One Wish to Own the World

Chapter 224 224 – Ken VS Five Beasts


An angry roar came from the back of the mighty horde, and the five fifth-rank beasts in charge of this section set their eyes on the troublesome human child.

"Haha, here you are, come!" Ken laughed at the beasts and taunted them. His blade did not stop from slaughtering the beasts around him. Bears, boars, tigers, wild cats, wolves, none survived the seventh-grade sword.

The five beasts made an odd group. Among them were an ape, boar, tiger, and two horses. The ape jumped on the back of the boar and held a long and thick stick in his hand. It had no runes; it was a normal branch of a tree. While it still had a lot of strength as a sixth-grade material, it'd eventually break without any runes reinforcing it.

The four quadrupeds charged forward at a high speed. The horses stomped to death the animals on their way, the boar rammed them away, and the tiger simply run through them, tearing them in half with his claws and Qi. The raw cruelty of beasts was on full display.

Ken reactivated his Frenzy Domain, and the beasts turned enraged. It was not enough to make them lose control and turn insane immediately as their minds were stronger than the other beasts, but it was enough to affect their mentality. The tiger roared in anger, the horses neighed in rage, the ape screamed in violence, and the boar snorted in fury.

'If not instantly, you only need to be under my effect for a longer time!' Ken thought to himself.

A violent dance soon began as Ken clashed against the five beasts. The ape attacked first, swinging his heavy improvised staff.

'Cloud Running.'

Ken's upper body leaned backward, dodging the heavy hit. The tiger clawed at him but with a rotation and blocking with his sword, Ken used the momentum to send himself in the air above the charging boar's tusks.

The horses tried to stand on their back legs and kick him, but by stepping back, he went out of their range. The human child did not attack back; his goal was only to stall for time until the five will submit to the frenzy in their minds.

Another swing came from the monkey, this time like an axe from above, and Ken side-stepped to dodge.

'9 into 1,' Ken slashed with his sword, his technique took on the tiger's claw directly. The tiger's paw was sent backward, and both the human and the beast stumbled back a little.

Stomping against the ground, Ken sent himself to a long slide, passing unharmed between the legs of the incoming horses, and with a quick movement of his sword, he left a superficial sword wound on their stomachs. 

It did not cause any serious damage, it was only meant to occupy them with dispelling the foreign Qi from their bodies.


The boar snorted and Ken felt a strong pressure on his body. It came from the earth beneath him, it pulled him down. With his body heavier and the ape charging like a knight on a black boar, he looked like he was in a predicament.

The staff bent backward from the heaviness of the ape's swing, showcasing the scary force behind that single strike. But Ken did not flinch. He turned his sword firm with his Qi and used the back of his sword to block it directly in a physical contest of raw power. He lost.

The blow struck him like a hammer, sending him flying through the air. His body rolled uncontrollably, limbs flailing, as he was tossed like a rag doll. However, the weird thing was, that he still landed on his feet, and his arms were only slightly shaking.

Ken used the aspect of Cloud Running that turned his whole body like a feather, and the uncontrollable rolls in the air were another way to redirect the force of the strike. Such movements did not do much to disorient a powerful peak Core Formation disciple or harm his joints.


The tiger dashed angrily at Ken, its body almost flying through the distance as Wind Qi boosted its speed. As the beasts turned crazed, they also removed their inhibitions to go all out and Ken had to deal with their full strength, Qi included.


The ape lost its patience to play knight and jumped off the boar's back in fury, throwing the staff from his hands and beating his chest with his heavy arms while screaming. 

"Argh" Ken moaned as his hair fluttered from the screams, and he fought the Sound Qi waves that were sent his way. He used Alchemical Qi to heal his body and slashed down with his sword, cutting through the sound waves.

The respite allowed him to just barely dodge the flaming horses. They were on fire, their hooves left behind scorched grass and land, and their every move became explosive.

'I can't hold back in this situation,' Ken thought to himself. It was not the time to contain the beasts. It was time to… run!

Ken turned around and dashed away, the five angry beasts pursuing him relentlessly. His sword cleared the path in front of him until he ultimately chose to run directly on the backs of the beasts.

The enraged leaders did not care about their subordinates, they rushed forward in a frenzy and killed everything in their way. They saw hallucinations that angered them to no end, and everything seemed like enemies that threatened their cubs.

A path of death was created behind Ken's trails as the five beasts killed everything faster than any human would, and all that at minimal costs; Ken's Cloud Running already gained a lot of momentum, and with the aid of the effect of the Big Success mastery realm, further movement barely cost him any Qi.

The frenzied massacre continued for a few minutes until the Bloodlust Qi finally contaminated the beasts' minds entirely, making them succumb to rage and murder indiscriminately, completely forgetting about their original goal of chasing Ken. 

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