Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 88: Goddess of War, Jiutian Xuannu!

Chapter 88: Goddess of War, Jiutian Xuannu!


Feng Li stared at the cool beauty in front of her as if she was inspecting her sons potential wife. One of Jiutian Xuannus most notable features was the pair of crimson eyes on her cold looking face. People had even given her the nickname Demon Eyes because whenever she was in War, all of her enemies would see the exact same thing before sleeping forever--- their own blood flying past her Demonic red eyes!

Y-You are that brats General?! I have never heard of such a thing! Being a General for the next Celestial Emperor is not something you can bullshit about! Even if he did appoint his own General, there is no way he would keep such a major thing from us! Said Tian Qiang as he suddenly appeared next to Jiutian Xuannu.

Feng Li sneered once Tian Qiang got close, and said, You still have enough guts to say such things when your own son ran away from you, and he even got two Personal Servant without telling you anything?

T-That. Tian Qiang was instantly shut down.

Jiutian Xuannu, can you explain to me your relationship with my son and how it happened? Asked Feng Li.

Hesitation could be seen in Jiutian Xuannus sharp eyes. The two people in front of her are the parents of her Master, but she was also given a direct order to never reveal their relationship until told otherwise.

You said you are Jiutian Xuannu, the Goddess of War? I have heard a lot about you and your Legend--- from your war achievements to refusing to serve the previous Celestial Emperor, my father. Even if what you said is true, that you are indeed my sons General, why would someone like you who has refused to serve the Tian Family before all of sudden agree to become my sons General? Tian Qiang did not hide his suspicions and asked her without holding back.

Jiutian Xuannu frowned, but not because of the question itself. It was because--- Your Majesty, this is not something that happened all of a sudden. I have been following his Highness as his General for the past 11 Years!


As if another thunder was stuck during a clear sky, Tian Qiang stood there stupidly with his jaw loose.

Feng Li was also dumbfounded, but she was still in the right mind to ask questions, 11 Y-Years ago? My son would only be 7 at that time, and you are telling me that he appointed you his General at that age? Maybe he did it without knowing what---

His Highness knew very well what it meant to appoint someone as his General at that time! Jiutian Xuannu rudely interrupted her.

This one would like to apologize for the rudeness, but this one has a busy schedule, said Jiutian Xuannu. Huan Yishu, are you willing to take the offer?

Eh? Ah--- He finally wakes up after being mentioned.

A sudden and loud voice filled with anger shouted, You dare call yourself his Highnesss General when you have the audacity to sell off the General of Heavens Medallion?! I call bullshit! If you are really his Highnesss General, then you would have known that the Medallion is more important than your life, you fake!

Before anybody could even react, General Xiang flew towards Jiutian Xuannu with a greatsword in his grasp--- swinging it down without holding back!

The strike was mighty; it was as if Heaven itself was behind that greatsword, supporting it!

Jiutian Xuannu did not expect to get attacked, but as the Goddess of War, she was used to situations as such.

Instantly tearing through the void with her bare hands, she takes out a weapon that did not lose in terms of sizes to General Xiangs Greatsword--- and she swings it!


The impact of the two Greatsword made the air tremble, and it created a massive wave of Spirit Power that exploded in every direction, throwing the surrounding people into the air like feathers in a storm.

Feng Li and Tian Qiang had long retrieved to a safe position. They did not interfere because they wanted to see what this self-proclaimed General of Tian Yi can really do. If she really was someone Tian Yi had appointed as his General, then she should be able to at least resist General Xiang by herself. Although Jiutian Xuannu has the General of Heavens Medallion, only Tian Yi himself can verify the Medallion because even his father cannot do it!

Every single Family in the higher Realms takes the position of a General very seriously, thus, everybody wanted their own to stand out. General Medallions are not only a symbol of status, it is also a symbol of power. Only those who are monstrous even among the talented would have a chance to be a General of certain Families. As for the Imperial Tian Familys Generals Other than those who are hailed as the strongest within the Universe, who else would have enough face to even ask for it? Although it was extremely rare for someone to make a forgery General's Medallion, it was not impossible. And as for those who have enough balls to make a forgery of the Imperial Tian Family General Medallion There have been no such cases since ever!

*Clang* *Boom* *Clang*

Hundreds of blows were exchanged in mere seconds, turning the once peaceful Minor World into a battleground.

As expected from the Goddess of War, definitely not some pushover! General Xiang secretly admired her. It was extremely rare for someone to stand properly when facing him, one of the Celestial Emperors General!

