Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 91: Challengers and Lectures

Chapter 91: Challengers and Lectures

What the hell is wrong with the people here?! The moment Yu Yue stepped inside the house she started stomping the floor and complaining.

Did you see that Messengers eyes when he looked at Master?! Did you hear his tone that clearly said he was superior?! And whats with the other Disciples?! Shameless King?!?!?!?!? Are they talking about Master?!?!?!?!


Everybody was a bit taken back by Yu Yues sudden outburst of complaints. She had just arrived, and shes already exploding left and right?

Yan Yan shook her little Phoenix head, You are even more emotional than me when it comes to things like this Like I said, learn to ignore them or youll die from heart failure.

Ignore them? It is easier said than done! I dont know which World you grew up in, but from where Im from, such actions towards Master is impossible to think of! said Yu Yue.

.... Yan Yan looked at her---- and gave up.

Enough chitchat, I will arrange you your new rooms, said Xuan Wanshan.

Junior Sister Yixue, you can live in that room that is further down the hall. Junior Sister Yue, you can live in the one thats in the opposite direction Xuan Wanshan pointed to their rooms as she assigned them their rooms. Also, during their trip back from the Xiangliu Continent, all of them had decided to call each other Sisters to deepen their bond and make them seem less of a stranger to each other. They will be living together for a while, after all.

What about me? asked Yan Yan.

Uhh You can live anywhere you want?

She was a Phoenix after all

Good! Then which one is Masters room----

Anywhere but there said Xuan Wanshan.


Yan Yan, you can live with me! said Meng Xiang.

Thank you, but no thank you. I rather sleep outside. She feels more comfortable sleeping at places like the backyard she saw before coming inside the house. Phoenixes, in general, are just not meant to live in crowded places like houses.

It did not take long for these girls to settle inside their new room.

This is the type of place Master has been living in up to now? Yu Yue sighs to herself. Although the place itself was not bad, compared to what she has been living in for her entire life, it was just far too different.

Han Yixue, on the other hand, did not mind it as much. As a matter of fact, she even likes her new home! Compared to before where she was alone and had to share rooms with other servants, not only does she now has fellow Sisters to talk to, she even has a room for herself!

Just as they began feeling at home, a vigorous noise was made from someone knocking the door.

Yu Yue, who was already near the door went to open it. What is it? She asked the stunned young man in front of her.



Hello? She calls out to him again.

Ah! Sorry, but is fellow Disciple Tian Yi here? The young man finally snapped out of his stun and made himself seem tough when calling for Tian Yi as if he was someone superior. He was trying to impress this new beauty! Although Yu Yue was in a disguise, her beauty can easily overthrow the major of the beauties in the Sect!

Yu Yues eyebrow twitched once she heard his tone when addressing her Master, but she recalled the words Yan Yan spoke and calmed herself down.

Master is not here right now--


And she shuts the door in his face without waiting for a reply.

?!?!?!??!!?!?! The young man was bewildered. Did she just call him Master?. His blood instantly began boiling from jealousy. That Shameless King was not satisfied with a beauty like Xuan Wanshan and got himself another one when he has been coming over every day to see if he has returned so he can challenge him?!?! How atrocious!


He knocked on the door again, and with even more strength than last time.

The door opened again, but it was not Yu Yue who showed up. How can I help you? Asked a sweet and small voice.


If he was not stunned to the core with Yu Yues beauty, then he was truly shocked this time! Who the hell was this little kid with such a peerless face?!?!

Seeing how the young man was only standing there with his eyes wide open, Meng Xiang decided to just leave him there like that until he snaps out of it.


And the door shuts in his face again.



*BANG* *BANG* *BA-----

The door opened without waiting for the young man to finish.

If you are here to challenge Tian Yi, then just leave! An annoyed voice shouted at the young man.

S-Senior Xuan! He finally sees a face that he recognizes!

Hmm? Xuan Wanshan remembered this Disciples face. Arent you one of the two who had come to challenge Tian Yi previously?

