Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5818: Exterminate!

The 10,000-meter-long robbery dragon has become more and more solid in shape, with a sturdy head and horns, and the scales are dense, and it is already lifelike.

"This is not an ordinary dragon robbery, but the strongest existence in the dragon robbery, the fate of the dragon robbery!"

Immortal Mo Rin's old face was solemn, and he said solemnly: "The fate of the dragon is born in response to the robbery, and the life is like a mayfly, and can only survive this robbery, but the power is a practitioner of the imaginary land of the fairyland, and it is completely incompetent. "

"This last calamity, Chen Feng is probably the worst."


Tian Can Beast Slave looked shocked, and hurriedly shouted: "Old Mo Rin, hurry up and think of a way to help my big brother!"

Immortal Mo Rin shook his head and sighed: "This is an immortal calamity, no one can help him, Chen Feng can only carry it himself."

Fairy Yuheng frowned slightly, her eyes flickering, and after a long time she said, "If it is someone else, there may be no hope."

"However, the transcendence is Chen Feng! Everything is possible with Chen Feng, and we must have confidence in him."

Everyone was silent, and each prayed for Chen Feng.

Hope, Chen Feng can survive this disaster.

At the same time, the colorful robbery cloud was completely brewed, and the Heavenly Fate Tribulation Dragon roared and fell down! The golden light flickered around the robbery dragon, and the thunder and lightning rang out, as if to burst the sky! The power of this claw made many practitioners in the Immortal Realm tremble with fear, and they even retreated for several miles.

"The Promise Destruction Blade!"

Chen Feng shouted loudly, running Taishang Yuqing Jiu Shou Zhen Jue, and mobilizing the power of the stars with all his strength.

At this moment, the sea of ​​golden stars lit up the power of pure golden stars and poured into the Qingqiu Heavenly Dragon Saber! Roar! In the ocean of stars, the three phantoms no longer resist the power of the golden stars, and cooperate fully to cut out this sword! This knife, dark and dull, seems to be able to devour the world! The invisible sword qi blasted away and fell on the ground, severing the mountains and rivers, leaving behind ravines.

Slash above the sky, smash the robbery cloud, and divide it into two! "Death to me!"

Chen Feng glared angrily, roared, and waved the Qingqiu Tianlong Sword, slashing at the dragon claws of the Heavenly Fate Tribulation Dragon! boom! The next moment, the blade, the dragon claw, collide together! The power of the shattered stars and the power of the robbery formed a huge storm, pushing everyone away dozens of miles away.

The gust of wind swept all around, blinding everyone's eyes, and also blinding Qi Qi.

No one knows what the result will be.

"how's it going?

Chen Feng, have you resisted this knife? "

Everyone took a deep breath and stared at the center of the storm.

The dust slowly dissipated, finally revealing a stalwart, majestic figure.

Holding a knife, Chen Feng stood proudly between the heavens and the earth.

On his shirtless upper body, above the strong muscles, there were patches of scorch, and thunder and lightning were beating.

The knife in his hand was broken, and only half remained.

Although that appearance was miserable, there was an air of arrogance, unwilling to succumb to the arrogance of heaven and earth! "Big brother, big brother is still alive, he's fine!"

The Heavenly Remnant Beast Slave was overjoyed and laughed: "I just said, how could Big Brother be defeated by this little robbery cloud."

Although, everyone had expected this result, but when they saw it, they were still shocked and looked in awe.

"Anyone who can resist the fate of the dragon and the dragon, in the entire Eastern Wilderness, apart from Chen Feng, I am afraid that there is no second person to be found."

"Chen Feng, this child's talent is extremely terrifying, so terrifying!"

"Wait, you see, it seems that it's not over yet, the Heavenly Fate Tribulation Dragon is still there!"

With a loud shout, everyone suddenly stopped talking and turned their heads one after another, their eyes falling on the robbery clouds.

Sure enough, in the robbery cloud, a broken figure roared in a low voice and slowly swam.

It's Heavenly Fate Tribulation Dragon! At this time, only one-tenth of its tens of thousands of miles of body was left, flickering and dark, looking much more miserable than Chen Feng.

However, the Heavenly Fate Tribulation Dragon is always the Heavenly Fate Tribulation Dragon! Even if there is only one tenth of it left, the power is enough to kill a twelve robbery spirit immortal.

"Why are you still here?"

Chen Feng looked at Jielong with a wry smile.

Only he himself knows that, in fact, he was able to resist the blow of the Heavenly Fate Tribulation Dragon just now, it was a trick! Before, Chen Feng absorbed the energy of the gold group's 'six', 'seven' and 'eight', which was too huge to be absorbed completely.

Therefore, he used nine-tenths of his power, which was the knife just now.

This is also why the Qingqiu Tianlong Sword will break! The power is too violent, and it is simply not something that Qingqiu Tianlong Sword can handle.

However, when this strength was used up, Chen Feng's body also reached the limit, the meridians burst, and his muscles trembled.

He no longer has the strength to strike again.

Roar! The Heavenly Fate Tribulation Dragon roared, waved his claws again, and grabbed hard at Chen Feng.

Around the dragon claw, thunder and lightning run and rumble, and it can tear everything apart! "The magic weapon, the strength, it's all already" Chen Feng frowned, his body was shaking, because he was exhausted, it was difficult for him to move.

However, he didn't give in, let alone give up, but looked around and his mind changed.

"That is?"

When Chen Feng saw the purple light and the wind, his eyes suddenly lit up and he smiled.

"This great formation looks like a bastard. It seems that its defense is very strong, and it should be able to block the dragon robbery for me."

After making up his mind, Chen Feng gritted his teeth and tried his best to move his body.

Snapped! He slapped his thigh hard, stopped the trembling muscles for a moment, then roared and walked through the air! boom! Chen Feng stepped on the void and burst out the final power of the void, forming a powerful thrust! He was a bit embarrassed like a cannonball, but he was very fast and rushed to the side of the purple light array.

Roar! Tianyun Jielong roared, thinking that Chen Feng was going to run, and immediately turned around and chased after Chen Feng.

"It's now!"

Chen Feng seized the opportunity, a sneer evoked at the corner of his mouth, and suddenly fell.

boom! He smashed into the ground ruthlessly, losing his strength to protect his body, and his back hurt from the fall.

However, Chen Feng did not cry out in pain, but instead laughed.

Because, he saw with his own eyes, the Heavenly Fate Tribulation Dragon collided with the Ziguang Liufeng formation! boom! With a loud bang, the Heavenly Fate Tribulation Dragon was smashed into pieces, turned into a thunderous light, and completely dissipated.

The purple light flow and wind array was even worse, and it exploded directly into dots of purple light that flew between the heavens and the earth.

In the great formation, there were three figures, extremely embarrassed, were blasted thousands of meters, and their bodies were charred black.

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