Jiutian Xuannu, on the other hand, was getting annoyed. All she wanted was the painting. She even went through the trouble of announcing to the World her secret relationship with Tian Yi, and this is the result? An all out battle with General Xiang, the General of the Celestial Emperor? Was the General of the Heavens Medallion not enough to prove her identity? Is it really that hard to believe her identity as Tian Yis General? Was it because she was not worthy in these peoples eyes? Just thinking about that pisses her off to the extreme!

Jiutian Xuannu glanced at the people below her, and what she saw were faces of clear disdain.

Now that General Xiang mentions it, what kind of General would be willing to sell off their Generals Medallion? Thats essentially selling away their life and identity!

She has truly gone mad after a million years of isolation Not only was she willing to throw away the Heavenly Weapons that she treasured more than her life, she even had the audacity to call herself a General of his Highness right in front of his Majesty and her Majesty!

Right? Although she is extremely powerful with many War achievements, she is only a rouge Cultivator with no backing. If only she did not refuse the previous Celestial Emperor

I have seen bad liars, but someone like her? Pei!

Jealousy--- that is the biggest reason for their disdain. It was not that Jiutian Xuannu being Tian Yi's General was impossible to believe; it was because they are not willing to believe her! Who was Tian Yi in the peoples eyes? He was their God! An unattainable Treasure! He has--- and is everything people desired! Looks! Power! Status! He was at the apex when it came to these three common things that everybody desired!

How could anybody there accept it when some random girl appears out of nowhere proclaiming herself to be his General, someone who is extremely important in his life?! And the most important thing was that she is a female! If it was a male who had proclaimed himself as his General, then they would not have been that quick to deny that possibility. But a female? Hell no! The females there did not see her as Tian Yis General but instead, they see her as either his concubine or his future concubine with no in-betweens! No matter which Family it is, when a female enters such an important position, then it was because she has something that the Master fancied! Especially when it is someone beautiful and strong like Jiutian Xuannu! Hell, even the previous Celestial Emperor fancied her beauty and strength! If not, then he would not have offered her a position in the Family.

Jealousy boiled in manys blood. They forced themselves to believe that someone as divine and pure as Tian Yi would never accept a blood thirsty woman such as Jiutian Xuannu who is always covered in blood!

*Bang* *Clang* *Boom*

The fight continued, but it was obvious that Jiutian Xuannu was starting to get pushed back. It was nothing shocking since her opponent is a General of the Celestial Emperor, the most powerful man in the Universe!


Jiutian Xuannu finally made a mistake and got pounded into the ground, creating a giant crater. However, even though he believed that she would not be able to stand by now, he still prepared for the killing blow. He was not willing to let someone like her alive. She, who dared to blasphemed a Generals Medallion, something he has the utmost respect for, let alone it being his Tian Familys Generals Medallion! His eyes radiated killing intent as he prepared to unleash his killing blow!

General Xiang, you can stop now. Tian Qiang finally intervened.

?!?! General Xiang instantly froze. But your Majesty! She dared to call herself his Highnesss General when----


A tremendous amount of Spirit Power suddenly erupted from the crater created by Jiutian Xuannus fall, cutting off General Xiangs sentence.

T-This Spirit Power is Feng Li instantly recognized the Spirit Power that appeared out of nowhere!

A figure slowly came out of the crater, and it was none other than Jiutian Xuannu, but there was something different about her! Her fierce and cold aura had suddenly turned warm and elegant, and her crimson eyes had turned Golden!

Y-You brat Tian Qiang pointed at Jiutian Xuannu with a trembling hand.

Jiutian Xuannu looked at him, and said, Is this enough to prove that I am indeed his Highnesss General?

She then turned around to face General Xiang once again.


General Xiang opened his trembling mouth to speak, but his words got stuck in his throat when he noticed that Jiutian Xuannu had disappeared from where she was just standing. And just as he noticed that--- something cold and sharp was touching his neck!

!!!!! He was instantly alarmed, but he was too shocked to move.

You wouldve died just now if you werent a Comrade, said Jiutian Xuannu in a cold tone.

T-That is Yiers Spirit Power That is impossible unless she has his blood in her body! If Feng Li was unable to recognize her sons own Spirit Power, then she is unfit to be called his Mother!

If you would have had just given me a chance to explain, then this wouldnt have happened. Huan Yishu! Jiutian Xuannu suddenly calls him out.


I will ask again, do you accept the offer?

Huan Yishu smiled, and said, Why would I reject such a priceless offer? Of course, I accept! Here you go! Without hesitation, he grabbed the painting and threw it towards Jiutian Xuannu who welcomed it with her Storage Pouch, sucking it inside.

