Offer To The CEO

Chapter 532: Telling Everybody - Part 1

532 Telling Everybody - Part 1

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Anna awoke in Hou Yi's arms in the apartment at the Lady Bay Resort. While it was nothing compared to the other places where Anna had stayed since marrying Hou Yi, it was such that the bodyguards could secure space, and more importantly there was a day spa that was already sorted to finalise her makeup for tomorrow.

Despite everything, Hou Yi like his parents, grandparents and aunt, and even the guests that had already arrived from home were accepting of the accommodation.?That surprised her, as she knew that it was far below the standards that many of them would accept.?Those they had run into last night, found it charming and commented that the views well and truly made up for anything being different to what they would normally want.?Most of them had already organised their day trips for today.

When the made the decision on the wedding date, Hou Yi organised through Assistant Wang to book out this resort and some separate nearby accommodation, not only to accommodate their guests but protect them.?As Hou Yi said today would be interesting as there were several people arriving with bodyguards and seeing how all of them dealt together would be interesting.

Anna quietly slipped out of Hou Yi's arms and moved to the door onto the balcony and opened the curtains. She immediately saw, despite the waves that she could see, the weather looked perfect. As Hou Yi and Assistant Wang had been teleconferencing with Europe late into the night to deal with an emergency, she left him sleeping while she headed into the bathroom to get ready to head to the day spa with Rebecca, Rosemary, Susan, Alecia and Amanda for their hair and makeup to be done for today's photos to be taken along the Great Ocean road at some iconic sights, including the Twelve Apostles, Loch Ard Gorge, the Grotto and at elsewhere along the Great Ocean Road.

As she came out of the bathroom, dressed in casual clothes, there was a knock on the door. As she opened the door Rebecca, Rosemary, Susan, Alecia and Amanda all came into the room, and started talking, loudly.

All Anna could do was say "Damn it everyone …"

She was then interrupted by Hou Yi who said, "Hello Ladies."

A blushing Anna turned around and saw that at least Hou Yi had put on a dressing gown and pulled it across, chest before doing it up. Anna walked over and after giving him a brief kiss, told him she would see him in a couple of hours to head out for the pre-wedding photo shoot, and pushed him back into the bedroom.

At the same time Rosemary yelled out "Yi, just wait to see what our husbands have planned for you in the meantime."

With everyone else laughing, Rosemary grabbed Anna and pulled her out of the room, slamming the door behind her. Anna turned and angrily said "What have they got planned?"

Seeing an extremely angry and starting to get wound up Anna, Rosemary turned, and said "They all decided to drag Yi out to the farm and have him try and milk a cow by hand."

Alecia, simply burst out laughing, and Amanda looked curiously at her stepdaughter before asking "What is so funny about that."

"Well they will have Dad join in as well. Let me just say if they are anything like me, the two of them will be embarrassed like anything tonight when they play that footage at the rehearsal dinner."

Anna now trying to keep a straight face turned and asked, "Whose bright idea was that?"

"James'. He figured since you and Hou Yi are buying the land that Adam and Ben will run their farm on, Yi better know how to milk a cow or two."

"And the worst thing, is that they will then drag them into the dairy and show them how it is really done." Piped Alecia. "I remember how I felt but looking back it was funny."

"The lot of you are mean."

"Well it is clean fun and is better than what the boys were planning to do last night before he disappeared for that teleconference."

"Do not tell me then planned to do what they did for Ben's friends buck's night?"

"They did."

"Damn, that would be cruel."

Amanda and Alecia looked at each other, before Amanda asked, "What were they planning?"

"Well they took Ben's friend out, got him drunk, and then stripped him down to his underpants, before handcuffing him outside his bride's parents house. Mind you, that would have killed mum, and then I would not be worried about her behaviour tomorrow."

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