Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 241: Bloody Battle!

Chapter 241: Bloody Battle!


The beast soul clashed violently against the saber glare, which created a shocking roar. Spirit energy ripples spread out and crashed against the Red Radiance Jades repeatedly, causing the blood red crystals to tremble violently.

Intersecting cracks appeared on the crystals.

A few of them even exploded with a bang.

Visible waves of rampaging spirit energy rushed out like a volcanic explosion.

Everyone could feel their blood boil, and it felt as if their brains were about to be burnt to a crisp.

The spirit energy magnetic field interference was incredibly strong. Even if Lin Chuan was a Heaven Realm fighter, he could not accurately and swiftly create spirit energy magnetic fields. Even though he was supposed to be in a fight between superhumans, he was dragged into a crude fight that was similar to a street brawl.

Qin Hu laughed loudly. He knew that he was definitely not Lin Chuan’s opponent, but all he needed to do was create chaos. The greater the chaos, the better it would be.

Hence, while he swung his saber like a mad man, he kept on making the Shooting Star Blades dance madly. Under the effects of the spirit energy magnetic field interference, he drew a number of fierce saber glares that had absolutely no pattern. Lin Chuan, Meng Chao, Lu Siya, the White Spirit, and even he himself were endangered by it, but they had nowhere to hide.

Lin Chuan was shocked by Qin Hu’s momentum, and for a period of time, he could do nothing about him.

On the other side of the battlefield, Meng Chao’s two Samopal vzor 61s let out a faint click.

He ran out of bullets.

Half of the White Spirit’s face had been blown off, but now, it revealed a savage smile.

‘Oh no!’ Meng Chao groaned in his heart. He had already pushed his Basic Gun Technique to the peak and had additional strength from Mind Lightning and Beast Blood Combustion. Each bullet had 120% their power, and not one of them had missed its target. All of them hit the wound around the White Spirit’s eye socket.

Meng Chao had already done everything he could, but Hell Beasts were Hell Beasts.

Even if it was a creature skilled in mind control and not one famous for its fighting strength, it was not something that a mere one-star superhuman could deal with using rifle grenades and mini Samopal vzor 61s.

The moment his mind became slightly unstable, illusions suddenly bloomed in his vision.

The Red Radiance Jade seemed to have turned into a hell drenched in a sea of blood.

The White Spirit’s body began growing, and its pelt gained a thick, red color. Three heads grew out of its neck, and each of its fangs was thicker than Meng Chao’s arm.

The three heads bared their teeth and smiled. It was enough to make anyone lose their wits.

The White Spirit was an Illusion Wolf. Its basic racial talent was to create illusions.

Meng Chao had fallen into a nightmare. He shuddered and could not move.

The White Spirit cackled and pounced forward to take his life.

Suddenly, a cunning light shone in Meng Chao’s eyes. His Surging Lightning and Bloody Flame drew a lightning bolt and bloody flame that intersected with each other. They shot at the White Spirit’s throat.

“You’re using illusions on me?! I’ll have you know that I wrestle every night with a Black Tortoise in an illusory world!”

Ever since Meng Chao had gained the guidance from the Deity Realm elite, Zong Yue of Agricultural University’s martial arts course, a part of the Black Tortoise’s strength was branded in his cerebral cortex, courtesy of Black Tortoise Zong Yue.

The moment Meng Chao entered deep meditation, he could see the illusion of the Black Tortoise and start mind training.

During the few months he was in the northern offense, he had been killed multiple times by the Black Tortoise.

At the same time his mental strength grew, he gained another benefit: he became immune to all the illusory attacks from middle-grade and low-grade superbeasts.

The White Spirit did not expect that Meng Chao would not fall for its trick.

And Meng Chao was very cunning with his acting.

He predicted that since one of the White Spirit’s eyeballs had exploded, its vision would have shrunk by half. So he deliberately made Surging Lightning unleash piercing electrical arcs to attract its attention.

Then, he sneakily threw Bloody Flame forward. It stuck close to the ground, and the chain slithered about like a snake. It only jumped up when it was in front of the White Spirit.

The diagonal angle at which the saber jumped up was chosen after Meng Chao included the White Spirit’s injured left hind leg and other factors. Every detail of the attack was just right.

The White Spirit dodged the first attack from the Surging Lightning, but it did not manage to avoid the “bite” from Bloody Flame.

The thin, blood red dagger dug into its wound.

The runic symbols on the blade and chain shone brilliantly, attaching its vitality magnetic field tightly together with the spirit energy magnetic field created by the runic symbols.

The dagger began draining the White Spirit’s vitality, and the Hell Beast struggled fiercely.

Meng Chao curled up his pinky and yanked the chain. The chain connected to Surging Lighting jumped up and formed a lasso in midair. It surrounded the White Spirit’s neck.


The runic symbols on the chain shone with a dazzling, electrical light and burned the White Spirit’s neck to a crisp.


Lin Chuan did not expect that the chains he gave to Meng Chao would end up around the White Spirit’s neck. He descended into a frenzy and willingly suffered the attack from two Shooting Star Blades to rush to Meng Chao.

Qin Hu roared and knocked him away.

Both of them rolled to a corner where the Red Radiance Jades had shattered. It was where spirit energy was surging like a volcano.


Both of them were simultaneously exposed to spirit energy magnetic field interference that was ten times higher than the safety limit.

Their hair stood up, their nails exploded with loud cracks, blood gushed out from their seven orifices, their teeth became loose, the main meridians and branch meridians in their bodies started expanding, exploding, or shrivelling up while they burned.

“You lunatic!”

Even Lin Chuan, who was in a frenzy, was shocked by Qin Hu as he fought as if he wanted to die together with him.

“That’s right, all the people in Frenzied Saber are lunatics!”