Y-Yes, Senior is correct He has not given up even though he was chased away at that time, coming here every day even after they had left for the Phoenixs Continent!

Do you want to be beaten that badly? If you want, I can help you with that. I wouldnt want Master to waste his time too, Yu Yues voice came from behind Xuan Wanshan.

Eh? The disciple was bewildered. He, an Inner Court Disciple, wants to get a beating? From who? An Outer Court Disciple? How laughable!

What about me? A voice suddenly calls from behind.

Master, youre back! Yu Yue was excited to see him return so quickly.

?!?! The young disciple turned around to an ordinary looking young man walking towards his direction. The way he walked had this mystical feeling to it, but he ignored it and smiled.

Are you Disciple Tian Yi?! He shouted.

Yes, my name is Tian Yi. How can I help you, a fellow disciple? He showed a bright smile on his face as if he was talking to a fellow comrade.

Disciple Tian Yi! I am Disciple Hei Man, an Inner Court Disciple! He spoke with pride.

Without any changes to his expression, Tian Yi said, And what does an Inner Court Disciple want from me?

Eh? Disciple Hei Man did not expect Tian Yi to be so calm even though he just announced his identity. An Outer Court Disciple would normally be surprised if an Inner Court Disciple appears in front of him. However, not only did Tian Yis expression not change, he didnt even bother to greet him?!

Such arrogance! Now that hes finally here, I will give him a good beating and show him how strong he really is! Disciple Hei Man began laughing in his heart when he can already imagine beating Tian Yi to the ground.

Disciple Tian Yi, I have come here due to the many good things Ive heard about you, so I am here to see whether or not they are true! Do you dare to exchange notes with me?!

.... Tian Yi did not instantly reply, so Yu Yue replied instead, Master, you should just ignore this fool who cannot see Mount Tai.

Disciple Hei Man blood boiled even faster after hearing such an insult from a beautiful girl like her!

Because you are an Outer Court Disciple, I will limit the amount of Spirit Power I can use. If not, then I am afraid people will call me a bully, someone strong who bullies the weak!

Yu Yue has been training herself to be more professional when it came to her emotions, yet she could not help but almost burst out laughing. Master can tear your body into smithereens just by breathing, and you think you are the one being the bully?! My fellow sisters will love this story once they hear it, she thought. Yu Yue realized an easy way to ignore these rude Mortals. Treat them as a joke and just laugh it off!  

.... Even Xuan Wanshan was trying very hard not to break her serious expression.

Okay, I will accept your challenge. Tian Yi suddenly spoke.

I knew it! You are too scared to--- huh?

I said I accept your challenge. When do you want to do this?

Right now! said Disciple Hei Man. His blood has already boiled to the point that if he does not release it soon, he will explode!

Un. Tian Yi nodded. Take me to where we will be doing this.

Eh? Tian Yi, are you sure? I thought you didnt want to fight them? Asked Xuan Wanshan. She still remembers his little speech about why he will not be accepting any challenge.

I do not see this as a fight. I also happened to have promised the Sect Master something, and this is the perfect chance to fulfill it, said Tian Yi. A fight? That idea has never crossed his mind!

Ignoring the Sect Master part, Disciple Hei Man said, Senior, this is obviously not a fight! This is only a friendly exchange where we will be exchanging notes as fellow Disciples.

...... Xuan Wanshan was speechless at this Disciple. Did he really think such blatant lies can fool her?

Fellow Disciple Hei Man, allow me to grab a few things from my house before we leave, said Tian Yi.

Go right ahead! I will be waiting here! Disciple Hei Man stood there with his hands crossed and waited.

This will only take a second. Tian Yi walked into the house and came right back out.

T-Thats What the hell do you need a chair for? Asked Disciple Hei Man.

Ah, dont mind me. Lets hurry and exchange notes, I have things to do afterward, said Tian Yi.

Pei, you think you have what it takes to tell me what to do? But I will make this an exception since the only thing youll be hurrying is your journey to hell! Disciple Hei Man thought to himself.

Good! Then let us hurry! Disciple Hei Man began walking towards the direction where Disciple usually go to exchange notes.

