Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 175: Pleasure Task

Chapter 175: Pleasure Task

Chapter 175: Pleasure Task

Even if Iroh wanted to spend more time with his nephew and niece, the other party should also be willing to do so. He had noted a few things after first contact with them. Zuko was a little frustrated. Not just about his situation. He was simply at the age where the tiniest thing would set him off and Azula wasn't any different. It was just that her reaction would be more twisted in response.

The eventful morning had passed and Iroh simply threw an idea of training them out before the two left. The idea of partaking in the full course of training in the royal family's secrets would do them good in their abilities and it would allow Iroh to converse with them more.

Of course, Azula acted as the perfect daughter and niece as society would have her be. Nik's threat still rung in her head. Of course, by now, Azula understood how little the threat actually affected her.

He would reveal how Mai and he humiliated her? Anyone with half the brain would accuse Nik and Mai of assaulting her. Revealing this secret did not help anyone but embarrass both parties.

And as far as her affiliations with the rebels were concerned... it was tricky, she admitted it. But this was only when she considered her mother in the picture. It was obvious how opposed to the idea of forming a rebellion Ursa would be... but exposing it would only cause a crack in their relationship but not stop them. Zuko wouldn't stop. In fact, Azula was almost sure that her brother formed the rebellion just out of a blind passion to 'do something.'

It wasn't hard to imagine how he would find the mundane life of farming boring to the point that he would start ganging up and cause problems with guards and patrols... before escalating things.

So, revealing their connections with the rebels would not stop Zuko. And Azula didn't want to stop either. The more convoluted things got, the more excited she felt. After all, even their uncle was here!

Even Azula didn't know herself why she kept quiet about it. It certainly wasn't because of her miraculously getting charmed by Mai and Nik... no, she wanted to get back at them. Well, the plan was yet to be made but... that's why she was still quiet about it, right? Surely not because how other forms of pleasure felt a little faded after her interaction with the couple yesterday...

"Take it," Azula stated and pulled out a rolled scroll from under her kimono-like training robe. Catching the tossed scroll, Nik couldn't help but find the scroll unusually warm. His heightened senses also caught a slightly familiar scent wafting from the surface of the scroll that reminded him of the woman right in front of him.

Zuko and Azula gazed at Nik intently. They weren't far from the store.

"Hmm, and I can expect this scroll to be without any deceptions?" Nik smiled. He didn't care. He just needed an outline for June, Suki, and Toph. With the map and Toph's seismic sense, they could easily avoid traps if the maps led to any.

Sneering, Azula commented, "You asked for a map. That's one. Now hand Jet over to us."

"And be quick about it," Zuko crossed his arms and snorted.

Nik nodded again and unfurled the scroll. Only one glance was needed to store the map in his mental library. But acting like he was going through the contents of the scroll, Nik remarked, "So? How many prisons did you actually raid?"

"What prisons?" Zuko narrowed his eyes.

"Don't be coy, now. It would have worked with Jin and Ursa, but come on, you should know better than to lie at this point."

His words instantly triggered Zuko. While he knew not to firebend in the eyes of the public, his snarl and the slightest peal of flames flickering from under his feet stated he almost had it with Nik which confused him quite a bit. Azula acting angry, he could understand and empathize with. He was morally incorrect. But why Zuko?

Was he simply just on a perpetual period?

"Don't YOU dare say her name!"

"Who? Jin or Ursa?" Nik cocked his head sideways.

"No need to be angry, Brother," Azula decided to cool things off before it grew too heated, "We are here only for a simple transaction and to make sure that you won't blab about our action to our mother."

"I won't," Nik shrugged, "But you better think of a way to persuade your uncle. After all, he knows what I know."

This... did startle the siblings. Annoyed by the new complications, Azula frowned, "Where is Jet?"

