Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 175: Northern Long-tailed Tits, Sticky Rice Patties on Earth (1/2)

Chapter 175: Northern Long-tailed Tits, Sticky Rice Patties on Earth (1/2)

Northern red bean, also known as Yagda, is only found in the northeast of China, the northeast of Russia, and the northern part of Japan and Magnesia.

It is very rare and contains a large amount of anthocyanins inside, which have antioxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-infection effects, especially for girls antioxidant and anti-ageing effects are very good.

In the Land of Britain, cranberries were once enjoyed as a tribute to the royal family, and the people there at the time called it natures jewel for women.

Ning Fei said, picking some northern red beans down and still feeding them to Black Handsome first.

Many netizens saw this scene and expressed their great envy of Black Handsome.

While talking about being a gem to women, he turned his head and fed it to the horse.

I really envy Ning Guans horse!

Does cranberry have such a magical effect? Then I can buy more cranberry biscuits.

Master Ning is referring to wild cranberries, the biscuits just have the taste of berries, nothing nutritious.

Wild cranberries are very expensive, and northern red beans are even only found in the Great Xingan Mountains.

Those wild fruits that Master Ning just ate, when sold in the market, should be thousands of dollars.

This is what life is all about! When you are tired, you ride the strongest black horse on the grassland, and when you are thirsty, you eat some of the most expensive wild fruits in the mountains and forests.

Master Nings realm is unmatched by others!

Ning Fei didnt care too much about how much the wild fruits were worth, all he cared about was that they were indeed delicious.

After picking some northern red beans, wiping them clean and eating a few, Ning Fei was looking around again.

After all, it is the Great Xinganling Forest, and the variety of wild fruits is far beyond what can be found in other areas.

I had brought some bacon with me when I left the herders tribe, but now it seems that just eating the wild fruits of the mountains is enough.

Ning Fei continued to walk forward, his eyes very sharp and his ability to find wild fruits very strong.

Because he had a biological encyclopaedia, he knew where the good wild fruits grew.

This is a raspberry, the fruit has a sweet and sour taste and a high medicinal value, medically it has the effect of tonifying the kidneys and aphrodisiacs, and is more popular abroad.

This is sheep***, also known as blue fruit, water grape and blackcurrant, very high in vitamins.

Look here, its lantern fruit, alias mountain cherry, the fruit is softer and pleasant to eat.

Ning Fei walked all the way over and found many very rare wild fruits.

Black Handsome followed behind Ning Fei, and Ning Fei was the first to feed it any good wild fruits he found. Every now and then it stamped its front hooves in place twice to express its joy.

The netizens had become accustomed to Ning Feis erudition.

Following Ning Guan, the useless knowledge has increased again.

Where did Ning learn all this from, he knows too much.

I want to eat every kind of fruit so badly.

Master Ning is really powerful, those are the most precious wild fruits in the Great Xingan Mountains, and Master Ning actually found so many of them so easily.

What a treasure hunter!

You think the Son of the Forest is called that for nothing?

This whole way through, Ning Feis action behaviour was really making people very envious.

Strolling through the pristine forests of the Great Xingan Mountains, eating some of the most natural and delicious wild fruits in the mountains? Both quench your thirst and satisfy your belly.

Feeling a bit cold in the stomach, Ning Fei picked some more pine towers.

The seeds are the seeds of the horsetail pine. The pine seeds that grow in the pine towers have a high nutritional value. If eaten, they can nourish the skin and strengthen the body? It replenishes the spirit.

Pine seeds are the king of tree seeds, they are full of treasures.

After picking some pine towers, Ning Fei carried a bag full of wild fruits from the mountains, walked back towards the tent.

There was no wildlife outside, except for a small white bird that Ning Fei saw and found to his liking.

Ning Fei had always loved birds and mammals, more than anything, he liked jerk-birds.

So, Ning Fei quietly activated the Phoenix Jade Pendants skill with Feng Laiyi.

Everyone, look at that little white bird, does it look like a flying dumpling?

At this time, Ning Fei pointed ahead and said to the netizens.

The drones camera turned over at first.

Only to see that little bird chirping and chirping, flying towards Ning Fei, with a fat look., indeed very much like a sourdough with wings.

My goodness, what a cute little bird!

What kind of bird is this? Its too cute too!

This bird is flying over towards Master Ning!

Its so cute? The face is so high.

Master Ning Guan begs for science, what kind of bird is this called?

After everyone saw the little bird, they were so impatient to send out pop-ups.

The people who sent these pop-ups, most of them were the fierce men in their lives.

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