Un. Tian Yi followed him, and the girls seemed to want to follow him.

Ah, you girls can stay here. I want you to help Han Yixue with her Spirit Power so that when I come back, we can do start the process of healing her eyes instantly, said Tian Yi, instantly shattering their hopes to follow him and increasing their curiosity.


Hey look, thats Inner Court Disciple Hei Man, and following him is that Shameless King! Looks like he has succeeded in making him take the challenge! The Disciples noticed the two walking towards the Fighting Halls, and decided to follow them.

Oh boy! This is what I have been waiting for since forever!

I cant wait to see that Shameless King gets beaten into a ball of meat! Hahaha!

Hurry and spread the news! Make sure nobody misses such a grand event!

But why does he have a chair with him?

Eh? Who cares about that! As if thatll save him from whatever is about to happen!

The news spread like wildfire, only taking minutes to reach the ears of almost every Disciple that are still inside the Sect.

Xiao Ying, who was currently with her friends could not help but tremble in excitement. These idiots are about to walk into hell themselves without realizing it! I cant wait to see the faces of these who laughed behind my back because of that incident!


In an open area at the Fighting Halls where Disciples go to settle their grudges or just do friendly spars, thousands of Disciples gathered there just to watch the new Disciple who was rumored to be a sex fiend who would even put his hands on his own Master and a little girl get beaten up.

Thats the Shameless King? Hes so ordinary looking

Right? How does he even manage to get laid, let alone obtain that always serious Xuan Wanshan? Did he feed her some weird medicine?

The Disciples mumbled nonstop as they pointed at Tian Yi who was on the stage with Disciple Hei Man.

Disciple Tian Yi, there will be special rules in this spar! One, you cannot forfeit! Two, you will lose only if you lose consciousness! It is too late to run now, so you will have to suck it up and get beaten until you lose consciousness! Laughed Disciple Hei Man.


Tian Yi looked at his fellow Disciple without any changes to his expression.

Un. He nods, acknowledging the special rules.

He doesnt seem scared at all? Why is that? Asked a Disciple.

Hes probably scared stiff! Hahaha!

Disciple Tian Yi, I am ready when you are! Disciple Hei Man takes out a long sword from his Storage Pouch. Ah, I also forgot to mention this--- but weapons are allowed!

Still no changes to his calm face, Tian Yi nods, I am ready. And he goes into action----


What the fuck is he doing?

The Disciples were bewildered at his actions.

Even Disciple Hei Man was baffled. What the hell are you doing? He asks Tian Yi who had just placed his chair down on the stage; and sitting on it

What? Are we not exchanging notes? Come, show me what you got. No matter what you do, Ill be sitting here without moving a muscle, said Tian Yi while he sits there as if he was watching the cloud.

H-Holy shit If thats not arrogance, then what is?! The Disciples were dumbfounded at his words.


Finally reaching his limit, Disciple Hei Man kicks the ground with an explosive force, throwing himself at Tian Yi with the sword aiming for his opponent's chest!

Their gap in distances closed in an instant, and Disciple Hei Man was already in front of Tian Yi, ready to lunge his sword forward!

The Disciples sucked in a deep breath, and the next moment had shocked them so much that they had forgotten to release the air back out!


The sound of metal hitting metal echoes throughout the halls.

Y-You Disciple Hei Man did not dare to believe his eyes.

He had lunged his sword with his full strength, yet the results he had expected never happened.


He looked at the scene in front of him with wide eyes, still not daring to believe. The sword that he lunged at Tian Yi with full strength not only did not make a hole in his chest, it didnt even scratch him!

Tian Yi looked at the sword tip that was touching his clothes, and said in a nonchalant tone, Why didnt you use your Spirit Power? Lecture one, no matter if you are God or an Immortal, underestimating your opponents will lead you to an early death. Now, try again. This time with Spirit Power.


The crowd was speechless! Not only did he give his opponent another chance, he was even lecturing him!?!? What kind of spar was this?! What the hell was even going on?!

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