"Huh... you really lead a rebellion without an ounce of information, don't you?" Nik shook his head. He was almost certain that the rebels contained indignant earthbenders who wanted to get back at Ozai's unfair imprisonment of them but the siblings, for whatever reason, were going against their father without knowing what was going on outside. The poor man's land between the inner and outer wall really was a black hole of information as June explained after her arrival.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Keen as always, Azula realized that Nik wasn't mocking them. Yet, he didn't reply and instead waved his left hand. Instantly, a figure strapped and buckled down on a chair appeared in front of him miraculously. Her eyes were blindfolded and her mouth was stuffed but Azula and Zuko instantly knew that she was Jet without her mask on.

"She's an outsider... I suggest you actually make use of such assets," Nik smiled as Het squirmed against her bindings.

"And it's in your best interest to just co-operate when it comes to prisoners."

Not liking his tone as if he was their superior, Zuko remarked coldly, "Don't think a newcomer like you can tell us what we should do with them."

And then he heard Azula's muted sigh and Nik's mocking smirk, "Dude, you're too easy... heck, easier than me in ways above the waist. Use your mouth a little less, yeah?"

Zuko frowned again. He didn't... quite understand what Nik was trying to say.

Azula smirked... slightly before quickly hiding it away. It would do her no good to respond 'correctly' to his jokes of all people.

"Anyway, here is jet. I've got the scroll. You have found some prisoners so that is a thing of note. See you guys tomorrow," Nik waved his hand.

"Why would you be with Uncle Iroh?" Zuko questioned.

"Well, morning training is a good way to shake off any sleep. And he's a good firebending master. Anyway, better to be with him in the morning than with Jin, right?" He grinned. While Zuko responded as explosively as Nik expected, he was more focused on Azula's reaction and found her staring at him coldly. Very coldly.

"I want to..." Zuko growled as he stared off at Nik's back.

"He is certainly annoying," Azula scoffed, "Let me handle him. People follow the Blue Devil with red flames rather than blue ones... so, you should take this chance to explore more tunnels while I will deal with him and his group.

"What about mom and uncle?"

Smirking, Azula replied without a shred of hesitation even if she didn't know how to deal with it, "Don't you worry about them." Then leaning forward, once again holding a sultry smirk over her lips, she whispered, "If you do a good job, I will also find a way to get Jin back to you."

"Stop it," Zuko shoved her away, not having any of it this time, "Jin hates us!"

"I wouldn't say that. Just apologize to her well and she'll fall for you like that," Azula snapped her fingers.

"Just... stop trying to bring Jin in a conversation every time. It won't work anymore," Zuko scoffed and turned on his heels.

As he left, Azula couldn't help but mutter under her breath, "Oh... a stubborn brother AND a troublesome hotshot to deal with. Just when will I get to rest."


Azula sighed and looked at Jet, struggling further and further against the binding chair, "And there's you... getting caught by the... let's consider them enemies for now," she smirked, licking her lips.


After handing the map to Suki as the trio once again began their search for prisons that may span across this land, Nik turned to his job. Well, that's what he wanted to do but it was easy to get distracted now that there were more than enough people on the shift, and almost everyone around him was related to him in one way or the other— well, more 'one way' to be exact.

And it would be an utter lie if Nik wasn't the least bit enticed. Katara fully focused on making tea and slowly but gradually losing her annoyance against Iroh, Mai... rather great at making tea but definitely bored out of her mind and constantly sending some damning signs on his way, Michi making sure to surreptitiously graze her hands on him whenever she passed by, Yue making sure that she got to hug him whenever both of them were in the kitchen, and Poppy keeping herself busy when not taking the payment since her table was covered by earthen slabs that didn't allow others to see what she did with herself underneath the table...

It was hard for Jin and Ursa to not notice these things too after some time now that Ursa was also entering the kitchen to take the orders directly.

So... like any man filled with greed, Nik was quick to decide that the only way to justify his sudden leave without earning the indignance of other employees would be to play hooky with everyone. Of course, that would mean that Nik's entire day would be spent chasing skirts... but it would be worth it since the said skirts are already willing to be chased and spread against the wall. However, Nik had to prioritize who to distract first based on factors such as convenience...

