NTR Crush: I Will Steal Every Girl

Book 4: Chapter 4

Book 4: Chapter 4

So, what is the situation with level 5? I asked, and then grimaced bitterly. Although, I probably wont be able to buy any skills.

Actually, the most expensive skills in the game are only 50,000 points. Level five doesnt simply have 40,000 point skills. It also includes some at 20,000 and 30,000. Youre currently at 20,450 points right now, so you have just enough to purchase a skill. Of course, you also have your vanity points, but Im not sure you need them anymore.

Your dick is 7.5 inches, your thickness is 2.25 inches. Your attractiveness is 13 and your sexual stamina has risen up to 13 as well. You have the skills Dirt Scribe, Locked Promise, True Feelings, and Inner Desires.

Ah, is that so I said, still feeling a little flustered at having my dimensions read back to me so casually. Actually, for my vanity points, I think Ill do another 1-inch length, 0.75-inch thickness, and then the last point in attractiveness.

I was a little worried if I got too much more attractive. At 13, I already got many looks at the mall. For men, I was extremely attractive. I was afraid if I got much more attractive, I might lose some of my manliness, or it might lead to women that were too aggressive. As for dick size, at 8.5 inches long and 3 inches, I wouldnt dare make my dick any larger.

Are you sure? Netori asked. This is the last level that I will award you vanity points. After level 5, youll be on your own.

Is that so? I remembered that Netori always spoke on a need-to-know basis, so naturally, she didnt mention such rules. In that case, please do it. What about the abilities I can pick up? Can you list them all? I dont even remember some of the lower ones.  

Very well Netori clicked on her phone and a moment later I felt a weight around my penis as it grew in size, As far as abilities you can add, at the 40,000 tier is one ability. Its called Memorial. You become instantly more memorable. People who meet you will be unable to forget about you, and theyll recall you at random times.

It seems pretty basic, but I imagine its quite powerful?

Yes, its completely passive. It always works, and when a woman cant get you out of her head, doesnt attraction naturally follow? Especially when youre already an ikemen

Okay, what about the stuff I can afford?

Although being memorable sounded useful, it was something I wouldnt be able to earn in the immediate future. It wasnt one of the most expensive skills in the game, but its certainly close. I had to be very thoughtful about what skills I earned from now on.

Patience, there are two 30,000 point items which may be worth it for you, Netori explained. There is the skill Bold Desires and the skill Embarrassing Act. Bold desires increased the boldness of your target. They become more daring and more willing to try new things. Useful if youre talking a girl into something. Embarrassing Act makes the target feel incredibly Embarrassed. It can be used against your enemies or your girls.

Against my girls? How would embarrassing my girls do me any favors? I asked.

Netori chuckled. Sometimes, a girl becoming embarrassed is quite cute, dont you think? I think if you embarrass the right girl at the wrong time, she may seriously fall in love with you!

They both sound tempting, but I dont have the ability to purchase either one. Before I go to this all-girls school, Im feeling like I really need to have another ability to help me along. What do you have that I can afford today? I demanded.

She waved her hands. Very well, very well. Well get to the ones you care about. There is Pleasure Points, which pinpoints the points that make a girl crazy. There is the Gift of Gab, which makes you a smooth talker.  There is Perfect Penis, which makes everything more pleasurable. The two other abilities that opened up this level are Soft Touch, an ability that makes a girl more comfortable with your touch, and Perfect Gift, which allows you to determine the best gift to give a woman to win her heart the easiest way.

Dont forget, you also have Second Chance, Rape Forgiveness, Confusion, Cuck Break, and Slut Scale. These were cheaper abilities you could use. You could get multiple of these abilities if you really wanted them. The 10,000 point skills are Cheaters Trap, Manipulation, Safety First, and First Strike. So, do you have one youre interested in?

Usually, Id wait for the 40,000 point skill. I was never interested in cheap skills anyway. On the other hand, Manipulation allowed a girl to be changed. While yes, this could reduce points if I used it on someone I was chasing, after thinking about it for some time, I realized I could also use it on other people too. For example, I could manipulate the best friend to talk me up to her girlfriend. I could manipulate a principal into overlooking a discretion. I could manipulate a guy into letting me fuck his woman. There were plenty of ways to manipulate people to help me get laid. Itd be especially powerful if I tied it with the gift of gab.

Now that I had so many skills, I was seeing these kind of connections everywhere. Confusion, for example, could make a girl more easily sleep with me, and then Cheaters Trap could cause her to continue to sleep with me. Of course, many of the best combinations seemed to require a 10,000 point tied with a 20,000 point. I couldnt afford that right now.

Ill take Manipulation and Safety First. I decided on picking out two skills instead of one.

