Chapter 564

564 Chapter 564 Divide The Harvest

As expected, the hunter’s book found no gem information in the database. This made a lot of sense, as the gems in this location weren’t an actual mineral but the product of an unpredictable irregularity whose results were quite random.

Nonetheless, the hunter’s book still did its job.

Desmond didn’t even try to look surprised. The gem’s appearance already gave away more or less what it was. His only surprise was its compatibility with Aisha was even higher than expected. Although, according to Aisha, her lineage enhancements were useless to her. In her words, “Only lower races would see their lineage enhanced with treasures of this level.”

Although arrogant, Aisha had every right to say that her lineage was anything but simple. Her race was powerful enough to enter into a cooperative relationship with the Heavenly race; there were few such races in the entire multiverse.

Regarding racial talents, the gap between Aisha’s race and the human race was like the difference between a lump of coal and a diamond. However, Aisha expected to gain great benefits in understanding fire mana and her innate talents by using the gem.

The second gem was what really surprised the duo.

<Transmutation bud. Three-stars Class, maximum level.

<Elemental Affinity: Vitality. Wood.


Arcane Law: Transmutation/Alchemy.

Properties: Impossible to analyze.>

Even ignoring the high level of the gem, it was news to Desmond that the book could not analyze the properties of anything. Unlike the strange piece of burned wood whose nature remained a mystery, the gem differed. After all, Desmond was sure Titania had done something to the piece of wood so it couldn’t be scanned.

With Titania’s level and the evident disdain she showed towards the association, it was to be expected that she would be able to circumvent the book’s analysis.

However, the gem was something that the book could scan but not understand. Desmond knew that the book had limited analysis capabilities, so normally the book would actually scan things and look for matches in the database. In the association, there was probably the technology or magic to identify and analyze with much greater power, but Desmond wasn’t interested.

Whatever the case, the second gem was a very high-level item. Given the characteristics of the gem, the only thing Desmond could think of was to give it to Sasha since the gem contained something of the law of alchemy inside. But Sasha wasn’t an arcanist, and Desmond didn’t know that an alchemist like her could benefit from this law.

Surprisingly, Aisha reached out her hand, took the bud-shaped gem, and peered at it with a thoughtful expression. Desmond saw the sparkle of genius in Aisha’s eyes. He knew immediately that she was thinking of a way to implement the gem into an artifact.

Eventually, Aisha parted her fragrant lips to express her thoughts. “I remember you said that one of your lovers, Sasha, is an alchemist of the path of Mana. She may benefit from the arcane understanding in this gem, but the effect should not be pronounced. After all, they are different paths and systems. According to my mother, the Aura alchemy system is more compatible with Mana due to certain affinities between their properties. But arcane alchemy is different; it is similar to creating spells in the form of potions. It seems to me that it is better to create an artifact that combines all the properties of the gem.”

In addition to learning new things about the various paths of alchemy, Desmond understood the waste of harnessing just one of the four gem properties. On the other hand, Desmond’s respect for Aisha’s crafting skills grew a notch. Even though the gem couldn’t be scanned by the book and its specific properties couldn’t be analyzed, she still managed to use her eyes and senses to get a feeling about the gem. Now she even seemed to have an idea of ??how to use it.

Believing that she had something to say, Desmond asked. “Any ideas in particular?”

Aisha smiled softly, some certainty shining deep in her pupils. “It wasn’t really that hard to think of something. This gem has the four properties sought in certain artifacts that are highly sought after by alchemists. Alchemical furnaces or alchemical cauldrons. I am not versed in their creation and operation since they are a very specialized area. They are very complex and expensive artifacts, even by my standards. However, an aunt of mine specializes in alchemy artifacts; she should be able to make a suitable alchemy cauldron for your lover.”

According to Aisha, the so-called cauldrons or furnaces of alchemy should be a highly sought-after and recognized artifact in the world of alchemy. Desmond imagined that its use would become necessary for Sasha over time, as she would come into contact with a multiverse where alchemy used it.

“Would you ask your Aunt to forge that cauldron?” Desmond asked, somehow having an idea of ??Aisha’s response.