"Have you seen Nik?" Ursa blinked once she noted the distinct lack of the only other male presence in their staff that would usually chat up and butter many, many women that came to the store for the only purpose of raising their sales... not that it did him any good since they wouldn't be able to afford pricier tea in the first place.

"Ah, hmm," Poppy squirmed, muttering something under her breath that Ursa didn't get quite right while she continued to lean on her desk. Due to their similar age, Ursa hit it up well with Poppy and Michi. It also helped that the three had some relationship with the higher section of the nobility and had a few shared interests. So, Ursa would usually chat with Michi or Poppy.

"I haven't seen him," Poppy strained a smile over her soft lips and gripped her quill pen tightly, reducing the quill to a haggard state as Ursa noted her shoulders shuddering.

"Are you alright?" Ursa smiled, leaning forward only for Poppy to quickly lean back, gasping softly, "Nh, Umm, yeaaah~!" she slurred, "Just tired." Yet, the hot gasps grew more and more noticeable.

Ursa coincidentally looked down as Poppy had leaned back... and noticed the back of a head covering the space between her thighs. A familiar back of a head... if Ursa might speak truthfully.

Noticing that she was leaving quite a space between herself and the desk, Poppy quickly leaned forward once again, huffing a giggle, "Did you ask Michi? Maybe she knows where Nik has gone off to..."

"Yeah..." Ursa nodded mechanically and left quickly with a blush creeping up on her face.


With Iroh leaving the kitchen in the hands of his prized but reluctant tea disciples to restock some tea leaves, it was easy to understand that Nik wouldn't let go of this chance. Iroh doesn't usually leave the store to rummage through the market of the village but when he does, he makes sure to have his fill by purchasing most of the tea leaves.

Of course, just because Nik was happy to accommodate them didn't mean that they would easily agree to it. Poppy's space was quite covered and she was usually one of the most eager women around him to try something debauched but in the kitchen, of the two, Katara was less than enthusiastic with an 'outsider' around them.

But she was also reluctant to leave Nik alone with Mai since she was doing more work by brewing four pots of tea at times...

Didn't she deserve some bonus herself?

But... Nik rejected her intentions of returning to his personal space. It won't be as fun since the possibility of getting found made things exciting in the first place.

But... their kitchen was quite an open space indeed and their soft whispers were garnering Jin's attention as she was getting more and more curious.

"Jin," Nik smiled as he leaned against her counter, "Would you um... take over for Mai and Katara for a few minutes? Just blow off the fire under the pot after 15 minutes for this section and 20 minutes for these three pots."

"Uh... sure. Why?" Jin swallowed thickly and questioned still. Three beautiful and handsome individuals suddenly taking a break with no elder in sight after a short bout of almost flirtatious whispering... made Jin's healthy and imaginative mind come up with all sorts of situations. All sorts of it...

"Why?" Nik smirked as he glanced at the duo preparing their tea in a way that would take some time for completion but he was sure that their ears were stressed to hear every single thing he said at the moment. Leaning forward, Nik made sure his lips brushed against Jin's cheek and exhaled directly into her left ear, and kept it brutally honest, "I am going to give them what you are here for in the first place. And... we will be right behind the store."

Jin fell into an embarrassing stupor as she expected Nik to, at the very least, play around the bush and not directly thrust into it.

Under her olive-green eyes, Nik was quick to step out from the back of the kitchen. Since their store was quite at the edge of the village since most newcomers would just settle around the edge and expand outward, Jin was sure that the deserted region behind would ensure that the trio have their privacy... if Jin decided otherwise...

'Why would he tell me where they would be?' Jin fell into a dilemma. Did Nik want her to spy on them? Maybe... join them? Sure not, right? Right?

If he did want that... why would he leave her in charge of the tea?

There were whole nine pots of it!


Jin almost jumped out of her skin as the door creaked open from the other side and Yue walked in with a pleased smirk, "Hehe, I got— oh, where is everybody?"

