to sleep for?"

"Short is a hundred years, long is a thousand years, it depends on your performance."

Dao Wuchen's voice completely faded away and fell into a deep sleep.

Chen Feng gasped.

Where did this old monster come from, and he said that he had been asleep for a hundred years. He has practiced for only a hundred years!

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