W-what's the meaning of this? General Xiang asked. She clearly offered Huan Yishu her Generals Medallion, so why isnt he retrieving it?

Huan Yishu knew that everybody was confused, so he said, What Jiu--- General Jiutian offered me was not the Generals Medallion itself, but something else entirely different.

What? Other than that priceless General's Medallion, what else could possibly be worth more than one quadrillion Heavenly Jades? Asked someone in the crowd.

That is a secret between me and her. Since the painting has been sold, the auction has officially come to a close, which also means--- I AM OUT OF HERE! Your Majesties, it has been an honorable meeting! After saying that, Huan Yishu used a pre-prepared teleportation talisman, teleporting him somewhere far, far away. After what he had to experience today, he no longer wanted to sell anything else and isolated himself until it was time for Jiutian Xuannus offer to be fulfilled.

His disappearance was too sudden, leaving everybody dumbfounded. He started this crap by himself, yet he left without any injuries? Bullshit!

Tian Qiang and Feng Li ignored Huan Yishu, focusing their attention on Jiutian Xuannu--- who returned back to her cold demeanor.

You Did you already do that? Feng Li swallowed her built up saliva before asking with an out of character tone.

Jiutian Xuannu did not say anything and nodded shyly.



Every Soul there was struck by an invisible thunder again!

That? What does she mean by that?!

Why does she look so shy?! I have never seen her make that face even though weve known each other since forever! Cried Xi Wangmu.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I didnt want to believe it, but it was true! She really is his Highnesss General!

T-that's one position gone as his Highness's General out of the maximum amount of four

Everybody had already forgotten about the painting and is now focusing on the latest breaking news.

This damned brat really got himself a General without telling anyone If he kept such a secret to himself since 11 Years ago, then how more secrets would he have by now? Tian Qiang was too tired to be angry and could only sigh.

What do we do now? Feng Li asked him.

Do? What else can we do? We make her talk!


Jiutian Xuannu shook her head, and said, Master is calling me, so this one has to leave


Another shockwave was created.

You know where Ti--- his Highness is?! Tell me!

You know where my son is right now?! Where is he?!

You know where that brat is right now?! Give me his location! This is a direct order as the Celestial Emperor!

Three people shouted similar questions with different tones at the same time. Su Qi, Feng Li, and Tian Qiang.

Tian Qiang even activated his Spirit Power with the intention to restraint Jiutian Xuannu, but alas, Tian Yis Spirit Power was still lingering in her body, rendering his efforts useless.

With a mere thought, she used the same teleportation talisman Huan Yishu had used to escape, disappearing off somewhere in the Starry Sky.



The place instantly turned silent.



Thick veins began appearing on Tian Qiangs forehead, snapping people out of their shock.


Every single Soul there began scattering into the Starry Sky like pigeons being chased. Nobody there wanted to risk their lives to witness whatever is about to happen!

Just as the last figure left the World, an Earth shattering explosion happened, causing people to unconsciously look behind--- only to see the Minor World that they were just on completely in smithereens!

H-Holy shit! Going into closed Cultivation after returning would be a wise choice Many people had the same thoughts, and people began speeding through the Starry Sky putting their full Cultivation to work.


Big Broth--- Meng Xiang wanted to ask Tian Yi to play with her, but after seeing him stare at the sky with a blank expression, she turned around and began walking away.

Want to play? A voice suddenly called out to her.

Yes! She instantly turned around and began running towards Tian Yi with a smile on her face.

Seeing her sweet smile, Tian Yi also felt the urge to smile--- and he did.

Meng Xiang, do you want to be in a painting with me? He asked what seemed an odd question to her.

Despite not really understanding his question, she confidently replied with a huge smile on her face, Yes!

Good, because I happen to have an appointment with a very talented individual who likes to draw He said.


He knew about the painting? Well, I guess its not that shocking since pretty much the entire World knew about it the next day it was announced. Huan Yishu was whispering to himself while sitting in what seemed like a cave.

I hope hes not mad Ahhh, a meeting with the person himself, huh? That is truly an offer that cannot be tagged with a price!


Jiutian Xuannu was mending her wounds somewhere in a forest, and in front of her was an object covered with red cloth. I was wondering what he needed me for after contacting me for the first time in 11 Years Haaa She sighs. Well, I guess thats fine too since I will also get to see him again after 11 years Hehe A smile that nobody other than Tian Yi has seen before surfaced on her face. The cold and always serious Jiutian Xuannu was nowhere to be seen, and instead, there is what seems to be a shy girl who was excited to see her lover after many years of separation.

The Mortals Realm, huh? I havent been to such a place ever since I got the title Goddess of War

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