She looked around and then looked at Jin. Faced with the white-haired blue-eyed woman, Jin blushed slightly and averted her gaze, "Um... Uncle Mu— Iroh went out to buy some tea leaves and... ehm, Nik and others..."

"Oh, got it," Yue nodded with a smile, making Jin surprised, "Don't you mind?"

"No? He doesn't ignore anyone and has been quite honest, too about some of the very difficult truths... I would say that his achievements attracted me but it is the former that truly won me," Yue grinned and then walked over to the stove, "So? How long till this pot of Jasmine Tea is prepared?"

"15 minutes..." Jin muttered, "So... can you tell me what truths were you talking about?"

Smirking, Yue rejected without an ounce of hesitation, "No, you will have to ask him."

"Aw..." Jin nodded before thinking for a second and coughing, "Oh, I need to um, refresh. Would you mind taking over for some time?"

Yue agreed quite naturally and Jin quickly instructed the timing and when she was about to leave, Yue called out with a knowing smirk, "Tell him not to be out for long."

Jin left even quicker with a heavier blush.

As she left the store, Jin strained her ears and soon heard muted grunts and moans.

It was to the side of the store that provided shade... but wouldn't being on the side of the store would mean that others would be able to see them?

Thinking this, Jin silently leaned against the corner of the store and leaned forward to sneak a glance. Her breath hitched at the sight of Nik pressing Katara against the wall with her back... against a wall that wasn't there beforehand.

While Katara wrapped her limbs around Nik, her hands hugging his head and her legs around his waist as she kept him in a lock and his cock buried deep into her gushing quim, she had her lips covered by Mai who rubbed her fingers between her thighs and under her pants.

The sight of the trio engaging in such a wild act with one another made Jin's throat dry. She licked her pouty lips, her eyes trailing their bodies as they were too engrossed with one another to actually pay attention to anyone else. Oh, how she envied them at the moment.

Jin couldn't help but compare. It was wrong, but she did it anyway. Azula was... aggressive. Like Nik is right now. His heavy grunts, his pistoning hips, and his current position of cornering someone made Jin recall Azula... but, there was a simple difference. Jin couldn't see Azula satisfying anyone except herself.

And as she watched how eagerly Mai and Nik were entirely focused on Katara as if they acknowledged her frustration with working under Iroh for a reason Jin was beginning to believe she understood... she realized that she wanted to be there. Pressed by Nik and tended by Mai, or Michi, or Katara, or anyone else...

Was it wrong to imagine herself with Nik and Azula? The moment she thought of it, Jin couldn't get it out of her head. The two of them fighting over her...

It made a soft whimper escape her lips as Jin quickly pulled back, feeling weak in her knees.

And then she recalled others who weren't here.

Toph, June, and Suki. All three of them were fighters... they must be somewhat aggressive, too, right? Her breathing paced up and a heavy flush touched her lips... she certainly had a type not that she imagined Nik, Azula... AND June over her. Their fingers rubbing her in the most sensual manner and his cock pressed deep into her.

'Ah... should I wait and see... his size?' The moment this thought came to Jin's mind... she waited. And when she did return to the store with her cheeks flushed, she didn't even acknowledge Yue's snicker, still in a daze of what she had found herself attracted to...

After all... it was big... bigger than what Zulon's... Zuko's felt.


Ursa was annoyed.

Very much so.

Her frustration stemmed from various reasons...

Well, seeing Nik under Poppy was one of them. Then him suddenly vanishing with Katara and Mai was another while Jin refused to admit where they were even if things were getting blatantly obvious...

And now, despite all that, Ursa was fine. After all... she didn't have any right to interfere with the lives of her co-workers, right? She already had some inkling as to the group's dynamic and ehm... some might also admit that Nik IS quite pleasing to the eyes and presented himself real well.

But now...

"Ursula, a cup of Jade Lush Tea for me."

"Of course," Ursa smiled.

"Oh, a pot of Jasmine for me."

