Chapter 446

446 Chapter 446 The Real Titania

Desmond tried to speak on the spot, but Kyuru stopped him. The fairy had already overcome her moment of happiness and shame. Kyuru understood Titania better than most, so she wasn’t naive enough to trust her words.

“I’m not surprised you didn’t leave that palace of yours, but I still have to accept that I didn’t expect you to be interested in me even though I left this place. You weren’t very nice to Desmond when you first saw him either. It almost seemed like you were trying to kill him.”

This time, Kyuru wasn’t being cute or seductive like she used to be. Instead, she wore a serious countenance that Desmond rarely saw on her. Therefore, Desmond did not interrupt her, although he found the tone and content of the conversation somewhat strange.

Titania kept the same placid expression and replied. “Whatever you say, you are still my daughter. I still care about you. I just didn’t want someone to take advantage of you.”

For some reason, her answer seemed to have annoyed Kyuru a lot. “You are not my mother. What is in front of me is just a puppet; If you want to call yourself my mother, at least have the decency to show up in person.”

Titania was visibly disappointed by Kyuru’s outburst. “You’re still the same fickle girl you’ve always been.”

Kyuru sneered disdainfully. “Would you rather I was like my sisters?”

It was Titania’s turn to be upset. “Don’t bring your sisters into this. You are different from them, and you know it. You are special; you always were. However, I love all my daughters equally.”

Though her momentum had been lost to a greater extent, Kyuru still lashed out with another annoyed reply. “In that case, you can stop loving me; I’m not your daughter.”


That was when Titania’s costume went out the window, as did all her patience and kindness. Her beautiful appearance was gone, and now only a female humanoid golem made of crystal remained. The appearance might be gone, but Titania’s voice still emanated from the crystal creature. “How dare you? I may not have been the one who gave you life, but I was the one who found you when you were nothing more than a chaotic sphere of primordial energy. I protected you from predators, kept you safe, and guided you until you could move for yourself, think for yourself, and become what you are. Even if you refuse to accept me as your mother, you must still respect me for who I am. This world and everything in it I built from scratch. To give fairies sanctuary, to stop the hunt, to stop us from being used as weapons; I was the one who gave the fairies their freedom.”

With anger reignited, Kyuru replied. “I despised this kind of freedom. We are nothing more than caged canaries; That’s why I left.”

Then came the silence filled with the barely contained anger emanating from the crystal golem. In a second, Titania’s beautiful appearance returned, with a tired expression on her face.

“I knew you weren’t happy here. That’s why I let you go.”

Kyuru was taken by surprise. Her flames of anger seemed to have been given a bucket of cold water. “What are you talking about?”

Rising from her seat, Titania gave the rest of the fairies present a loving look. Only now did Kyuru notice that the poor fairies seemed terrified by the argument. As expected, Titania’s loving gesture calmed them down, and they quickly went back to playing absentmindedly.

Just then, Titania responded. “Did you really think you could leave this place without me noticing? You should know what kind of price I paid to create this paradise. All the doors that lead here are controlled by me. That you could go out to play with ease was because I allowed it.”

Kyuru wanted to answer, but she didn’t know how; she had been cruel to Titania. Kyuru knew that Titania sacrificed a lot for this place; she was just angry that Titania attacked Desmond. Kyuru was also annoyed that even now, Titania refused to leave her palace, and she would send a puppet.

One had to know that the main reason Kyuru ran away from home back then was not that she hated her home. Kyuru was just throwing a tantrum, hoping that Titania would care so much that she would finally get out of that stupid palace and come looking for her.

Fate was a bit rough on Kyuru, landing her in a near-fatal situation before being rescued by Desmond; the rest was known history. That was why Kyuru was so upset, because even now that she had disappeared for months and returned accompanied by a human; Titania still hasn’t come.

Hence Kyuru refused to call her her mother, as she had never met the real Titania. Kyuru had only seen her once in the distance, sitting on her throne in her palace.

Seeing that Kyuru had nothing more to say, Titania, or rather, Titania’s puppet left the place leaving behind a few words for her beloved daughter. “Come see me at the palace. It is time for us to meet in person, my daughter. The rest will have to stay; I’m afraid you wouldn’t be able to keep your lives in that place.”

Understanding little of the situation, Desmond walked over to Kyuru, trying to comfort the faerie. Although there was a lot of information in that conversation that Desmond had yet to process, he still understood one thing; Kyuru had been hurt by her own insecurity.

Although she knew it wasn’t healthy for herself, Kyuru let herself be bathed in all of Desmond’s love and care, trying to soothe the pain she felt at that moment. Few things hurt more than being hurt by a loved one, and one of them was hurting a loved one by accident. Kyuru had done just that.

Although Cecilia hadn’t known Kyuru for a long time, she still had a good feeling for the fairy, so she came over to offer comfort as well. First, it was a hug between two people, then Cecilia was added to the mix. Things got a little chaotic when some nearby faeries came over and joined the group hug.

Kyuru, the girl who ran away from home in a tantrum, was back. She hadn’t returned to stay, but at least now she could enjoy being around surrounded by her family. At least, that’s how it would be once she took Titania’s invitation.

It would be a lie to say that Kyuru was not nervous. Titania was not only the queen and mother of all fairies but also a kind of deity for them.

Desmond had a million questions, but none of them mattered to him right now. He just wanted Kyuru to be able to reconcile with her mother. Cecilia was more or less the same, so neither stopped Kyuru as she flew off into the distance at full speed.

“Do you think she’ll be okay?” Cecilia asked.

Now surrounded by six restless fairies eager to play themselves to death, Desmond replied bitterly. “I care more about us.”

It took Kyuru a couple of hours to even see Titania’s palace. This was already a short time, considering that the gate used by Kyuru was one of the closest to the castle itself.

Kyuru ignored the majestic palace made of black and gold metals. She also ignored the thousand and one copies of Titania that came her way. They were just more puppets under Titania’s control, not to mention a thousand; Kyuru knew there were tens of thousands scattered around this world.

Each of these puppets performs a task under Titania’s orders. Although, as far as Kyuru knew, the vast majority just spent their time caring for and playing with all the fairies that inhabit this world.

Despite being only puppets, they were connected to Titania’s mind, so they could be treated as her avatars in a certain way. This is how Titania carried out a task that would be considered impossible, to be the mother, queen, and protector of all fairies.

The specific details were unknown to Kyuru, but she knew one thing for sure, the real Titania was terrifyingly powerful. The power of the true Titania was completely beyond Kyuru’s comprehension. The scope of Titania’s abilities had entered the realm of what many considered to be a god.

In terms of association, Titania’s clones, or puppets of her, as Kyuru called them, were all existences in the ten-star class. The only reason Desmond and company didn’t vaporize in her presence was that all of her energy was perfectly sealed.

Kyuru knew nothing of that; she always treated the puppets as glass dolls that acted as babysitters. Little did the fairy understand that any of Titania’s puppets were more than capable of splitting the planet earth in two if their energy was not sealed.

She couldn’t blame Kyuru for her ignorance either. Titania kept her secrets very well; she had to be like that, or she would never have reached her current position.

The Unbreakable Sword, The Crystal Army, The Fairy Goddess, The Limitless Edge; Titania had many names by which she was feared throughout the multiverse. But to the blissfully ignorant Kyuru, the only title that mattered was the one of a mother.

In the entire multiverse, only a few truly understood this entity, a being that might as well be a god. Titania had few friends outside her world, those she considered genuinely close, but they all had something in common. They all knew that there was no title Titania loved more than that of mother and that only through her puppets did she show her true self to her beloved daughters.

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