Qin Hu laughed, and his tears burned in the sea of blood.

The White Spirit was jarred by the pain, but it was worried that Lin Chuan would be dragged to hell by the mad Qin Hu. It shrieked and yanked its neck, which made the two chains—one of them burning with flames and the other with lightning surging all over it—dig deeper into its flesh, but it did manage to drag Meng Chao in front of it.

The monstrous strength of a raging Hell Beast was not something Meng Chao could withstand.

The White Spirit clawed forward, and two wounds instantly appeared on Meng Chao’s chest. They ran so deep that his bones could be seen.

Meng Chao screamed, and blood shot out. He fell back like a kite with its string snapped. The two chains fell limp on the ground like snakes with their bones extracted.

The White Spirit used its teeth to grab the chains so it could drag Meng Chao over, but suddenly, it sensed that something was off based on the feeling it had around its bloody eye socket.

Its eyeball had exploded, and it could not see clearly.

Everyone else, however, could see what was happening. Moments earlier, when Meng Chao was within range of the beast, he had swung his arm and stuck an object above the messed up eye socket.

It was his last rifle grenade!

Meng Chao had cut two deep gashes under it, and before the battle, he had rammed it against a stone, so now, it was at the point where it would blow up at any moment.

Meng Chao had stuck it above the White Spirit’s injured eye socket with the sticky liquid from the Stone Statue Fungus.

The White Spirit could see what Meng Chao had done based on everyone’s expressions.

But the Stone Statue Fungus’ liquid had great adhesive properties, and it solidified very quickly. Without acidic liquid, it was impossible to yank it away.

The White Spirit’s claws were also not as nimble as human hands, so it could not touch the rifle grenade.


The third rifle grenade exploded on the White Spirit’s wound.

It was like a huge hammer had rammed down between the White Spirit’s bloody eye socket and temple.

The flames and impact wave knocked it to the ground. Its skull shattered, and its wobbly brain was exposed.

It was the third rifle grenade that Meng Chao used, and all of them had struck the same vital spot.

And this did not even include all the crystal bullets he had fired with the Samopal vzor 61s.

Even Hell Beasts would be injured severely by humanity’s steel, crystals, and will, and now, the White Spirit was at its last breath.

Meng Chao fell on the ground, exhausted.

Blood kept pouring out like a volcano eruption from the terrifying wound on his chest.

He gritted his teeth and spent nearly twenty thousand contribution points in exchange for ten Initial Stage Healing Skills. He performed ten treatments in one go.

As Kindling turned into dew that flowed slowly through his body, new parts grew out of his injured blood vessels, nerves, and muscle fibers.

A thin layer of panniculus carnosus grew over the deep wound, and it started healing rapidly.

The price for it was that the energy in his cells were nearly drained. The high-calorie food worth ten men that he ate earlier had long since been digested. His intestines and stomach started squirming madly. It was as if they wanted to drag his organs inside and digest them.

Meng Chao no longer had any high-calorie food or gene medicine with him.

Just as he became so hungry that he curled up, life force suddenly traveled into his body through his left arm.

Meng Chao was slightly stunned, then noticed that his left arm was bound by a chain, which was connected to Bloody Flame embedded deep in the White Spirit’s wound.

‘That’s right. Lu Siya said that runic symbols on Bloody Flame were carved by the famous runic symbol master Shi Xunmo before he retired.’

The runic symbol meticulously carved by Master Shi created an amazing spirit energy magnetic field. It had the effect of absorbing the target’s life force and replenishing the user’s vitality magnetic field!

Bloody Flame was an amazing saber that could absorb vitality and replenish life force!

Meng Chao’s body was repaired quickly, but his life force was drained, so he turned into a black hole with endless suction force.

The White Spirit was gravely injured and did not have the strength to fight against Bloody Flame’s absorption of its life.

Its vitality was sucked into Meng Chao’s body.

After seeing it, Meng Chao became highly spirited.

The White Spirit’s energy began to wane. Its blood-drenched white fur fell off in clumps, and it now looked incredibly pathetic and ugly.

When Lin Chuan saw that all its life would soon be sucked out and it would die, he screamed in grief.

The moment he saw the White Spirit’s pitiful state and got distracted, Qin Hu seized an opening and thrust his saber through his shoulder. The tip of the saber rammed into a crack of a shattered Red Radiance Jade, and Lin Chuan was pinned to the red Red Radiance Jade cluster.

When he screamed in pain, a brilliant light shone in the dying White Spirit’s remaining eye.

For some reason, it gained brand new strength. It yanked the chains again and dragged Meng Chao over. It opened its mouth to bite his throat.

‘The Hell Beast’s vitality is just too strong!’

Meng Chao wanted to cry, but he was pinned under the White Spirit, so he could only bring up the two chains to block it with everything he had.

The White Spirit opened its mouth wide, and as if it were possessed, it started biting the two chains to the point that sparks flew.

Meng Chao’s chest wound that had just healed tore open again, and the life that he had gathered spilled out like a flood.

The stalemate lasted for a few seconds, and he was defeated.

When the White Spirit’s fangs were about to pierce the artery in his neck and crush his cervical vertebrae...

“Move!” Suddenly, Lu Siya’s shout rose behind him.

The beautiful snake which had been sitting and accumulating power for a long time in a corner finally attacked.

Meng Chao felt a chill travel from his cervical vertebrae to his spine, and from his spine, it went to his coccyx.

The deepest fear of men allowed him to act on reflex. His originally straight body curled up like a shrimp.


A thick, long, and sharp stalagmite shot out from the ground between his legs and pierced the White Spirit’s abdomen, which was its softest part. The stalagmite went through its organs and came out of its back with blood all over it.

The White Spirit was now like rock candy. It was pinned to the ground by Lu Siya’s Spike Art!

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