Safety First protected me from venereal diseases as well as making a girl pregnant. After the accusation from Gina and my means of claiming vengeance on the basketball team, I was worried that such weapons might be used against me. I felt it was time to stop being controlled by others, and it was about time that I started influencing my own fate. I wouldnt be at other peoples mercy any longer.

Okay Netori responded.

Okay? I blinked, a little surprised and thinking she might push back a bit. I thought you might be unhappy that I was picking an ability you previously rejected.

Netori shook her head. Not at all. It was always my desire that Hakaru-kun comes into his own and eventually decides on how he wanted to progress. I can see in your eyes that you are ready for the next step. If I attempted to hinder that, I would only be hindering myself.

Since that business is out of the way, then perhaps Netori would be open to trying out some of my modifications? I offered, a dark feeling swirling inside me.

Hmm? Im a goddess, Hakaru, Ive already said, your abilities are useless on me. Netori replied arrogantly.

Is that so? Somehow, I think any woman, even a goddess, would enjoy an 8-inch cock with a three-inch thickness!

As I said this, I stood up and spun around. Of course, my cock was fully erect, displaying the full larger size. Her eyes fell on it, and for a moment, the scene caused her to hesitate with a gasp. I exploited that moment and so I grabbed her and pulled her to me. Our lips touched for just a moment before her body disappeared and she was floating somewhere over Akiko. She shook her fist my way, a blush on her cheeks and an angry expression on her face. Although even with that, I could tell that her eyes were secretly a little happy.

You youre the one who has become too bold! Im going to leave while you cool off. Use that on one of your women.

You are one of my women. I declared.

Hm you may have Netorares heart, but dont think Im so easy to steal! I am the one who steals! With those words, she disappeared, but the melancholy atmosphere since we had fought a few weeks ago seemed to have completely diminished.

I considered that Id need to be bold with her more often. Netori was a thief, but she was also a coward in some ways. Despite her inner desires, she was inclined to run away when things got too difficult. From now on, I decided that when she ran, Id definitely have to chase her. Things between the pair of us would need to start to change. Netori would become mine.

Looking down at the softly snoring Akiko, I sniffed. She smelled like sex and had dried cum on her legs. I didnt feel like banging that hoe some more. Instead, I opened the door and slipped out into my hallway while grabbing some rope I had on my counter. My eyes aligned on my sisters door. I hadnt played with her tonight. I took a few steps toward her room when suddenly I heard someone clearing their voice.

I looked over to see Mom standing there with her arms crossed. I was halfway between my room and my sisters room. I was completely naked, and while my cock wasnt at full erection, it was certainly enlarged and the 8-inch behemoth was on full display. To add insult to injury, I had a rope in my hands, which made whatever I was doing quite devious.

My My Ookii! Mom said breathily, eyeing me up and down.

M-Mom? I let out a noise with a breath. Um I um had to go to the bathroom.

With a rope in your hands? She asked, raising an eyebrow.

I uh like to choke myself with this rope which I masturbate to obtain an orgasm?

Actually, I could probably run with that. It was slightly less damnable than the truth.

You were going to go rape your sister.

Ah m-mom that

Dont deny it! She growled angrily.

I was at a loss of what to say. I thought that Maria and I had done a good job of being discrete. Maybe shed think we were unhealthily close, but why would she jump to me raping her? Wouldnt you leap to anything but that when your family was involved?

Be bold. That was just what I decided with Netori. Would the same boldness help me deal with my mother? I had never really stood up to her before. There were a few times I told her off, but it was always right before I ran away, either off to bed or to school or something else. Today, I felt like I was genuinely trapped with nowhere else to escape.

I took a deep breath. Be bold. If it is good enough to handle a goddess of an indeterminate age, then it also should work on my Mother.

Youre right, Mother, I said, straightening my back and staring at her defiantly. Ive been banging your daughter for a while. Shes just one of my women who I enjoy for fun.

I expected mom to be shocked, or possibly angry. Instead, she let out a soft and sultry laugh. Is that so? Is my son finally taking what he wants?

Those words caught me by surprise for a moment. They were so close to the kind of things Netori might have said. Taking what I want, that was the name of the game.

Then, if you understand, Ill be going I turned to head towards my sisters door.

I forbid you from going into her room. Mothers laughter suddenly ended, and a serious expression formed on her face.

I-if you wont let me have my sister, then Ill just have you instead! My threat felt slightly hallow in my ears, but I had already committed to being bold.

Oh? Mothers expression turned dangerous, but to my complete surprise she suddenly reached behind herself, unbuttoned the back of her dress, which fell down, revealing her in nothing but black lacy underwear, If that is my sons desire, I wonder if youre bold enough!

My cock was fully erect now.

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