"Right away."

"Ah, where is that lad?" A disappointing murmur made Ursa's vein pop over her temple but still with a smile plastered on her lips as she had faced circumstances much worse, she entered the kitchen and her expression turned stormy, "Brother-in-law... where are Nik, Michi, and Yue?"

Iroh blinked while he still leaned over a pot of tea and enjoyed its scent.

"They are..." He looked thoughtful before continuing with a sincere smile, "Yes, Nik is keeping up with their training since Suki is out with the other two."

Katara stifled a giggle, much more pleasant for a good stuffing reason while Mai kept a casual expression and continued to work.

Jin hung her head even lower now... she knew where Michi and Yue were. She had snuck out once again and surely... they were behind the new wall that hid them from public eyes and in a position much more compromising...

Iroh, too, knew what was going on. But given how the royal family operates... one doesn't become a man as pleasant-natured as Iroh without a few scandalous stories of his own. Surely... the prince of the Fire Nation must have been quite the sought-after man.

Ursa gazed at her brother-in-law dimly and scoffed. "I cannot be expected to take on their workload, too... it's a little much."

Iroh nodded in understanding and looked offered again, "Mai and Jin can help you..."

But of course, Ursa's beef wasn't with taking up their workload but a more primitive and base reason as she was made to work... while her colleagues were out... probably having fun. Not that she had any way to assess if it was the truth or not... not that she wanted to, in the first place.

"Why now of all times... they never trained before..." She stressed her words.

Iroh couldn't help but shrug. What else could he do? These aren't planned acts... and if they were planned, they would never be considered passionate ones, and nothing like some good old passion to keep a relationship tasteful...

Although, Iroh had to admit that even royalties weren't known to often be as promiscuous but still... strangely honest as Nik. One of the many reasons why Iroh actually enjoyed teaching Nik was just that.

"Huff," Scoffing an exhalation, Ursa sighed, "A cup of Jade Lush and a pot of Jasmine..."

"On its way," Katara replied this time with a smile while Ursa grew slightly deflated.


"Hmm... so you mean to say that something... somehow shifted your senses... heightened them and brought a sense of submission, right?" It was easy for Azula to find out what Jet had gone through. Now masked, Jet nodded but she felt deeply unsettled.

Such a skill... was worse than Nik's to make things disappear and now that Azula was warned about the outside world, she also understood Jet's previous experience and her altercation with Nik. Not that she supported Jet's idea to blow up a colony in the first place. It was stupid and brought the freedom fighters no benefits but...

'A waterbender in front of Jet... an earthbender in front of me... and Uncle's student...'

Azula narrowed her eyes. She heard from Jet that the Avatar was back...

Was Nik the Avatar?

The evidence certainly supported that...

'And I wasn't wrong... I didn't want to submit. It was Mai's skill...' Azula concluded. Although, she felt that this was only a way to reassure herself.

But still, Mai and Nik were dangerous. And they had a team of dangerous individuals. Sure, Azula and Zuko controlled the rebels but... her uncle was a bender too fearsome to be not taken into notice. Anyway, she was sure that her naive uncle would lay all the secrets of royal firebending bare to her soon enough and she would have no reason to fear him.

And with Zuko on her side...

Azula's gaze grew menacing and she stared at Jet, "Now you know of one of the faces behind the blue devil but with your intelligence, it would be easy enough to deduce the other one."

She snapped her fingers as a peal of blue flames burst from the tip of her index, causing Jet to seep cold sweat.

"Don't give me a reason to burn you."

"I understand," Jet nodded as she was excused soon after... but with the constant itch after Mai was done with her, Jet (Smellerbee) no longer wanted to wait any further for her trusted male aide, Longshot's slow advances and soon cornered the silent and lanky man wearing the conical straw hat.


A/N: I don't have any plans for smellerbee to be in a harem so no need to keep things ambiguous and just cover her up now, right?


Shoutout to Brody McDermott, and gnawingteeth!!

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