Aisha smiled brightly, with a hint of warmth and familiarity, and exclaimed. “You are always welcome on the sacred land of my tribe. Which means you can trade with us. Unfortunately, my tribe’s laws prohibit me from giving you things. So you’ll still have to pay for the forging services, but don’t worry, the price won’t disappoint you.”

Desmond had never been naive or greedy enough to believe that Aisha would keep giving him free treasure whenever he wanted. So, a free pass to trade with her race was already a tremendous reward. Of course, Desmond still felt that it wouldn’t be as easy as Aisha made out, but he was still happy.

After accepting the deal, Desmond handed the green gem to Aisha. She gave him a metallic plate with an orange core with glowing patterns. According to Aisha, the plate was both a communication interface and a tracker.

With the plate, Desmond would have a direct link to Aisha. When there was a business opportunity, or Aisha managed to get permission, the plate could be used to transport Desmond to Aisha’s planet.

The possibility of visiting new worlds without the association’s help brought Desmond a big smile. Of course, having a new friend like Aisha also made him very happy. All the other perks were just icing on the cake; for someone like Desmond, a sincere and lasting friendship was precious. On her part, Aisha was almost glowing with happiness... no, she really was glowing, the magma lines along her reddish skin glowing more intensely.

With the issue of the second gem settled, Desmond and Aisha turned their attention to the massive core of the mutated fire flower. Desmond used the book with little time, though he didn’t have high hopes.

<Elemental Affinity: Fire Earth.

Aura Type: Empowerment/Fiery.

Properties: The user can be immersed in the sap to strengthen the body. A focused increase in defense and physical power is expected. Other properties are unknown. Possible Side Effects: Severe pain, burns, and other unknown effects.>

As with the gems, the book found no references in the database, nor could it give an accurate analysis of the liquid inside the core. Fortunately, the book gave an estimate of the possible effects and method of use. Despite being a Mana user, Desmond was always looking for ways to strengthen his body, so the sap was quite suitable for him.

Although there was a list of side effects, Desmond didn’t care to begin with; this time, at least he had a warning. Desmond already knew that the stupid book used to ignore the warnings when it just pulled the information from the database.

Truth be told, the core and its sap were of use to both Aisha and Desmond, but Aisha made up her mind to relent before Desmond even said a word. “I thought you should take the core. Everyone getting a gem is fair enough, but you dealt the final blow, so you should keep the core.”

As if she didn’t think it was enough, Aisha added. “There is no lack of resources like this on my home planet, so don’t worry. This is more useful to you now.”

Desmond was not hypocritical and took the treasure. Aisha even cared not to hurt his ego by giving up the core; that kindness was enough for Desmond to feel the girl’s sincerity.

Thinking of his current situation, as well as the core in his hands and the gem in Aisha’s hands, Desmond made a suggestion. “What do you think of using the core and gem to strengthen ourselves while we’re hiding here? It will be hours before the situation calms down outside. We better do something productive with our time.”

Aisha nodded, then gave Desmond a strange look and commented. “You sound like my mother. You have any children?”

Desmond almost spits up a mouthful of blood at what Aisha said. Children were a sensitive topic at the Astryd residence, as Claire seemed somewhat obsessed with the subject. “She even has that fetish.” Desmond thought to himself with a mixture of lust and exasperation.

Not wanting to bring up the subject, Desmond answered briefly. “I don’t have kids.”

Seeing that Desmond didn’t want to talk about it, Aisha lost interest. He didn’t have children; she at least knew that now. With that topic put aside, Desmond and Aisha proceeded to use the resources in their hands.

Desmond used his sword to cut off the top of the core and stripped off his clothes to submerge his body and use it as a bathtub. The torture and strengthening began as soon as Desmond’s skin came into contact with the sap.

Desmond felt his entire body plunged into a world of pain, the likes of which he had never felt before. And that subtle feeling of strengthening and nourishment underneath all that pain kept him going.

Aisha watched as Desmond stripped off his clothes and entered the core. She watched intently for a moment before sitting in a meditative pose. Aisha cleared her mind, took the gem in her hands, and used her mana sense to interact with the gem in search of understanding its mysteries.

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